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Buzz Cut:
· Hillary’s classified count piles up
· Health worries detailed
· How press, politicos get Planned Parenthood wrong
· Black pastors contradict Trump’s account of meeting
· Raking in that cheddar
Fox News: “The latest batch contains 328 emails deemed to have classified information. According to the State Department, that brings the total number with classified information to 999. The emails in question were deemed classified before their release by the department – and the former secretary of state has said all along she never sent emails with material marked classified at the time. But the large number of emails containing now-classified material further underscores how much sensitive information was crossing her private server, a situation her critics have described as a security risk…Her email practices are also the subject of a federal investigation.”
Health worries detailed - The newly released emails reveal that Clinton insiders appeared to be more concerned about her health than they let on in public following the secretary of state’s December 2012 concussion. Top Clinton aide Philippe Reines consulted everyone from former Senator (and doctor) Bill Frist to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on the impact of concussions. An email exchange released last month showed Clinton confidant Huma Abedinexpressed concern to a co-worker that her boss was “often confused.”
Confused state - National Review: “The latest e-mails further underscore that confusion. OnJanuary 27, Clinton sent an e-mail to top aide Cheryl Mills and State Department undersecretary Patrick Kennedy. ‘The Brits have just called for their citizens to leave Somalia. What’s our position?’ she asked. Kennedy gently replied that the American government ‘[has] a long-time published travel warning against all travel to Somalia. It was last update [sic] on 12/26/12.’… In a January 25, 2013 e-mail titled ‘Benghazi,’ she appeared unaware that the department was warning Americans not to travel to the embattled Libyan city. ‘Since the Brits, Germans and Dutch have told their citizens to leave Benghazi, why aren’t we doing the same?’ she asked her top staff, citing a report from NPR. Kennedy explained that the department had already told American citizens not to travel to Benghazi onJanuary 2 — a warning they had reiterated on January 24, just one day before her e-mail.”
Telling her what she wants to hear - Emails also reveal how Clinton’s sycophants pounced on critics of her 2013 appearance before a Senate committee hearing in which Clinton dismissed questions about the motivation the Benghazi attackers bellowing “What difference, at this point, does it make?” When Mark Penn, Clinton’s 2008 political strategist wrote her saying “I don’t think the emotion in the hearing works to your advantage -- looks more like they rattled you on something no one outside the crazy right blamed you for anyway” top aide Philippe Reines brushed Penn’s concerns aside, emailing Clinton: “Mark’s analysis is that it repeats the same flawed assumption that underpinned his advice in 2008; namely, that being yourself is risky.” “BINGO!!” Clinton responded
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