Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Thanks goes out to LH for finding this article.
My Synopsis of article stressing talking points we need to disseminate to everyone possible including our Representatives.
During the 30's Depression there was a common man that lent hope to the starving and demoralized masses. His name was James J. Braddock, and Russell Crowe portrayed him in the movie Cinderella man, as the champion of the common man. Where is our Generation's "Champion"?
Talking points;
1. The parallels between the 30's Depression and Today are chillingly similar.
2. Then as now Government, banking, politicians, and media control the public Rhetoric and deny the truth everyone can see first hand. The truth being 'We are in the midst of another contrived Great Depression'.
3. Although the combined assault by those in charge to distract us from it, the depression we are now, in is as deep and damaging to the average American as was the 30's Depression. The exception is now we have some safety nets but those are fast failing, but the same old claptrap 'Recovery' propaganda is still being spouted.
4. The current Administration is trying to use the same Socialist policies that failed during the 30's and led us into WWII.
5. Consider Obama's failed strategy $800 B stimulus,cash for clinkers,tax holidays(Payroll), unlimited student loans, all these have added $9.4 Trillion or an increase of 94% over 8 years. FDR who Obama so brightly tried to emulate created an increase in the National Debt of 115% over an 8 year period.
6. Neither Obama's program nor FDR's program had a positive effect on the Depressions, and many believe FDR's manipulations actually extended it. Future times will determine what Obama's have done.
7. Compare the Depression era photo's with modern day photo's and you see the results to people are the same.
8. With both the Obama and FDR administrations one theme pervades, neither did anything to actually help end the bread and soup lines.
9. The mental lightweights point to the lack of bread lines and soup kitchens to 'Prove' we are not in the throes of another depression. That is Pure Propaganda promoted by the powers that be and their lap dog lackeys who tell the misguided public what to think. Remember: EBT = Soup Kitchen.
10. Obama and crew say we are in a solid recovery, so why are approx. 15% of ALL Americans in need of Food Stamps for basic survival from starvation?
11. The last accurate figures showed Employment below 5% Food Stamps families were below 8%. So why are 17% of households dependent either exclusively or partially dependent on Food Stamps for survival?
12. If as Obama maintains, we are out of the Recession/Depression, WHY are 6 Million Americans needing to go on Welfare over the next two years after 2009?
12. In 2016 all levels of Government combined are expected to spend $1.08 TRILLION on welfare.
13. In 2009 18.6% of the population needed Government assistance, and after 3 years of Obama Recovery programs that number was inflated to 21.3% by 2012 with 41.6% of African Americans and 36% of Hispanics making up the majority of that number if Recovery were actually happening?
14. Spending over $1 TRILLION per year just to sustain the welfare rolls indicates the Depression has not been touched.
15. Where is the Media Coverage of all the packed food lines and homeless living on the streets? Look around the poorer locations of any large city and you will see them out in force.
16. Food banks and other charities are losing ground daily to keep up with the needs. Did you know that 1 in 7 American Families have no choice but to rely on those food banks and charities just to feed themselves? Thats over 46 MILLION people.
17. Why are we giving billions to foreign aid when our people are suffering?
18. Why are the Administrations Cronies allowed to continue gouging and plundering the nations wealth with Faux charities to enhance their power,prestige,and pocket books when so many Americans can barely eke out survival?
19. Hillary expounds on false rhetoric condemning the excesses of the ultra Rich when the Public Financial Reports from 2015 that were filed indicate the Clintons NET WORTH is $ 31.3 MILLION. I don't believe that includes the assets from the Clinton Foundation Slush Fund.
20. The disparity in wealth like we are experiencing today has only happened once before in the United States, and that was during the Great Depression when the Democratic Socialists also Ruled with an Iron Fist.
21. In our Stagnant economy every action taken since 2008 has only benefitted the Rich and Powerful Crony Capitalist Elites.
22. If you want to see the blatant Propaganda exhibited by the Progressive Elites look at what has been disseminated by the Bureau of Labor; Working age population 253.9 million, Employed 151.6 million w/27M part time, 15M self employed, and, 22M Government workers contributing nothing to the economy. the Bureau reports the unemployment rate is at 4.9%, that translates out to 102.3M working age not working but only 7,8M are unemployed by the Bureau's statistics. Do the math America.
23. The percentage of people over 55 working is at an all time high, while the prime working ages of 25-54 is at an all time low. Hoe can that be in Obama's Recovered Economy?
24. Look at the prices, Obama says wages grew at 1.5% annually and the figures show they only grew by 2% over the last 5 years.
25. Inflation of necessities to live increase over 5% annually but real earnings only have increased .25%.
26. Even using the highly manipulated Consumer Price Index the average Household income is lower than it was in 1989.
27. During the 30's depression the actual figures for unemployment bounced between 15% & 25%. and people had to stand in highly visible lines for their dole. Now even that is hidden from public scrutiny by EBT direct deposit.
28. The Administration unemployment figures show 4,9% but the actual rate is calculated to be 9.7%
29. The Government started the unemployment lies in 1994 when they removed everyone except those collecting unemployment checks and allowing those who has exhausted their benefits to drop off the rolls.
30. The real unemployment figures can be found at Shadowstats;
( ) showing the actual rate for unemployment is 18% to 23%, matching the figures of the 30's Depression's WORST YEARS.
31. Look at another piece of propaganda, the Stock Market. It shows it has gone up 165% since 3/09, however they fail to tell you that's after the 55% plunge from the 2007 high.
32. Compare the figures between now and the 30's markets. in 29 it fell 86% and soared by 260% between 32 & 37 even though the Country was in the throes of the deepest part of the Depression. The Elites weren't, only the little guy.
33. The 260% only benefitted the .o1% who were enriched by the money coming in from the new deal. come forward 80 years and we have basically the same dynamic going on today with just enough difference to hide the facts.
34. In reality our economy (GDP) has grown only 15.4% since 2009, the Obama years. so we have been in an economic recession since 2000 and a full blown depression since 2008.
35. Banks financial schemes and the FED printing Fiat Money has resulted in a Credit Market Debt of 381% peaking in 2010. Compared to a 30's debt of 261% at it's peak.
36 Both FDR & Obama tried with FDR's New Deal and Obama's Keynesian tactics to lift the country out with the same failure of results. in 2016 our Debt still stands at 345%.
37. Our current debt is at $19.4 Trillion and that's about 106$ of our GDP. With the screw ups of our leaders this Depression will be called 'The Greater Depression' by future pundits.
38. If you still don't believe the Democratic Socialists are spouting lies, look at the interest rates, they should be at 4% and not locked down to .25% and thinking about negative rates (apparently that's where you pay the bank every quarter for holding your money) the likes of which have failed across Europe.
39. Look at another Democratic Great innovation from 1913. That's when Capitalism changed from saving and investing into borrowing and spending for the first time. Think Federal Reserve and W. Wilson administration.
40. here is a quote from Stanley Fischer Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve;“Well, clearly there are different responses to negative rates. If you’re a saver, they’re very difficult to deal with and to accept, although typically they go along with quite decent equity prices. But we consider all that and we have to make trade-offs in economics all the time and the idea is the lower the interest rate the better it is for investors.”
41. 8 years ago people could earn risk free 4% interest in a money market fund meaning a $250.000 investment would generate about $10,000 annually. Today it only generates $600.00
42. Today's Federal reserve schemes only serve to enhance the Wall Street Establishment at the expense of everyone else.
43. Now Negative Yielding bonds are being circulated as a stop gap to fend off collapse.
These are but a few of the talking points we need to distribute to the public and confront our Representatives with at every turn to bring them back to reality and also let them know we are on to their schemes. For complete and in depth information, please read the source article, as I have only created the barest synopsis of it here.
All charts and graphics are taken from original article.
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