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Oren's Response To what Biden is Trying To Do With Guns

Source; Oren Long

Oren made a response to this meme about what Biden is trying to do despite recent Supreme Court Rulings on guns;

Let's cut to the chase.  
One of the Prime Rules of good management is, "Separate problems from symptoms.  Treat the problem and the symptom will go away."  Private ownership/possession of firearms in America is an impediment to the Left's quest for absolute power; a symptom if you will.  Ergo, they must take away the guns.  Then and only then can they seize and retain power.  Power is the goal; guns are the impediment.  
The Left's obsession with banning guns is just about absolute power.  That's all!  
Let's dig a little deeper, shall we?
The Left talks about 'safety', public good, general welfare, yadda, yadda, yadda.  But, in the end, it's just about power, power, power.  
Take Communism, for example.  EVERY Communist country is a dictatorship -- EVERY SINGLE ONE!  Communist dictators HIDE behind Karl Marx's idealistic illusion that society can be perfected and everyone will somehow be gloriously happy.  Yeah, right!  
But, dig still deeper.  Look at history.  EVERY King, Queen, Emperor, Dictator (and now, Communist dictators) HID behind some illusion that they were somehow ENTITLED to rule over others.  Kings and Queens HID behind some self-ascribed "Divine Right".  Emperors HID behind military might.  Dictators HID behind their military and some self-ascribed notion that they and they alone were smart enough to rule.  And, the only way they could enforce their power was to disarm their subjects, leaving them helpless to resist.   
Then came the American Revolution and the radical notion of individual freedom defended by an armed populous.  Oops!  From the very first day of the Revolution (won by said "armed populous"), EVERY monarch and dictator realized and understood the threat freedom (and an armed citizenry) posed to their power.  They could not let this "freedom thing" survive. 
We have been under attack ever since.  We could NOT be allowed to survive, let alone prosper and spread our message.  
Thereafter came Marx and Communism, the perfect ideological cover for wannabe dictators who could HIDE behind it.  None of them believe it.  Hell, I doubt any of them truly understand it.  Yet, they convince their minds-full-of-mush followers that they are 'the way, the truth, and the light'.  And their followers blindly follow, well, at least until they, too, are subjugated.  By then, it's too damned late!   
The Left and wannabe dictators will never stop until they achieve their desired absolute power, HIDING behind the fantasy of some 'Socialist Utopia' (AKA, Communist dictatorship).  It has never worked, cannot work, and never will work.  It's like a desert mirage, always just out of reach, always just out of their grasp.  Never quite achievable.  But, never mind truth.   
Sadly, the lessons of history, no matter how stark or brutal, bounce off of them like a BB off of a battleship.  In every country ruled by socialist/communist dictators, the first people lined up against a wall and shot, are their own followers including intellectuals and media who helped put them into power. Lennin and Stalin called them "Useful idiots" and killed them all.  
Pol Pot is the most extreme example.  When he took power in Cambodia, he started killing everyone (especially the intellectuals and media that helped him gain power) including anyone who could even read and write.  Eventually, the military threw him out of power.  He retreated into the jungle where he eventually died in a grass hut, unrepentant to the end.  
Every time they gain power, the very first thing the socialists/communists do is disarm the People, leaving them easy prey for domination and subjugation.         
FDR's successful banning of automatic weapons began the relentless push to eventually remove firearms from private ownership.  It will never stop!  Rush Limbaugh said it best, "You can't talk to them.  You can't argue with them.  You can't convince them.  All you can do is defeat them."  Like Pol Pot, they will remain unrepentant to the end, absolutely convinced of their own superiority.  
THIS is exactly and precisely why the States demanded the 2nd Amendment (and the rest of the Bill of Rights) BEFORE they would agree to ratify the new Constitution.  But, liberal (closet socialist/communist) judges and politicians continually push for ever more restrictions on firearms, regardless of the clear language in the Constitution and the OVERWHELMING lessons of history.  
I saw a T-shirt I really like and will either find one or have one made:  What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?  
Happily, I live in Kansas where no permit is needed for either open or concealed carry.  Why that is not the law in every State is beyond me.    
We need to support the groups fighting this before we are disarmed by the Gun Grabber Dictators.

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