Sent From A Friend;
Liberals/democrats falsely tell us crime is due to unequal social conditions and therefore we are told if we to go easy on criminals that will make a better society. In determining where the boundaries of the individual criminal’s protected sphere are to be drawn, the important question is what are the actions of other people that we wish to see prevented that would actually interfere with a reasonable expectations of the protected criminal. We were told that we suffer from social evils, but in reality we now suffer from the remedies for them, which the momentum of the overextended machinery of big government is likely to increase rather than mitigate. The principal of equality to the general rules of law, and moral and social conduct, are the only equality which we can secure without destroying liberty, what is commonly called the democratic spirit and even our physical selves Liberty demands that individual differences provide no justification for government to treat them differently. And it objects to the differences in treatment by the state.
How has ignoring the above being working? Analysis of crime data shows that high-crime counties are governed largely by liberals/democrats, driving up the crime rates in their otherwise red states.
Facts are powerful and stubborn things. Unfortunately, some on the Left have tried to advance their arguments by using facts about state murder rates that, while technically true, are at best meaningless when taken out of context and at worst misleading and downright dangerous when used as the basis for public policy decisions.
Those on the Left know that their soft-on-crime policies have wreaked havoc in the cities where they have implemented those policies. It is not hard to understand why “reforms” such as ending cash bail, defunding the police, refusing to prosecute entire categories of crimes, letting thousands of convicted felons out of prison early, significantly cutting the prison population, and other “progressive” ideas have led to massive spikes in crime—particularly violent crime, including murder—in the communities where those on the Left have implemented them.
But crime tends to be a hyper-localized phenomenon. State-level data are generally meaningless—except as a tool with which to score political points. More to the point, when the crime statistics from the deep-blue big cities within these otherwise deep-red states are removed, what happens? The state-level crime rates fall—in some cases, dramatically. Until recently, crime, including violent crime, has been declining across the United States since the peak of the last crime wave in 1992.
The cumulative effect of these events contributed to and in large part set the conditions for increased crime across much of the country, especially in cities where the toxic trio of rogue prosecutors, defund the police zealotry, and demonization/demoralization of the police existed. In those cities and others with some mixture of this toxic trio crime has exploded across most categories, including but not limited to murder. A super majority of those cities, even in otherwise red states, are deep blue and run by left-wing ideologues.
Not surprisingly, of those 30 cities, 27 have lib/dem mayors, the exceptions being Lexington and Jacksonville, which have Republican mayors, and Las Vegas, whose mayor is an Independent. Within those 30 cities there are at least 14 Soros-backed or Soros-inspired rogue prosecutors. Those Soros bought-and-paid-for or inspired rogue prosecutors include: Jason Williams, New Orleans Parish District Attorney; Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney; Kim Gardner, St. Louis Circuit Attorney; John T. Chisholm, Milwaukee County District Attorney; Larry Krasner, Philadelphia District Attorney; Kim Foxx, Cook County (Chicago) State’s Attorney; Raul Torrez, Bernalillo County (Albuquerque) District Attorney; Mike Freeman, Hennepin County (Minneapolis) Attorney; John Creuzot, Dallas County District Attorney; Glenn R. Funk, Nashville District Attorney General; Santana Deberry, Durham District Attorney; George Gascon, Los Angeles County District Attorney; Chesa Boudin, San Francisco District Attorney;Alvin Bragg, Manhattan District Attorney. In the 14 cities with Soros-backed rogue prosecutors, there were 1,752 homicides, representing 68% of homicides in the top 30. Every Soros rogue prosecutor listed above is a lib/dem.
A closer examination of the local officials in the counties and cities listed above reveals that the vast majority of them are libs/dems. Your public safety as a resident is dramatically impacted by your district attorney and whether he or she is a Soros rogue prosecutor or a law-and-order prosecutor, by your police department, and by whether the local politicians support and adequately fund the police and prosecutor’s offices.
This is why the Soros rogue prosecutor movement has concentrated its fire at identifying, recruiting, and funding candidates for local district attorney races. By elevating pro-criminal, anti-victim zealots into office, the rogue prosecutor movement destabilizes the safety of the community, treats criminals as victims and the police as the criminals, and ignores real victims.
Whether a state as a whole voted for Trump or biden has nothing whatever to do with the homicide rates within its constituent parts. Policies do, which include but are not limited to:
- Refusing to prosecute entire categories of misdemeanor crimes, including theft, drug possession, shoplifting, receiving stolen property, breaking and entering, destruction of property, disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and more.
- Forbidding prosecutors from including sentencing enhancements or allegations of prior convictions or special circumstances for egregious crimes or actions.
- Forbidding prosecutors from seeking the death penalty in any case.
- Forbidding prosecutors from seeking life without parole sentences for any crime.
- Refusing to prosecute violent teenagers in adult court for such crimes as murder, child abuse, and rape.
- Requiring prosecutors to ask for the release of duly convicted violent felons, whose appeals have been denied, after these felons have served as least 15 years of a longer sentence.
- Prohibiting or limiting prosecutors from asking for bail to ensure the presence of the defendant at the next court hearing and/or taking into consideration the defendant’s prior criminal record.
Lowering America’s rising crime rates requires that localities repudiate their pro-criminal, anti-victim policies that contribute to lawlessness in blue counties.
Beginning in 2015 with the election of kim foxx, fthe irst of the george soros–funded/promoted rogue prosecutors, as Cook County (Chicago) State’s Attorney, cities with rogue prosecutors have imposed policies that all—each and every one of them—inure to the benefit of criminals. Such policies have contributed to the lawlessness across so-called blue cities and the steep rise in crime rates across America. To suggest now that Republican elected officials who have followed different policies have contributed to crime increases is at best laughable, at worse its liberal/democrat identity politics that’s literally killing us.