We The People USA

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Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court System (VIDEO)

Look what happened to Brian D. Hill. I am Stanley and I operate his account until Brian is acquitted. Learn what happened to him.


The Federal documents and other proof is provided in the links and this description at the YouTube video. All is open sourced and can be accessed online and even from PACER.GOV and even from the Local Rules page of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina.

The corrupt Federal Judge Thomas David Schroeder, Middle District of North Carolina had denied uncontested motions which would have ended the illegal fraudulent criminal sentence of Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News. Brian is ACTUALLY INNOCENT and had been proven with the uncontested motions of Brian's actual innocence. It may take a lot of time to review over the Federal Pleadings but all prove Brian's innocence. Brian was entitled to remedy and relief as a matter of law aka Local Rule 7.3 and Due Process Clause. Even the U.S. Supreme Court said Actual Innocence overcomes procedural time bars. Fraud on the Court and proven fraud perpetuated by the U.S. Attorney Office which are Government lawyers mean that Brian David Hill is innocent of his charge possession of child pornography.

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We are Change written an article about his set up, being framed. https://wearechange.org/case-brian-d-hill/ and ActivistPost written an update on the Alex Jones child porn set up operation where the FBI along with U.S. Attorney John Durham's office cleared Alex Jones of any wrongdoing over the frame up attempt on him in 2019. I have the copy of the U.S. Attorney letter Alex published

Members and readers, I do not have any information on this case.

I suggest if you are interested or want to get involved, then you must do your due dilligence and research it completely for yourselves.

I make no statement pro or con on this case, it's for you the reader to decide on it's merits.






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