We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

OREGON RANCHER, Oath Keeper, "ASSASSINATED" under orders from Barack Hussein Obama

by Dan Sanchez

Many liberals passed sentence on the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF) weeks ago. The cowboys occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Oregon were criminals. Even worse, they were culturally unsympathetic criminals. “Y’all Qaeda,” was the taunt of choice for the smart set, which rocked with laughter when enterprising wags delivered sex toys to the squares.

Yet when they put joking aside, many progressives called for these “militants” to be dealt with as “the terrorists they were”: lethally and with extreme prejudice. Besides, many said, the right-wing nuts were probably a bunch of Islamophobic racists.

The law-and-order left got what they wanted on Tuesday of last week, when several CCF members were ambushed on the road by the FBI and Oregon State Police. CCF spokesman LeVoy Finicum was shot and killed, and the rest were arrested (some after also being shot). The killing was met mostly with approval or shrugs from progressives on social media.

One notable exception was Anonymous, which released a video declaring that:

“…Finicum was killed in cold blood, as his hands were in the air. Just as Anonymous called for justice in the killing of Michael Brown we call for justice now.”

Indeed, it was the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson that first popularized the protest slogan, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which has been chanted by many of the same liberals now justifying Finicum being shot with his empty hands in the air.

During the Ferguson unrest however, the law-and-order right would have none of it. To them, Michael Brown was just a “thug,” a known criminal who had recently shaken down a store. If he didn’t want to get shot, he shouldn’t have resisted a cop, thought many of the same conservatives now outraged over the bloody government response to CCF’s armed defiance.

Both sides reduce all questions of justice to identity politics, and effectively treat rights as a sympathy-based concept.

For the left, Michael Brown was a sympathetic figure (an underserved youth of color), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by Officer Darren Wilson. On the other hand, LaVoy Finicum was an unsympathetic figure (a right-wing, gun-owning good ‘ol boy), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the snow.

For the right, LaVoy Finicum was a sympathetic figure (a God-fearing family man), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by the FBI. On the other hand, Michael Brown was an unsympathetic figure (a young, black “thug”), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the street.

Both are blinded by their respective bigotries to the truth that rights are inherent to the individual, and are not based on group identity or cultural affinity.

Nobody should be gunned down in the road like a rabid dog, regardless of whether the individual is a pillar of his community or a hardened criminal, a philanthropic saint or an incorrigible misanthrope. Every individual has an inalienable right to life: a right not to be killed unless that individual is presenting an imminent threat to the life of someone else.

And violence is only self-defense, if such an imminent threat is real. There are no “oopsies” allowed: not for cops, for Feds, or for anybody else. Killing someone is not “self-defense” just because you “thought” a threat existed.

And it doesn’t matter how paranoid their officer training has made them. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve practiced with “No More Hesitation” targets with pictures of children, pregnant women, and elderly folk pointing guns at them. Murder is murder.


Watch it now please, not later, Watch it NOW!


Lavoy, asking citizen to learn about Leviathans BLM abuses.

"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"

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They are.

Initial evidence (not concluded) indicates that foreign, possibly French UN linked Merc's where working under orders from Valerie Jarrett and the Chief FBI Hostage Negotiator, that once upon the site in Oregon, never attempted to negotiate anything, quite the contrary, Lavoy was "ASSASSINATED" within mere hours after the D.C. based Chief FBI Hostage Negotiator touched the ground in Burns Oregon.

Their "mission" under direct orders of Valerie Jarrett and her puppet boy Oblameless was NEVER to negotiate, but only to "SILENCE" and to kill Lavoy as fast as possible..

"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"

Yes they are.

Indications are that UN linked foreign Merc's were indeed embedded into the FBI.

Citizens apparently will tolerate "ANY" overtly lawless usurpation by the usurping White-Hut, and the FBI without saying a single damned thing or standing up to speak out.

Pathetic sheepeople. I am embarrassed for the cowards. They have no trace of any spine.

"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"

That is a test to how much the masses resist or become complacent of this action by foreign militants. If people do not rise as one in a peaceful  but huge way. This will be their cue that they can finish the mission easily. There is no more time to nurture the ignorance of our brothers and sisters. They must be dragedout from their blindness.

The FBI by law can not use our Army for policing on our shore`s . The UN Mercs are used because Obama  signed power to them ,that allows them to confiscate our Guns with out warrant They are not restricted by our Posse Comitatus Law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Acthttp://pamelagelle...

No candidate has even mentioned this!

Not true Charles .Rand Paul Had a sit down meeting with Clive Bundy. 45 Minute meeting

Ted Cruz said the occupiers were wrong. And it needed to stop

From Breitbart:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling on the protesters occupying a federal building in Burns, Oregon to “stand down” peacefully.

“Every one of us" has a "constitutional right to protest, to speak our minds,” Cruz told reporters in Iowa on Monday.

“But we don’t have a constitutional right to use force and violence and to threaten force and violence against others.” He added that, “it is our hope that the protesters there will stand down peaceably, that there will not be a violent confrontation.”

The misinformed (voluntarily??) Marco Rubio called them Lawless criminals without even knowing any facts.. HEY, so just "ASSASSINATE" them! IDIOT!! We are right, they are the lawless ones!! End of story.

I was referring to on the camping trail.

Ted Cruz addressed it but has declined to leave the campaign trail to get directly involved, and he didn't want it to be a campaign issue. But it needs to be a campaign issue.

“Every one of us has a constitutional right to protest, and to speak our minds,” Texas Sen. Cruz told reporters in Iowa. “But we don’t have a constitutional right to use force and violence and to threaten force and violence against others.

So it is our hope that the protesters there will stand down peaceably, and that there will not be a violent confrontation.”


Ted Cruz calls for the armed protesters to please"stand down," while Marco Rubio says protester's are "lawless criminals".

Ted Cruz IS clearly our best hope. We all know that.

"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"




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