Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
The assertion that conservatism is not dependent on ideology, politics or religion, which I agree with, comes from the" Conservative Mind" of Russell Kirk; an acolyte of Bill Buckley.
Reflect a moment on the deadly impact the cult of Islam, masquerading as a religion, has had on the heart and mind of the Muslim.
Further, consider the 6th Commandment; "Thou shalt not kill" Before it is a moral order it is a behavior that must be adhered for culture /society to survive.
So too w/the 7th,"Thou shall not commit adultery" Why? Because permitting it destroys the Family Unit, the foundation of civilization.
The Ancients understood that experience rather than morality is sufficient to grasp the eternal wisdom of these principles.
I had a pollster call yesterday and they caught me in a good mood so I agreed to talk to them.
Every question had as a list of answers the cliche liberal vs conservative responses. Absolutely none of them could I choose honestly, and finally I decided I smelt a rat and just told them I didnt have time for this and hung up.
Even though the LNP is a ship of fools and nothing to do with the classic libertarian ideals that springs from the concept of self ownership it is impossible to have any sort of debate and exclude it due to just how many have, though reason, adopted this philosophy.
I concur this is anything but accidental, yall have to fit into nice neat boxes or else they dont know which lie to feed you, my guess of course.
BTW the sixth commandment originally(and properly) was "Thou shall not commit murder", else how would it wash with the Israelite army in it's conquest of the Canaanites. There is a monumental difference after all. One not lost on the persons of the time.
Actually Thomas the sixth commandment was originally "Thou Shall Not Commit Murder" A distinction that was well know in those days. I still say that Conservatism today is strongly influenced by the old standard Moral code the progressives have trashed. It used to be that the geay area was very narrow and the ideas of right and wrong were influenced by the Judeo-Christian traditional moraes.
The Douay-Rheims Version of the Old Testament uses the words "Thou shall not kill." Period.
And so what????? It's has absolutely nothing to do w/my core point, namely that the Decalogue is intuitive if culture/society is to survive and prosper and a religious impulse isn't necessary to to grasp that cold fact. The Natural Law is an inherent reality as Plato and the wise Greeks internalized 500 years B.C.
Both Locke and Burke saw the grave danger in conflating conservatism w/religion as they understood that Man is not a perfectible creature nor is paradise possible in this life.
But the secular heretics refuse to accept this reality and an earthly paradise has been their siren song since the French Enlightenment from assorted crackpots among them Voltaire, Rousseau, St.Just, Diderot; among others; all cloaked in the instincts and jargon of religion. A prime example is the social gospel nostrum beloved by lefties masking their lust for power. Does Karl Marx ring a bell???
Religion is other worldly in focus w/a strong spiritual pull and a vital component of our existence. But as for me, the farther principled conservatism stays from religion. the better for both of them.
All I am saying is that the religions excepting Islam gave us the moral foundations from whatever source that was once the underpinnings of American Society when it was on the build and not as now when it's on the decline mainly because the Progressives have tricked us into deserting those moral underpinnings. Progressives have turned it around to show crime and corruption does pay or Hillary would have had to answer for her actions instead of being given a free ride Legally when there was enough tangible evidence to force her to answer in Court under oath and face her accusers. Many on her side of the fence believe there is not enough evidence. I believe there is physical evidence in the form of e-mails and even those may be considered circumstantial but Circumstantial evidence has been used to bring multitudes to trial for a finding of the facts in a structured environment.
I used that little tirade deliberately to show the difference between what once was in America that was considered Conservative in what was once considered a common sense way. A way we seem to no longer adhere to with the New Wave bull crap put out by the Liberals to replace traditional ans I might add Workable values.
Hows the sanity Hank?
The greatest contribution of Star Trek to the wisdom of mankind was this simple pearl;
In an insane society it is the sane man that must appear insane.
As we watch this civilization grow more insane by the day the gravity of that truism becomes exponential, not unlike a spaceship approaching the theoretic event horizon of a black hole from which there is no escape.
Imagine a world where people take such utter nonsense as scientology(sic) for truth and you have the insane society. I only wish it was the worst of it.
Last night most of us watched the the thrusters of our little spaceship propel us into final descent. Though how many understood what they saw is an unknown, rational thinking is not an "in thing" recently, or ever really.
Even a protest at this point seems absent of much value but that's a judgement call. BFYTW still rings with a bit of tone.
Anyway I guess as long as person isn't holding steel paddles and being interrogated as a means of spirituality they have not hit bottom yet.
Here's to sanity, wherever it may be.
I have to say thank you again. I have learned.
And from the sidelines (or rather from outside the stadium) the libertarians say...
"BFYTW" the union mantra of the union candidate who's union mentors are controlled by Organized "Ronger Together" Crime who actually put Bill and Barack in office. More precisely, "FYYFF" is much more indicative of their collective, organized, tone.
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