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Just when we thought it could not get any more disgusting....

SICK! New Planned Parenthood Video Features Advisor Saying “EVERYTHING WE PROVIDE IS FRESH”

This may be one of the worst Planned Parenthood videos so far. An official laughs and sips her drink as she talks about eyes, hearts, spinal cords and gonads. She also says everything they provide is “fresh” as if she was talking about pieces of meat.


Hot Air has a partial transcript:

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” says Dr. Westhoff to a prospective fetal organ buyer. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.” Westhoff continues, “Obviously, we would have the potential for a huge P.R. issue in doing this,” before offering to introduce the buyers to “national office abortion people” from Planned Parenthood.

If you made this up, no one would believe you. It’s like something out of a horror movie.


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Dems never let anything like ethics get in the way of their agenda. They will plow right through.

AP Photo/Eric Gay

Doctors: Planned Parenthood All About

Deceptions on Women’s ‘Health’ and

‘Fetal Research’

Physicians tell Breitbart News that Planned Parenthood’s claims its primary focus is “women’s healthcare” and that it harvests fetal organs to enable medical breakthroughs are deceptions.

NO-ONE,.. should ever be fooled. Planned Parenthood’s primary focus is “suckling tax payer cash from the BIG Government's teat”. Planned Parenthood’s despicable, vile, and demonic morals are absolutely secondary to its uncontrolable "lust for tax payers cash".


Please step back and don't let the individual trees block your view of the much bigger picture forrest.

And then you will understand the broader, wider view which better exposes Planned Parenthood as being no different than any other group of addicted junkies or individual addicted junkie, its just that their "compulsive physiological need" for, and use of, "a habit-forming substance", IS Tax Payer Cash,.. instead of heroin, nicotine, or alcohol.


So why would we expect them to display values or morals "that differ in any way", from any other junkie~addict as they demonstrate through their video taped actions, just what they are willing to do in pursuit of their compulsive physiological need for "their habit-forming substance", tax payer cash?

Ponder and think on that question for a moment!


Just look at what other junkies will do to get money for their junk, they will often kill innocent adults for $5.00 to get money for their junk, and think NOTHING of it! Now do you understand the leaders of Planned Parenthood’s REAL motives a little more clearly in killing babies and thinking nothing of it?


You have heard the old saying many times, "follow the money". Women's health? Don't make me laugh till I puke, babies are females too, and they indiscriminantly part them out like old salvaged Buick's for their parts.

It's really all about an insatiable LUST for hundreds and hundreds of milllions of tax payer dollars.

Everything else is merely a "SMOKE SCREEN to cover-up a demonic criminal enterprise".


"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny" 


You have found and displayed the Union, EPA, HHS, DOE, and many others that finance Democrat programs and elections with our tax dollars. they hide behind non disclosure agreements and court cases settled outside court trials.

One way or another it is all about the money.......



Take away the 575 milion tax payer dollars and Planned Parenthood dries up like an old scab, and blows away.


575 milion tax payer dollars goes to the Planned Parenthood criminal enterpise, but more importantly, many tens of millions of dollars of that confiscated tax payer money is "laundered" through the Planned Parenthood criminal enterprise "front" end and then ends up as direct payments or PAC money paid out to leftist Progressive "baby killer ENABLERS".


A concealed circle of confiscated tax payer dollars, circulating round and round to lefty progressives and their empowered despicable criminal cronies.

Effectively, a well rounded system to provide continuous MEGA-DOLLARS to the baby killer enterprizes, but very importantly, it also provides mega funds to help continuously defeat conservatives that would cut off their funding from the government teat were they ever elected and empowered.


You have heard the old saying many times, "follow the money", and the tax payer money given to the Planned Parenthood criminal enterpise, is part of an enterprise that is way more multilayered and complicated and way more entangled in corruption than the laughably bold farce of simply providing womens health care that is just a "thin veil" for a criminal enterprise.





You have heard the old saying many times, "follow the money"

Yes it is what should always be investigated first because almost everything is greed based.

IT seems like it is ALWAYS to HELL with human life.....MONEY TRUMPS ALL!

I think you are on to something, however I see Planned Parenthood’s as more of money a laundering Menckenism used by the Democrats.  The government gives Panned Parenthood millions of dollars and  in turn PP gives millions of dollars back to Politian's in campaign donations. Its not just PP who is doing this it is going on all over the place with other Non Profits, environmental organizations, and businesses. Publishers print books written by Politian's then Unions buy thousands of copies to gain political favors.   

DD I like your passion on the subject and I agree most of the time that is exactly the way it is.

Bull: I sadly agree it is going on all over the place....not  just PP.

I think you are on to something, however I see Planned Parenthood’s as more of money a laundering Menckenism used by the Democrats.  The government gives Panned Parenthood millions of dollars and  in turn PP gives millions of dollars back to Politian's in campaign donations

The majority of politicians belong to the Greed Club.




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