We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

For some reason I cannot find my thread Obama's religion of Peace or it is not visible to me. If you all can see it or know where it is please let me know.  When I click on old link to it this comes up.

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I cannot find the thread on Ferguson and the Black Lives Matter Movement either. You might be being censured. After all the time you put in on this site, I hope that is not the case but the PC police might be in action on here. Also how do they choose top content on here when your threads had the most views and posts? You should be number one on top content. Is someone new running this site?  M please let us know what the deal is?

FR, DD and others who have inquired about what is going on with top content, which is supposed to show popular threads with most views.

M has informed me that he does not know what is going with that and will try to figure it out. He does not know if the site is automatically adjusting and placing top content or what. FYI he is working to find out how to make sure it shows the correct top content. Since this thread is still on top content and above my other threads who have more views I thought I would post here, so all can see. So I think patience is the key. :-)

Good hope it gets fixed soon. I find it confusing for threads with very few views to be at the top when  others are at the bottom with over 4 thousand views. There is probably a setting off.

That or the system needs to adjust or be adjusted.

Thanks for update L o C. I am sure the issue will be worked out. :)

I cannot find EITHER THREAD and if they deleted them to be PC after all the time they have been on this board that is STUPID IMO. It lets everyone know this forum is the same as the other PC police places. Yeah that TOP content list is real fishy IMO.

political-correctness-offends-me-88405009308.gif#political ...

They will probably DELETE this thread because it offends them. M is admin but he is not site owner. I do not think he would do this to L o C and all the people who like and posted on her threads.

Neither would the current site owner. She does not believe in PC either DeeDee. besides I should be the new site owner after the third week in November because Jean and I war working out the switch over between now and then.

No updates on what happened to the threads, very strange and no post from M.

I have some posts missing and do not know were they went. I sent mail to M and asked about them. I was watching football all day yesterday and I am just getting caught up on the skuttle bug.

Here is the thing about sites, if it was a mistake they can undelete the threads or posts with the new technology, so there really is not excuse IMO. M is usually really good about responding so why is he not responding. It was my understanding that M invited L o C  to this site and re assured her that there were no PC police. I came here because of that, we have been on other sites together. Her threads were on for months and popular, so what is the explanation? Still waiting I guess. If it was a mistake I am thinking someone would have posted on here by now.




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