We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

"Overrun and Overwhelmed by Illegal Aliens and Sanctuary Cities”

Reprinted with permission of author;


"Overrun and Overwhelmed by Illegal Aliens and Sanctuary Cities”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron EwartPresident of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 22, 2017 - All Rights Reserved

​Last week we described how "Sanctuary Cities Slap Every Lawful American in the Face."  But sanctuary cities are just a symptom of a much larger problem.  That larger problem lies in the grossly negligent, if not criminal mismanagement of the existing immigration system and immigration law, by the federal government.  It is also embodied in the unconstitutional, irrational compassion displayed by liberal Americans and politicians over the plight of the nation's poor, minorities, or illegal immigrants, millions of whom want to live off billions of American taxpayer dollars through government-enforced charity. 
In reality, most, if not all of the problems of America can be solved with fairly simple solutions, if it wasn't for the fact that those problems were obfuscated and clouded by a special interest agenda, or a bunch of politicians looking to pander to some group for votes, money, or an easy path to re-election.  Never mind common sense or constitutional principles, or what a normal, reasonable and prudent person knows what is right. 
Only government can make things complicated, ambiguous and essentially impossible to implement, much less understand.  Only government can take a simple solution and convert it into 2,000 pages of double speak, political correctness and legal mumbo-gumbo, that would take a gaggle of outrageously high-paid lawyers to unravel, or find fertile grounds for never-ending lawsuits.  Only government can manufacture a complex solution when there is already a simple solution available to us by just enforcing current laws.
Such is the case with illiterate, non-English speaking, illegal aliens that are pouring into this country by the millions, taking jobs, importing drugs, sexual slaves and other crimes, bringing in diseases America has eradicated years ago, over-whelming every social service offered by government and adversely "coloring" the political landscape.  
Prior to Trump becoming President, we had an exchange with a gentleman who took issue with our stand on illegal immigration.  This exchange illustrates the wide divide between opposing positions and perhaps why the problem hasn't been resolved. To set the stage, this gentleman is a farmer and a recent legal immigrant from Europe and probably a liberal.  Perhaps these characteristics are a window to his position and bias.  The following message outlines the basis for his arguments.  Our response follows his message.
"I do not have to remind you that the 6 million Jews were exterminated through rounding them up through the help of employers, regulated by the government. Visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, if you will, but if you deny 12 million people (or more) to make a living, they will resort to begging and stealing!!"
"So here is the simple solution:  All of the illegal immigrants have to get a sponsor who will take care of them so that they are not a burden to society.  (Employers will find a way to organize that)  They can get citizenship (under some formula) if they do the following: pay their taxes, learn English, integrate in someway in US society, pay their debts and stay out of trouble (legally).  So what is wrong with 12 million people who are working hard, which we need, because we do not want the jobs they do and which become citizens in due time?"
"The 'illegal immigrants' have become legal because of us not acting earlier."
"Anyway, quit whining about it, but come up with the solution."

We responded to this gentleman with the following:
"You have two biases that "color" your position.  First, you are a farmer and second, you are a legal immigrant.  But the American farmer is used to getting all kinds of government handouts for about 8 decades now from the American taxpayer, thanks to FDR.  Maybe not you personally, but way too many farmers are receiving subsidies from our government that we get to pay for, when most farmers are profitable and do not need a subsidy.  And even if they weren't profitable, there is nothing in our Constitution that grants farmers the right to taxpayer-funded subsidies.  
Now, the farmers get an additional handout from our government by a failed immigration policy that tolerates illegal immigration because illegal aliens will supposedly take jobs (in the agricultural industry) that Americans don't want.  That, of course, is pure bunk as they are also taking jobs in all kinds of other industries that Americans would definitely take ..... construction for one.   Why? Cheap labor!  
Long before illegal aliens came here to pick crops, as kids, we picked strawberries, loganberries and apples to earn pocket money.  There are still a lot of American kids out there who would do the jobs at low wages, if those jobs weren't being sucked up by illegal aliens, or regulated out of existence."
"And to equate the situation with illegal aliens with what Hitler did in rounding up the Jews, is absolutely insulting, uncalled for and without merit."
"The hard truth is that millions of Americans are tired of paying billions of their tax dollars every year to subsidize a group of people who seem to find it perfectly OK to thumb their collective noses at our laws and come here, uneducated and jump on America's social services because they get paid so little by the agriculture industry, while educated immigrants who come here legally must wait years for citizenship.  Further, illegal aliens come here with a socialist mindset and in large numbers are sure to turn this country socialistic if it wasn't for the fact we are there already. How dare they come to this country illegally, trample on our laws and then protest in the streets by the hundreds of thousands for civil rights, amnesty and government services, all the while waving a Mexican Flag."
"Do you have any idea what happens to a citizen of another country entering Mexico, protesting in the streets for government handouts?  The Mexican government wouldn't tolerate for one second what our Government tolerates daily, the cost of which is charged to the American taxpayer.  It's ludicrous, if not patently unjust!  Americans cannot bear the entire burden of the third-world poor on their paychecks."
"And your last comment about 'quit whining' is also insulting.  Many of us have offered solutions to the problem because it isn't rocket science.  All we have to do is enforce our current laws.  However, we have five solutions that will provide almost immediate relief to this problem."
1)    Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force.  If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.
2)    Enforce current law.
3)    Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation, no hearings, no nothing.  They are not entitled to due process and no right exists that entitles them to driver's licenses and government services.
4)    Punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees.  As an employer, we took validating citizenship very seriously.  If there was any question, we investigated.
5)    As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a valid visa or green card and watch how fast they will self-deport.
"It is a tough stance but in the end we have learned that tough love is the best love and produces the best results, especially for an addiction by illegal aliens to American taxpayer-funded generosity.  If these five things were vigorously implemented, the magnet for the illegal aliens coming here would mostly go away and so would the problem.  A few states have already demonstrated that these solutions work.  But then, when did our federal government do anything that was in the best interests of the American taxpayer, except pass laws to extract more taxes from them?"
"Your solution to get an American sponsor for 12 to 20 million illegal aliens is pie in the sky.  It isn't going to happen.  In short, as we stated in ourLAST ARTICLE, any benefits derived from illegal aliens are far outweighed by the negatives they cause and it has to stop or we will be overrun, if we haven't been already."
"We are not about to turn over America to people who break our laws and think they now deserve amnesty because they are allegedly hard working and industrious.  If illegal aliens are allowed to break our laws, while legal Americans are forced to obey them (and pay through the nose for those who break the law) then the law becomes meaningless.  When the law becomes meaningless chaos reigns.  With chaos comes a police state."
"And just because our government has tolerated the law breakers for all these years, does not justify continued law breaking and it does not eradicate the crime for those who committed them."
Now some of you may agree with the good farmer, but the questions he raises are based on false premises and irrational compassion and the solutions he offers will lead to chaos and the eventual destruction of freedom and American sovereignty.  Anyone who can't see this is living in a virtual reality.  We are not anti-immigrant, we are anti-breaking-the-law and rewarding lawbreakers with amnesty and unlimited social services that they don't deserve and that legal Americans have to fund.  When do you get it folks?  Government has made you an indentured slave, at the point of a gun, to every illegal immigrant that crosses our borders and sucks up your tax dollars.  If this continues, then Americans are nothing but chumps and puppets of an out-of-control, tyrannical government. 
Illegal immigration has been festering in America since the ink was dry on the Constitution.  Racial bias and ethnic purity, along with financial, economic and security fears have driven immigration policy right, left, up, down and inside out for well over 150 years, every time a wave of immigration hits American shores.
Government always reacts to immigration woes.  It is never proactive.  Government policies can inhibit or enhance legal and illegal immigration.  Since President Johnson's 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, government's policies have essentially created several magnets to illegal immigration.  President Reagan's granting amnesty to over 3,000,000 illegal aliens without the enforcement of and severely penalizing illegal employment, just added to the magnets.  President Obama's immigration executive orders have just accelerated illegal immigration.
But the worst magnet was the bastardization of the 14th Amendment that created what is now known as "Anchor Babies" where any child born in America, from anywhere on the planet, automatically becomes a citizen of the United States, allowing extended families to legally join the "baby."
Why do they come here?  That's simple.  They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where war, poverty, hunger and corruption impact their daily existence.   Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them.  Democrats are all too willing to use "our" money to oblige them, ever since FDR re-invented the Constitution in his own socialist image.
Like most liberals, those hundreds of thousands of women and others marching last Sunday against a Trump presidency, say they want "justice."  But their idea of justice is "free stuff" for free loaders and illegal aliens, on the back of the American taxpayer.  Irrational compassion, at any cost, or for votes, will be the downfall of the American Republic.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders?   Because the federal government, especially under the Obama Administration, refused to adequately protect our borders and enforce our laws.   Hopefully, Trump will reverse this long, expensive, tragic injustice perpetrated on lawful, tax-paying Americans.  We wish him well and we sincerely hope he can break up an over 100-year old, fully entrenched, liberal "System" ..... before it's too late.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rural landowners:  Don't forget to protect your property line from government agents, law enforcement and other intruders with the most powerful, legally intimidating NO TRESPASSING sign on the planet.
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NOTE:  The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.

Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/).   Ron can be reached for comment HERE.

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All true.

However while Trump certainly grasps the importance of audacity; he must also honor the virtue of reflection.

Signing an Executive Order restricting Muslim immigration on Thursday, notwithstanding its great merit, them making it effective Friday; is beyond reckless.

Neither Jeff Sessions nor any of his Staff are in place, as yet, to effect a thorough review.

As a consequence, the Order has been struck down by an Obama flunkey; allowing the Dems/MSM to have a laugh-a-thon.

Hopefully a lesson will be learned from this fandango. 

I have to agree with you Thomas, I hope that was a test to see which way they would have to go in the future on upcoming orders. However I think that we need to push for that Article V or COS to get term limits for every Federal elective or appointive position, and hopefully to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. The 14th may have to be modified to remove the "No State Shall" caveat that gave the Feds and Scotus the legal fiction to over rule the States and take power away from the people and the States. Plus something that clearly bolsters the 2nd Amendment by further forbidding Congress to make any laws about guns and ammo and repealing all existing Federal Laws and returning that power to the Rightful owners, the States. 

In my school days (several hundred years ago) while discussing the Treaty of Westphalia which ended the Thirty Years War , the question of Sovereignty arose, specifically who has the right to decide who stays, who comes and who goes among nations. The answer loud, clear and agreed by the Vatican was:

THE PEOPLE WHO RESIDE THERE. PERIOD! Boy, the old the old timers sure knew  how to get to the point.

Mabey if we started w/first principles we would achieve something on immigration but don't bet on it given the massive collection of assholery who infest the Congress, one stupider than the next, it that's humanly possible!!!

Yea, I think Trump may have been caught speeding. But he has a way of taking a citation and turning it into an achievement award....Just sayin.

I think Trump will use the Ban debacle to "out" the AstroTurfers and highlight the zeal of the "media" to mischaracterize their enemies.

Everyone around the world is getting the message, let them have their giggle. The days of taking the US for granted have come to an end, they'll soon figure that out. Take care of yourselves first, and the rest of the world will follow Trump's lead

until China decides it has had enough of this policy! Then what does Trump do next?

China, CHINA!!!!

China hasn't defeated a foreign entity since the Shang Dynasty some 4000 years ago.

To stupid for words.

TVC defeating other countries using military force has long been old history....today you control the fate of civilization through technology. China has no concerns on putting the brakes on any country it choses.

TVC you overlook the Korean War, Vietnam and the Middle East. They are three wars America was not able to defeat the enemy and the reason can all be attributed to the aide China provided to our enemies.


That's a load of Bullshit. Korea we were in through the UN and every mission had to be routed through the Security Council that contained both Russia and China some way to run a Police Action with the enemy knowing your every move in advance. In Vietnam my war, it was the politicians and the MSM that created conditions for absolute mismanagement. We could have ended the Vietnam war before it began if LBJ would have bombed the two rail lines that came into Hanoi and the Haiphong Harbor to knock out both facilities. It would have ended the North's ability to get materials into country and they could not have waged a war. He was actually told that but McNamara told him to pursue another course. McNamara may have been a good auto executive but he sucked shit as Secretary of Defense. He was also responsible for the idiocy of not bombing Hanoi until they got all their gun emplacements on line. The Politicians lost us both wars because they prevented us from using our full might and trusting the generals decisions. The MSM decided to show the war in real time and that convinced the politicians to hold off any move until it was done in the proper time frame to show on the news. It also showed the reality of A War that civilians never had seen before. Another thing when we did do the bombing we were required by the UN to notify the commercial airlines of that action 24 hours before the air strike and the corridors we would be using for the strike. Hell, we weren't even allowed to fire a weapon until we got an order allowing us to unless we were in a free fire zone. Because of McNamara there were many NVA infiltrators in project Phoenix and they had us killing friendly village chiefs and aiding NVA supporters. I was not in the Middle East but the same politician stench permeated it and does right up til now.

I respectfully disagree with you M. When Eisenhower was elected president he knew we had no possible way of winning the Korean war because China was hell bent on continuing this war for as long as it took and Russia had already stated they would support the north Koreans. When Eisenhower saw a way to end this conflict he jumped on that chance. The same can be said about the Vietnam war. China had made the commitment they would drag this war on for as long as America wanted to engage. Nixon new this was a hopeless cause and he looked for a way to end this war. The Middle East chaos is all orchestrated by Iran, who is controlled by Russia and they are controlled by China. The Middle East chaos works for China's long range plans which has been in process for more than 60 years. All the chess moves that occur in the Middle East come out of Beijing

China has no interest in a war with America they just want to create enough chaos in the world particularly with America and any of its allies to continue to develop their long range plans. As long as America is spending resources fighting these conflicts and spending more resources on advancing their military strength allows them the freedom to stay years ahead of American technology. As I have stated many times before, military might does not win wars when it comes to superpowers, technology controls which superpower has the advantage. 




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