We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

NOT KIDDING: Trump already backing off of a full repeal of Obamacare

Trump isn’t even president yet and he’s already waffling on a full repeal of Obamacare. Why? Because Obama made an appeal to him:

WSJ – On health care, Mr. Trump said a big reason for his shift from his call for an all-out repeal was that Thursday meeting at the White House with the president, who, he said, suggested areas of the Affordable Care Act to preserve. “I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that,” Mr. Trump said in his Trump Tower office.

“Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced,” Mr. Trump said.

Amended?? UGH!

Obama is nice to Trump, says ‘pretty please’, and Trump’s already willing to considering leaving parts of Obamacare in place??? What a principle-less chump!

Congress had better kick Trump’s ass on this issue and put a FULL REPEAL bill on his desk and then DARE him to veto it. They better hold the line on this issue!

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Talking like you did here about LaVoy certainly shows your contempt towards Patriots.

if your talking about the dumbass that committed suicide by cop, well he was no patriot but an idiot that thought committing suicide would help the freedom movement, but only caused a setback for it.

I would ask you a direct question about it to prove my point , but we know you dont answer questions

It's apparent you're another of those argumentative types whose first impulse is to react, rather that pause and reflect.

The words and phrases of our Constitution, as originally written, gave it its elan, its vitality and its spirit. Sadly after many generations, these attributes have been eroded, forgotten and ignored.

So who is the culprit??? We as a people, collectively are, as we allowed it to happen in the name of compassion, reform, tolerance and all the rest of the goober descriptives our political trash labels self-serving change.

When we realize/recover the clearly articulated vision of our Founders, we will restore our Constitutional Republic; but not before.

More Amendments will do absolutely nothing to change the current dynamic. They will simply further clutter our current 3000 page Constitution w/argument and opinion.

As the wise Greeks well understood; all change starts w/the self.

what you call argumentative could be just standing up for the rule of law against those that consider it a suggestion.

I unlike you am willing to fight for my childrens future.

its you that has forgotten what they meant not me

A few more of your ignorant posts will move you into first place on the site nag list; typical of those eternally needy of attention.

Your compulsively abusive and hostile posts clearly label you humorless, intolerant and self-righteous, incapable of discourse.

Watch as other posters quickly ignore you but doubt you care as it must be so much fun being you.

Jack needs a break ...He earned it.

Or is this JACK?

Good one!!!

No I am still hear listening and watching how the Trump organization will unfold and monitoring the actions of our two world powers. I expect to see a significant change to Trump's international strategy after he receives his top secret briefings. All presidents in the past back to Richard Nixon had the same change in foreign policy once they got the nation's top secrets. I expect no different reaction when Trump learns the news. 

One must understand how to deal in politics. 

Obama has power. Trump will need Obama for next two months or so. He doesn't want Obama to make the transition any more difficult that it already is. 

So, how to start cutting a deal with a powerful man whom you need for a while? You locate his weak spot first. 

And we all know what Obama's is: his ego. He needs Obamcare for his ego, for his legacy. So, what harm can it do to stroke his ego for a while? 

Remember, repeal of Obamacare will be in the hands of Congress, who are the experts at law writing. They will figure out how to do it right. And when they do, Obama will be long gone. Trump can read the final law, sign it, and tell everyone he honestly did consider Obama's suggestion. Is anyone here saying Trump is not capable of doing this? 

Why are Tea Party people looking at the worst posibilities first? If Trump did that, he would have quit early in the race. 

as for other sites I was a long time member of the old tea party patriots site before the nut jobs got it shut down and then was a moderator on another of the bigger sites before we had to leave ning due to to many trolls with multiple accounts causing to many problems , so the owner started another forum he had made for him to have better control.

and yes I was just kicked off of the fake tea party site known as tea party command. they made it clear that no negative comments would be allowed about trump even if they were true. that came from the director dee herself.

other than that I am a hard core constitutionalist that will keep fighting for the greatest country on the planet.

End the tyranny of the IRSS.




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