We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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Go ahead c all me crazy....

...........You can call me any thing you want.

After you watched the video above I am sure you will still call me crazy..That`s ok ...I understand...But this next audio of the Fire Chief who resigned will make you say Kevin I am sorry for saying you are crazy. This should have you all see things a little better. But as you start to see the truth as it comes into you. You will also get very scared. Please do not let this truth scare you to much. I know someone who will keep us safe......

Here is a little taste of Marshall Law........

/ The Pinkertons are back. And they are in Burns Oregon.


It will get scary now to learn the truth. But then if you have put to much value in Money then you deserve to be scared.This videow of a NWO seminar is very telling of how the NWO plans to finalize there agenda.

Once the internet is under the control of the bilderbergs. It will be the end of learning so understand what you need to know and have a plan. You must not be afraid to give in to the name calling of the ignorant. The useful idiots will only be in the way .Get busy finding like minded people to plan with. You will need to have a supportive plan of resources. Some preppers understand what is coming. Marshall law will change everything. ....oh yea. Remember The Federal government bought all that ammo.And remember that there is now a law that you can be detained under marshall law for crimes you might commit.I just thought I would throw that in there.Why would they make law like that.....I know do you?...Sorry if I scare you guys. But I need to have you see what I and many others see. Oh yea. You will not hear that on the government news.

61% Of men in America think it is ok for women to be signed up for the Draft. ..TOTO WERE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE..Our Citizenry is morphing into a weird zombie like culture. It is something out of Twilight Zone. ...Can anyone explain what a shadow parent is. This Health and Human Services must be dismantled.

House Dumps Country Of Origin Labels On Meat Products.

Is this stuff crazy, This is crazy BUT THIS IS REAL..You all can judge for yourself.......




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