We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The "patriot vetting committee" (PVC) aims to support consensus-building vetting for patriot candidates.  The attached documents describe the basic nature and function of this free service
to patriot groups.  Sign up to
Also, pass this message on to other patriot groups to
enable them to participate as well. The more groups affiliated, the stronger
the impact of these efforts  Thanks for cooperation

Patriot Candidate Vetting

The Patriot Vetting Committee (PVC) is here to help

Vetting candidates  is critical to effective election results for the patriot cause.  However, much of the action by patriot groups so far has
been largely undisciplined, disorganized and divisive.  Without consensus
and unity in this process, there is no significant way to influence the
ordinary voters.

I helped initiate the "patriot vetting committee" (PVC) to give
support to efficient vetting by groups to build consensus in the process. The
PVC plan is designed to achieve a maximum of order and unity in this process,
which is not likely to come about by the many unskilled and inexperienced
efforts being undertaken outside the PVC context.

I am contributing my skill and knowledge in vetting to help the patriot cause –
FREE, no charge for services.  The
PVC approach is far superior to the reckless, tepid, or other ill-conceived
alternatives that have taken hold among a number of groups due to lack of
experience and knowledge in practical election politics.  Read the
attached files. 

If you agree with this PVC consensus-building approach, please contact me; and
inform other groups in your state about this opportunity while there is still
time.  After the election, the groups can go back to organizing meetings
to discuss issues, conduct rallies, campaign for petitions, and protest against
elected officials, because many of the same type of socialist government
leaders will remain as before.  Right now, vetting is key, because
elections matter most.

Unless average joe voter is affected by a united voice among patriot groups,
there is little impact in vetting.  Many patriot groups don't know about
the PVC, or are too busy with time-consuming organization, personalities,
secondary issue debates or other inefficient vetting procedures and
activities.  Or, perhaps even no vetting at all, due to lack of awareness
and experience with practical election politics.  To get started,
affiliate your group for free PVC support.  Also, help get the word out to

To affiliated for free PVC support, sign up at: http://patriotvoting.com
Questions or more information, contact:

 Lee Havis
Patriot Vetting Committee (PVC)

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