We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

OREGON RANCHER, Oath Keeper, "ASSASSINATED" under orders from Barack Hussein Obama

by Dan Sanchez

Many liberals passed sentence on the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF) weeks ago. The cowboys occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Oregon were criminals. Even worse, they were culturally unsympathetic criminals. “Y’all Qaeda,” was the taunt of choice for the smart set, which rocked with laughter when enterprising wags delivered sex toys to the squares.

Yet when they put joking aside, many progressives called for these “militants” to be dealt with as “the terrorists they were”: lethally and with extreme prejudice. Besides, many said, the right-wing nuts were probably a bunch of Islamophobic racists.

The law-and-order left got what they wanted on Tuesday of last week, when several CCF members were ambushed on the road by the FBI and Oregon State Police. CCF spokesman LeVoy Finicum was shot and killed, and the rest were arrested (some after also being shot). The killing was met mostly with approval or shrugs from progressives on social media.

One notable exception was Anonymous, which released a video declaring that:

“…Finicum was killed in cold blood, as his hands were in the air. Just as Anonymous called for justice in the killing of Michael Brown we call for justice now.”

Indeed, it was the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson that first popularized the protest slogan, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which has been chanted by many of the same liberals now justifying Finicum being shot with his empty hands in the air.

During the Ferguson unrest however, the law-and-order right would have none of it. To them, Michael Brown was just a “thug,” a known criminal who had recently shaken down a store. If he didn’t want to get shot, he shouldn’t have resisted a cop, thought many of the same conservatives now outraged over the bloody government response to CCF’s armed defiance.

Both sides reduce all questions of justice to identity politics, and effectively treat rights as a sympathy-based concept.

For the left, Michael Brown was a sympathetic figure (an underserved youth of color), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by Officer Darren Wilson. On the other hand, LaVoy Finicum was an unsympathetic figure (a right-wing, gun-owning good ‘ol boy), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the snow.

For the right, LaVoy Finicum was a sympathetic figure (a God-fearing family man), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by the FBI. On the other hand, Michael Brown was an unsympathetic figure (a young, black “thug”), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the street.

Both are blinded by their respective bigotries to the truth that rights are inherent to the individual, and are not based on group identity or cultural affinity.

Nobody should be gunned down in the road like a rabid dog, regardless of whether the individual is a pillar of his community or a hardened criminal, a philanthropic saint or an incorrigible misanthrope. Every individual has an inalienable right to life: a right not to be killed unless that individual is presenting an imminent threat to the life of someone else.

And violence is only self-defense, if such an imminent threat is real. There are no “oopsies” allowed: not for cops, for Feds, or for anybody else. Killing someone is not “self-defense” just because you “thought” a threat existed.

And it doesn’t matter how paranoid their officer training has made them. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve practiced with “No More Hesitation” targets with pictures of children, pregnant women, and elderly folk pointing guns at them. Murder is murder.


Watch it now please, not later, Watch it NOW!


Lavoy, asking citizen to learn about Leviathans BLM abuses.

"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"

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French U.N. merc's were documented and photographed.

They brought their own equipment and vehicles, proving that they minimally brought a military cargo transporter (aka: C130) that would have required clearances from the White house and additionally from the military acting on orders from the White House in order to land here..

Valerie Jarrett and her "puppet boy" B. Hussein Obama have blood from illegal "Assassination" on their hands.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

Latest update on LaVoy shooting
Source; https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/03/08/fbi-agents-investigat...

excerpt;[ The United States Department of Justice also announced it is investigating a group of “elite” FBI agents for partaking in a coverup of the shooting, according to the Oregonian. (http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/03/oregon_standoff_f...)
It turns out, one FBI agent shot his gun twice, but claimed he never fired his gun.
The USDOJ said those bullets did not strike the Arizona rancher, who had been part of a group of activists occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge throughout January.
Finicum, instead, was shot three times in the back by Oregon state police officers, including one bullet that pierced his heart.]
{One of the bullets shot by the FBI agent struck his vehicle (http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/03/oregon_standoff_f...) at a different angle than the other shots, which is what led investigators to determine he had lied.}

Why was this post (not my post, M's post) deleted???

The last ride, a funeral ride, for a TRUE Godly American cowboy, and a selfless constitutional PATRIOT.

A martyr. A very smart and a gentle soft spoken gentleman, "ASSASSINATED", killed because of his beliefs and hope that we could expose the BLM and restore constitutionally limited law and order to protect ranchers, loggers, and miners. (But also all of us).

For that, Leviathan shot Lavoy Finicum "in the back with his hands raised high", then Leviathan shot him eight more times and then "blew his freaking face off after he was dead", to "send us all a message' we are hearing.

Lavoy had never had as much as a parking ticket in his entire life. But he was "ASSASSINATED" by a tyrannical constitution usurping Leviathan for purely far left-wing political expediency..

Please, show your grandchildren a funeral procession like no other. Take the time to really explain to them "why Lavoy Finicum... was murdered in cold blood.


Rest in peace brother, at last you will meet our original Founding Fathers, for you are now joined with them.. Peace be with you brother. And may peace be with your beautiful family.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

Look into Obama's "partnership" with Interpol 2008-9. Mafia has taken over your government, accept it and all the pieces fit.

Whatever sleazy organization the snake feces Progressives from either party use against us, a common thread is emerging.

1. A vote for ANY Progressive in 2016 and going forward is a vote for "National constitutional suicide".

2. The "LEVIATHAN" is "weaponizing" almost every dept of the Federal government to use against us.

when the Dept. of Fisheries and NOAA Weather Dept. have multiples of SWAT Teams, automatic weapons, full battlefield armored vehicles and heavy guns and grenade launchers, WE, as citizens, haven't been paying attention to what our busy-body dastardly "employees", have been up to.

3. Legislation "is presently in the works", right now as we speak, to put anyone/everyone into prison, for providing "monetary or material support" to any organization that the State Dept. and others "declare" domestic terrorists, the NRA, GOA, NAGR, CSPOA, certainly the Oath Keepers, III%er's, Pacific Patriot Networks, ++++,

Progressives (cough, cough) "law-makers",...."FULLY" do intend on "indicting you on Federal charges" if you pay your membership dues ("monetary support of domestic terrorists") to Oath Keepers, III%er's etc.

4. Our continued tolerance of Leviathans despicable tyrannical usurpation's without rising up and punching back is wholly dangerous. Not stopping Leviathan's tyranny can be lethal. Especially if you tell ranchers that they can resist BLM confiscation of their family's mineral rich ranch land for one example.

That will definitely get you "ASSASSINATED". 

5. I am embarrassed for the sheepeople that choose to remain uninformed, uninvolved, irresponsible, and ridiculously obliviously vulnerable to "abuse-at-will from Leviathan.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

Ah men!

" I am embarrassed for the sheepeople that choose to remain uninformed, uninvolved, irresponsible, and ridiculously obliviously vulnerable to "abuse-at-will from Leviathan."

My civility is at its limit, doubt I have more than a brief time remaining to me with this bum ticker but damn I have lost all sympathy for it. Think Im going shooting tomorrow, blow some steam off at the range turning money into noise.

Went on info wars shopping ..Ordered 3 shirts..Had to get me a Hillary for prison shirt..

Would say buy ammo instead but hey to each his own )

We had a friend over for Dinner . He used to be in a militia up in Jersey in his younger days. He was saying he was thinking of getting involved again.I told him forget that you will get in the way of the younger guys. I told him when the SHTF us old guys will be reduced to KP. We had a laugh ,but after a few chuckles we did talk serious about playing a supporting role. He agreed. We are thinking of starting a local Civilian type Oath Keepers ,for the lack of a better term. But some who have never taken Oath will surly want to help.When SHTF  there would be need for all kinds of help. Logistics ,supply. construction equipment. To have a plan in advance along with an inventory of who`s in and whos out would help. We had a nice talk anyway, But it is something to think about. I do have a 30-30 plus a 22.. And I do know how to shot very well.But I am too broken down too be part of any type of advancing insurgency. I would be more in line with defending the base.So I would peel potatoes with my rifle near by.And thats the way it would be for me..Plus I know I can stitch human flesh. So that`s a plus..lol

All logistical/supply train services WILL matter as well as the front lines.

Your (CPT) Community Preparedness Team idea is 100% "spot on".


Oath Keepers has repeatedly expressed a need for critical "behind the scenes support".

There will always be a broad need for logistical and medical behind the scenes supporters. X provided "hundreds of pounds" of battlefield routine medical and major surgical unit supplies, food and cash to the Cliven Bundy ranch.


When you choose to formally deploy to Oregon with other Oath Keeper chapters to observe and provide security, let me know. I will do my best to help you again with supplies/logistics.

Xxx Xxxx should have a substantial amount of the sustaining gear that X delivered to the Sugar Pine Mine still available for use.
(1) POP-UP SHOWER STALL, (1) DUAL BURNER PROPANE WATER HEATER, with water and propane accessories, (10)-ARMY COTS, (10) army cot 20X20 PILLOWS, with protective carry/storage bags along with the Ten (10) larger complete cot carry/storage bags, (10)-COAT RACKS, (13) VARIOUS LENGTH SEVERE DUTY HIGH AMPERE OUTDOOR ELECTRICAL CORDS, (1)QUAD WATER HOSE SPLITTER & PARTS, (2)55 YARD DUCT TAPE, (2)HIGH POWER 10x50 BINOCULARS, (2)REMOTE CONTROL LED LANTERNS,* (32)D-CELL BATTERIES, (4 BOXES) CLOTH COVERED BUNGEE STRAPS, (3)100 COUNT H.D. CABLE TIES, (8)ASSORTED TARPS, cases of pocket sized bag water, cases of 1200 fruit energy bars, cases of food, cases of 10# cans of scrambled eggs and ham, and a bunch of other miscellaneous supplies and cash, that I shipped, is to remain as "donated organization property" of Xxxxxxxxx County Oath Keepers.

X will help with motor freight shipping supplies out on loan from Xxx and back when done. Or X will simply replace them with necessary new gear donated to the appropriate chapter if Xxx needs to keep his stuff.
Coordinate with me when/IF you put out a published list requesting help with supplies, or contact xx privately for unique or special needs.

Tell Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx that if he needs help with anything for his guys to contact xx. He should still have all of my private contact details from our interactions at the Sugar Pine Mine.

"ALL MEANS or METHODS of SUPPORT" of Oath Keepers and the Pacific Patriot Networks "at every level does matter!"

No you else is going to do it for us.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"




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