We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



I saw a promo for the Samantha Bee talk show on tv that said the violence problem in our nation is guns. This puke is a looney libtard moron who is so full of hate for God, America, and the American way (liberty) that she can't be even remotely rational. She also hates President Trump with a passion that is just as evil as it is irrational. Liberals want all of us defenseless in the face of evil despite the abundance of examples that prove their premise not only incorrect but downright stupid. Baltimore, Maryland and Chicago, Illinois are famous for being "gun free zones", cities where no one is allowed to possess any kind of firearm yet are the gun murder meccas of America. Liberals contend only police and military should have access to firearms. That plan has worked out well in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Communist China hasn't it????? Take a look at who is committing mass murder with guns, every one of them a liberal demonkrat. None of my guns has ever committed mass murder nor have I used one of my guns to commit any crime, much less mass murder. Guns ARE NOT the problem in America, never have been and never will be, unless of course, We the People lose the ability to defend ourselves from lunatic liberals or a despotic government such as demonkrats desire to impose on us. Sadly, many Americans have bought into the liberal lies and are not intelligent enough to see where the liberal agenda will take them. What America needs is a large dose of God back in the public forum. Since any reference to Jehovah or Jesus Christ have been outlawed by libtard morons we have seen evil explode. Liberals throw a hissy fit any time a Christian even thinks about speaking aloud about our beliefs but moslems can openly spout about their "god", allah, without so much as a raised eyebrow. The moslem major that murdered more than a dozen soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas a few years ago, as in all school shootings, succeeded because there was no one who could stop it because "guns aren't allowed " in those areas. If gun free zones are so safe why does EVERY mass murder occur in one? I can't wait for a liberal to explain that one rationally. They won't even try because they know there is no intelligent explanation so they revert to their "ban guns" claptrap. I often wonder why liberals don't demand that police and military also give up guns, that way only Godless liberal crazies would have guns and they could murder anyone and everyone whenever they want to. I like a lot of the programs on TNT but am no longer going to watch that network because it is blatantly left wing and totally against liberty.

"Getting rid of guns" will not only not work, it wouldn't solve the problem of violence and murder if it could be done. Murder comes from a lack of moral direction not from access to guns. Libtards decry gun violence yet have condoned the mass murder of tens of millions of unborn children through abortion. Calling the murder of an unborn child under the lie of "a woman's right to choose" has severely cheapened life in liberal circles. Liberals have no respect for God given life but rather demand the exclusive right to decide who lives, who dies, and under what circumstances those decisions are made. Realistically, liberals expect everyone to bow to their demands no matter how ridiculous or how evil. Only returning to honoring Almighty God, Jehovah, will solve our nation's violence woes but liberals go into conniption fits at the idea of honoring the Creator of all things, including this nation. Our founders, or at least most of them, were devout Christians who sought God as they waged the military and political battles that resulted in the formation of our nation as a Constitutional Representative Republic. The USA IS NOT a democracy as some erroneously claim, it is a representative republic based on a Constitution that liberals hate because it guarantees the God-given rights listed for the benefit of all citizens, rights that liberals seek to deny to anyone not on their team. Other factors liberals refuse to acknowledge are the glorification of violence, especially as related to guns, in movies and video games

Solving the nation's slide into gun violence is an easy two-step process, first repent and turn to God, and second stop the incessant glorification of violence in movies and video games. It is sad that such simple solutions are beyond the capability of liberals to comprehend. One day Jesus is going to come back and rescue believers from the insanity imposed by liberals and leave them to stew in their own insanity while their "god", satan, torments them. . I pray daily asking God to remove the blinders on the eyes and hearts of liberals and to touch their hearts so they will turn to Him and save themselves and the nation from destruction.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

September 1, 2019

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