We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Hi. My name is John McCurdy and I am Georgia's state coordinator for the National Precinct Alliance. If you do not know what this is please go to the website @ www.nationalprecinctalliance.org and check it out.  We must test everyone to be sure they are true Constitutionalist/conservatives but I think the National Precinct Alliance is one of the most legitimate ways for us to take our country back. Check out their website and read the articles I have attached. If you are interested and would like to help, please sign up at their website and I will be in touch with you shortly about future plans. I am the state coordinator so if you know people in other counties around the state that would like to help please put me in contact with them. It is important that we take this idea to every corner of the country if we are going to restore this Republic. My phone nuber is (770) 317-1467 




Nevada Precinct Success Launches National Precinct Alliance

Thu, 01/21/2010 - 02:01 by webmaster  
Nevada has become the proving ground for the precinct committeemen initiative and the success in Nevada is very likely to transform the GOP and RNC in the coming election cycle.
According to conservative grassroots activists behind the Nevada success story, a small group of about 30 Tea Party activists took matters into their own hands by way of filling vacant GOP precinct chairs, first at the local level, then the county and six months later, Tea Party activists seized control of the state GOP precincts.
Nevada precinct activist Tony Warren describes the timeline of events here at the new National Precinct Alliance web site.
“Nevada just had its elections for GOP Leadership. As a PC, It was my duty and great pleasure to drive 5 hours from Las Vegas to Hawthorn Nevada, along with our other delegates, to represent Clark County. Our approved slate of candidates swept the elections and we now control the entire State. No RINO was left standing. Every one of them has been moved out of our way. Every change to the State Party bylaws we didn’t approve of was voted down. It was a complete and total VICTORY for the grassroots conservatives in Nevada.” – said Warren
Nevada was the proving ground and now the leaders of National Precinct Alliance, have taken the Nevada strategy and formed a networking organization aimed at recreating the precinct level success in precinct after precinct, state after state across the nation.
There is no doubt that the long term solution for a runaway government is the patriot’s control of a primary party, and the direct retaking of the federal steering wheel. Until recently, too many citizens had forgotten that the government belongs to them if they will only get off the couch and get engaged in the process.
As I have explained many times, I have a 12 year old and a 10 year old at home. As great a kids as they are, if I leave them to tend to my house, the , the cooking, the shopping, the planning, etc., - I will likely return home to a mess and a half within only a few hours or days.
The people wrongly assumed that they could leave the care of their nation in the hands of elected officials, as if those elected officials had the same goals, the same talents and the same agenda. Now they know what happens when they fail to tend their own house and let the DC children run wild.
Rasmussen reports this morning – “Running under the Tea Party brand may be better in congressional races than being a Republican.” Yet another foolish plug for the 3rd Party concept? Once again, the devil is in the details…
That report goes on to state – “In a three-way Generic Ballot test, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Democrats attracting 36% of the vote. The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Another 22% are undecided.”
And there you have it! Democrats have a solid 36% of the vote. A minority of the vote, but a winning minority that will win once again if the right remains divided.
The GOP can only win with the combined support of the 18% RNC voters and the 23% Tea Party voters. The 22% so-called “undecided’s” will likely break nearly 50/50 at the end of the day.
Only if Tea Party folks unite with RNC folks can they defeat the DNC, better known today as the Democratic Socialists of America. Scattered over numerous 3rd party efforts, the American Right has NO chance of regaining political power, much less saving U.S. sovereignty, security or freedom today.
If the right unites, they win in a 53 – 47 take over in the next election cycle. But if they allow themselves to be divided among 3rd party efforts, they lose again to a 47% larger leftist minority.
Once you understand the simple math, you must ask what it will take to unite the pro-American political right with what’s left of the old RNC.
The answer is simple – It will take gaining control of the GOP/RNC and returning America’s “conservative” party to its “constitutional” roots. To do that, the people can no longer leave the “doing” to others. They must directly engage in the process individually and at the local level, the precinct level. That is the sole focus of National Precinct Alliance.
Others know how to throw a party, march, higher expensive speakers to come and hawk their latest book. But Warren, Dan and Glass have shown the way to retake America in Nevada and now they are leading the charge nationwide.
As easy as 1, 2, 3…
1) Retake the precincts
2) Retake the Party
3) Retake the nation
As a result, National Precinct Alliance has been chosen as the single strategic partner for the Precinct Committeemen project by newly formed and already affective patriot network Freedom Force US.
Freedom Force US was formed for the sole purpose of bringing patriots across the country together in a targeted tangible strategy, strategically partnering with initiative specific organizations capable of mobilizing millions of citizens in a proven strategy.
Thanks to Freedom Force and strategic partners like National Precinct Alliance, the people will soon be a few clicks from real power via their precinct chair.
For more information on how to reclaim your country at the precinct level, visit the National Precinct Alliance. State and county precinct coordinators are being assigned every day and the necessary forms are available on the web site.
Visit Freedom Force US for more information on the absolute power of freedom! Pledges of support are being taken through December 15, 2009. Not a penny has been taken in yet and already, we are making history with tangible results! That’s as it should be! It’s all about the people…

Tea-Publicanism is the Answer for America’s Woes

 By Jerry A. Kane  Friday, February 19, 2010

Knowledgeable tea partiers know that the Democrat Party plays so far out in left field it’s no longer in the stadium, and all they see is a Hobson’s choice between supporting spineless, sell-out, milquetoast, business-as-usual, Democrat-light Republicans or a third party. But now tea party conservatives are saying they have found an answer to the dilemma and are urging their brethren to become Tea-Publicans and rejoin the Republican fold.

“Only if Tea Party folks unite with RNC folks can they defeat the DNC. ... Scattered over numerous 3rd party efforts, the American Right has no chance of regaining political power, much less saving U.S. sovereignty, security or freedom,” writes the webmaster at the National Precinct Alliance Web site.

Some Tea Party, Town Hall, and 912 groups are banning together with the National Precinct (NPA), a national organization founded by Phil Glass and Tony Warren, to transform the Republican Party and the Republican National Committee (RNC) in the coming election cycle.

According its founders, NPA’s sole focus is to return the power of government to the people at the local precinct level. Warren points to their recent success in Nevada as a template for ousting the established RINO (Republican in name only) leadership from the Grand Old Party.

“We [constitutional conservatives] banded together ... invaded and took control of the Clark County GOP. We then spread the message to our other members in the State who used Clark County as the model,” Warren said.

“Our movement took the county by surprise and then the state by force of numbers. [I]t is no longer a question of “can this work?” he added.

Eric Odom, whose Tax Day Tea Party organization of more than 60,000 members has joined with the NPA, is convinced the precinct movement triggered a shift in the party structure across Nevada and caused a major shakeup in the leadership establishment.

“This is a profound shift in what is happening within the party, and makes it clear that if the movement really, really wanted to put the party back in the hands of true fiscal conservatives ... it’s entirely possible to make it happen,” Odom said.

Republican Party officials in Ohio and Arizona note more candidates are running for precinct committeemen positions, which usually remain open due to lack of interest. Moreover, South Carolina’s Republican Party has agreed to work with tea party coalitions to make the party more conservative and boost involvement at the precinct level.

“[W]e can help each other. They know what they believe, they’re passionate about it, they can organize. And we have a lot of experience in how elections are run and how campaigns are run,” said Patrick Haddon, Republican Party chairman Greenville, South Carolina.

Glass, Warren, and Odom are recognized leaders in the national patriot movement and their coalition to push Tea-Publicianism and thePrecinct Committeeman Project should prove a formidable foe for the RINO establishment. Their alliance is exactly what the Democrat-light, old-guard RNC and the progressive Democrat leadership fear most.

“In a three-way Generic Ballot test, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Democrats attracting 36% of the vote. The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Another 22% are undecided.”

The numbers tell the story: Democrats have a solid 36 percent brain-dead constituency, and Republicans win only if they align with Tea Party voters. Glass, Warren, and Odom have shown the way to retake America: 1) win the precincts; 2) take control of the Republican Party; and 3) retake the nation by returning the power of government to the people.

The Tea Party activists, Town Hall protesters, and 912ers compose an enormous, rapidly growing movement with the ability to cureAmerica’s woes. The answer is as simple as it is obvious: join the Republican Party at the precinct level and put forth candidates who will promote the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as the antidote to big-government progressivism.

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