We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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I think he should be disqualified because as a lawyer he knew very well he was not qualified and ran for POTUS anyway. If the SC are honest about the case, he will be disqualified. However, you never know what kind of reasons or interpretations people will give to these issues and if he is not disqualified, then our Government will definitely have decieved us.
I will not become a weak person following BO, but I the more I read about the state of the US the more freightened I become. I had a nightmare last night regarding martial law and FEMA camps (I wish I never researched the FEMA camps, which I did just before bedtime). Do you know my husband and I are considering purchasing a bit more ammo for the fire arms we do own? The emails I write all come back with the same cookie cutter " he has been vetted" bs. I always try to see in the future to the next step, class action lawsuit once he is sworn in as B Hussein Obama? Anyway, never give up, it is our right to fight for what we believe but plan for the things we cannot control. Sometimes I wonder if it is better to be so well informed and afraid of what could happen than to turn a blind eye and live in bliss!!
All I can think about is how disappointed I am in our Supreme Court Justices. They were appointed to their positions to protect our freedoms according to our Constitution, but they won't even verify the next President's qualifications to hold the office. Am I missing something? How can it be acceptable to everyone else that Obama be sworn in without showing proof of his citizenship? It's like allowing a person to enter a football stadium to watch the game and later checking to see if he has a ticket? It makes no sense to me. It is not like we are asking the Courts to do anything extraordinary, yet they won't even comment on the cases. Does anyone have any idea of what is happening to our society and the way people just don't seem to care anymore?
IMO, the church (you and I) has abdicated our post, we've bought the lie of unbelievers that "separation of church and state" means no God anywhere and by extrapolation, no Christian witness. Our children are expected to be "good little boys and girls" with 1440 hours of "godless" education vs. an hour or so of church - and that's just through K - 12. Statistics are available for the percentage of "good kids" that "lose their religion" in secular, godless institutions of higher learning with the likes of William Ayers, et al as professors. They graduate either with no "religion" or with fragmented bits of what's left of their parents religion - what kind of kids do they raise? Replicas of themselves!
At core, the persuasive philosophy is Secular Humanism - Man is tops and where did he come from? From primordial ooze!! We don't know where we came from, what we're here for or where we're going - life has no purpose and it doesn't matter anyway. A family is "whoever lives with you", (after all, "It takes a community to raise a child" - right?!)
The juggernaut called BHO rammed his administration down our throats along with his "stimulus package" costing more than the War on Terror (Iraq and Afghanistan put together!!) , he want's no oversight, no "grilling", no "tough questions", and, oh yes, overwhelming approval and a "bye" on all his proposals. (and say that with a smile :) Dave.
Prayers, praying that the TRUTH will come into the light for all to see...Amen. :)
The Christian is to be "salt and Light" in his earthly existence. He is to witness/ be martyred for his Lord and Savior and he is to do his best via modeling/mentoring his fellow man to live as Christ lived - how else do we think the early Christians "turned the world upside down"? Going two miles instead of one, turning the other cheek, giving a coat along with a cloak, doing your best, not defrauding your neighbor, etc. - these people wound up being model citizens of whatever country they lived in. Consider Moses (before outed as a Hebrew), Daniel served through 3 dynasties as a top official, Joseph second only to Potiphar, and last but not least, the one born out of due time Paul. Unlike Muhammad, an illiterate, uneducated cave dweller, Moses was educated in Pharaoh's household, Daniel and his friends Shadrack, Meshach, Abednego prepared to lead in the courts of their captors and Paul at the feet of Gamaliel.
We can begin by believing our Bibles from Genesis through the Revelation of Christ - He did!! Dave.




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