A National Grand Jury is being set up to investigate all government officials. If you want to be chosen as a juror, you may fill out a form found at:
50 jurors will be chosen, one from each state, along with one alternate from each state to:
* To examine all aspects of the federal government by initiating its own investigations.
* To serve as ombudsmen for the citizens of the country in respect to constitutional rights. and privileges established under the organic documents of the United States of America, as properly amended from time to time.
* To conduct criminal investigations of members of the federal government, and, if the evidence is sufficient, issue criminal indictments.
The National Grand Jury Process
The National Grand Jury, although a part of the judicial system, is an entirely independent body. Judges of the Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeal, and the District Courts of the United States, United States Attorneys, and Congress of the United States may act only as advisors. They cannot prevent National Grand Jury action unless that action violates the duly enacted laws as originally created in the United States.
The National Grand Jury shall review and evaluate procedures, methods and systems used by federal governmental agencies to determine whether they comply with the stated objectives of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America as properly amended.
The National Grand Jury shall review the officers of the federal government to determine whether they are constitutionally qualified to hold office, and to determine if their actions and behavior are consistent with stated objectives of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution for the United States of America as properly amended, and the criminal law as recognized in any of the several states.
No individual grand juror, acting alone, has any power or authority. Meetings of the National Grand Jury are not open to the public. All matters discussed before the National Grand Jury and votes taken are to be kept private and confidential. The end result of inquiries into civil matters are released to the public in the form of a final report which is approved, prior to release, by the Foreperson of the National Grand Jury.
The National Grand Jury is empowered to:
* Inquire into the condition and management of branches of the federal government and its agencies.
• Investigate and report on the operations, accounts and records of federal officers, departments, and functions.
* Inquire into the willful or corrupt misconduct in office of public officers.
* Submit a final report of its findings and recommendations, no later than the end of its term, to the Presiding Juror of the National Grand Jury.