We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Proud American Veteran Patriot Pens Poetic Prose In Honor of Service, Oath and Country, Republic USA

(I Am Especially Honored To Be Able To Share This Extraordinary American Veteran's "Heart", two days prior to November 11th -- day set aside to Honor All Those Who Have Served Our Precious Republic USA!  Posted Here by a Very Grateful, Loyal American Patriot Citizen Civilian!

Comment by Bantiarna Drucht 4 hours ago

At some point in a persons life, there are events that hold special meaning common to just about everyone...

The levels of accomplishment in education and vocation

The thrill of True Love and the union that will bind one to another

A child arrives with the promise of continuance and tomorrows hope

Then for some there is one moment so deep and intimate in ways not always understood or common to everyone.....The Oath of Enlistment:

Each word spoken and the rise of your hand is a seal and a promise that will forever change how you see the world and how the world sees you.

I can vividly recall how I felt, the smells, the voices and the intensity that over took me for I was embarking on a journey on unknown roads and being a part of something bigger than myself.

Excitement, fear, wonder....second guessing, a rush of so many emotions it was overpowering yet underneath it all, purpose, resolve, pride, honor, the calling- the very thing that drew me in those many years ago.

Those that went before me and after me have a bond that knows no boundaries, a kinship forever etched into the heart and soul of everyone of us to never falter in our promise,to keep alive those who no longer are the ultimate sacrifice they gave for the Founders vision, the acceptance of unity, and to share the idea and the gifts of Freedom to those seeking the same.

Our work is never over once the uniform hangs quiet, years brings wisdom and a unique understanding of risk and of reward, yet the desire to defend and protect greets us every morning, structures our day and reflection as we prepare to slumber if our day was well done.

Hold close the Oath to heart and hearth my brothers and sisters...and gather close those you hold dear, yet stretch a little further and reach for the families of the lost and my advice as we go forward in the century that will lead to 2081. First, guard the freedom of ideas at all costs. Be alert that dictators have always played on the natural human tendency to blame others and to oversimplify. And don’t regard yourself as a guardian of freedom unless you respect and preserve the rights of people you disagree with to free, public, unhampered expression. educate all of the work done for Freedom and Decency and to never take citizenship lightly.


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