We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Oregon's New Gun Law Will Soon Stop All Gun Sales Including The Guns Hunters Thought Were Safe.

Source; Sent from a Friend

You really need to watch this. It's the next major agenda For the left to push through after the elections, so they can finish their coup against the Constitution and the American people in 2024. 
Please watch it through the end ignoring the commercial if you want, because if this is successful it will be the next Major Nationwide focus the left uses to further the downfall of America.
Simply; No civilian guns, no way to resist dictatorships and abuse.
Oregon's New Gun Law Will Soon Stop All Gun Sales Including The Guns Hunters Thought Were Safe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoSgengFxNg  
In order for a one world government to happen, the USA has to go. At some point in time, there will probably be a fierce resistance. How does the enemy of this not be a factor? Take away the arms. Slowly. This is a ground game most younger people do not see because they have been taught this way. Parents for generations did not attend school board meetings and now they have kids. You hit them with a founder's quote and they flinch. 
Take away the ability to protect yourself and you see the fulfillment of prophecy. No one on earth will be able to stand against this. This mandate and forced lock down was a trial run on how long will it be before the peons fight back? How about close the religious buildings. Done. How about pushing anti God into classrooms? Done. Take away the 1st, 3rd, 4th, amendments? Done in many cases and the younger people don't know this. Why? Because it is not taught and if it is, it is from a sour anti God viewpoint. Now let's take a place people are sick of. Oregon. Take away the 2nd amendment and you have resentment at people in Oregon and not the in your face removal of the 2nd. Infringed?? Hardly. Repealed and like it. But people look at the name Oregon and think they deserve it because they are idiots. Most are not looking at a Sovereign State under the same Constitution as I am has allowed this to happen. Where is the Federal Judge to step in? Where is the State Supreme Court to say this is illegal? AWOL because the people who do know, are not enough and the younger ones have no clue.
Now. While I have often said watch the left hand while their other left hand is digging out your kidney, what else is happening? Is this a diversion for something bigger happening? 
In my mind there is no doubt this is Biblical prophecy and another brick in the wall knocked loose between people living free or those willing to take the Mark of the Beast. The only reason that chip on your debit card isn't in your hand or forehead is because enough older people will say no. The younger ones would do so willingly.
One reason I believe this to be a true statement is, I am very hesitant, to send this. Why? I have an opinion, you have an opinion, why am I hesitant? We do not fight flesh and blood but principalities. Well, here it is.. I sent it. I believe this is Biblical and another step in making the USA a thing of the past and for the one worlders to gain another step. 
Pro Deo et Libertate - 1776
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

PS: I hate brussel sprouts..

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