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Perot Billionaire Runs for Office Clinton Elected - Trump Billionaire..

Your getting snookered again.

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I am not talking about dirty tricks, I'm talking about insider experience that will short circuit dirty tricks. Remember what happened to Jimmy Carter and how Congress originally turned on him even though he was a progressive like them? What do you think would happen to Trump without someone with the savvy of Cruz?

If you still like a low life like Cruz after showing what he is about. You need to take a cold shower or something M, it is ok to say that the duchbag fooled you. It happens to all of us.Hell,Kasich is polling higher than that creep now. The GOP poll has him below John nationally. Colorado open the eyes to many. Yet you still buy what the establishment is selling about that is the rules. You make excuses for such scumbag tactics. M ,I know your better than that. Do not slip into the sewer with the sewer rats. Keep your dignity man...Common.

Pump your brakes there Georgia peach.




sewer rats?


I may have under stated I sorry...Hey ,there are reasons why he has no friends. I only listed 4. I could probably find some more. But then if you like how the RNC has set rules to ensure a huge edge to establishment politicians. Then I could see why you question my description.

You are displaying visceral hatred toward Cruz. It is based on an assumption that he is in league with McConnell, Boehner et al, that is far from true.
What legislative action has Ted taken that you disagree with?

Cruz is a Globalist. Maybe you want to give up our sovereignty, but I don`t.

Kevin please explain Cruz's global intentions. Is he a bilderburger? Cheeseburger?
Hater gonna hate. You have become a bit snarky lately over Your hope and Change agent trump.

I have got a little snarky. Because I am disappointed that you guys can not see the truth. Hank , I could bring facts here as I have and you do not read or watch. If you did, then why would you defend against facts. You think Bilderberg is just a boys scout club or sometring. You can not see anything past UNIONS. To you it is all to be blamed on unions. They are just one little part of the problem...You can not see the real elite rulers because you refuse to be open minded in your quest.You have your ore`s in the water ,but you are in shallow water.

When I hear Rove's name, I'm reminded of the Wizard of Oz and the blustering/threatening voice of someone behind the curtain pulling the strings.

Rove was nothing more than another Iago whispering in Othello's (Bush's ) ear and we are the worse for his advice to a feckless and inept buffoon such as Bush.


Karl Rove has been an unforgiving revenge extracting SOB with anyone who dares to disagree with him since his college days. In my opinion he's more of a narcissist than Obama is.

M, a reflection and a note from history.

Quoting TR from1908 (in paraphrase); " An opinion is growing among our citizens that the Republican Party has become subservient to Wall Street yet it does not belong to the Corporations, as it is the Party of Lincoln's plain people".

Roosevelt was personally friendly w/Samuel Gompers, the English born founder of the AFL, who had developed and organized the first American Craft Unions, modeled after the Medieval Guilds. Both understood that while the Industrial Revolution was creating vast wealth among the plutocracy; much more importantly, it was raising wages and standards of living among the far more numerous working class; which was the key to long term political power. And both saw non-Socialist Labor as the natural ally of the Republican Party.

But it was not to be, as the crony capitalists in DC and on WS, had Taft, a compulsively stupid man in the mold of Bush, in their pocket. So a door closed that FDR opened in 1932 and Labor never looked back.

If Trump is able to grasp the brass ring this November, this is an opportunity that needs another long look and he's just the type of maverick to do it; despite what certain posters rant about.


In my Personal Opinion, I don't fully trust what Trump has to say. I know the arguments about his being a businessman and that is commonly cited as why he gave so prolifically to the Democratic Party. It also seems to explain why he was so long a friend of Bill and Hillary. But, to me, I see a lifelong liberal leaning person now simply stating that he's a conservative when what he's actually done is to support Liberal causes and agendas most of the time.In short, it seems to me, that he is just mouthing what the public wants to hear on the same scale that Obama did when he first ran for President. However if he wins the GOP nomination I will have to support him just like I must support any other who opposes Hillary and Bernie. 

However I will campaign for all of our conservative citizens to look to their individual States and their local precincts to examine and Vett the candidates who are the most conservative, based on their past voting records, and their stands on the various other issues facing us today, and vote for those fully Vetted candidates regardless of which party they are aligned with.

That includes Congressional Candidates, State Legislature candidates, and even Local political candidates. 

It's said that all politics are local so we must look to our individual areas for those who we can vote for in the 2016 elections and try to get them in office in the three areas I mentioned. Doing that will give us more say in what happens. If we don't, we probably will lose even more of our Liberty and Freedoms..




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