We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

syrian refugees

Since President Obama wants to bring the world’s problems into this country, those 10,000 Syrian refugees will need a place to go. Here’s the list of 180 cities where they might end up.

The Hayride reports:


Go here to view list:

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory

Is your city on the list?




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

View victims here:


A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies found there is a record 42.1 million Americans in the United States today.

Democrats need the new voters–
42 million

The Washington Examiner reported:

A new analysis of legal and illegal immigrant counts by the Census Bureau revealed Thursday that there is a record 42.1 million in the United States, an explosion that is being driven by Mexicans flooding across the border.

In a report provided to Secrets by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total immigrant population surged 1.7 million since 2014. The growth was led in the last year by an additional 740,000 Mexican immigrants.

The 42.1 million tabulated by Census in the second quarter represent over 13 percent of the U.S. population, the biggest percentage in 105 years.

What’s more, the numbers of immigrants coming and going from the U.S. is actually higher since many return home every years, said the report. “For the immigrant population to increase by one million means that significantly more than one million new immigrants must enter the country because some immigrants already here return to their homeland each year and natural mortality totals 250,000 annually,” said the Center.

Then there’s this– 80% of California illegal immigrant families live in poverty and need government assistance.




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

View victims here:


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Graphic video: Islamic State executes man by running him over with tank, justifies act by quoting Qur’an

Warning: the video is very graphic. “The video was released on October 24, 2015, and is titled ‘And If You Punish [An Enemy, Oh Believers], Punish With An Equivalent Of That With Which You Were Harmed.'” That is from the Qur’an: “So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you.” (Qur’an 2:194) Not that this has anything to do with Islam.

[wpvideo xO2YWfWr]

“WATCH: ISIS Executes Man by Running Him Over With Tank,” Heavy, October 26, 2015 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

A new video purportedly released by the Islamic State shows an alleged soldier with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) being run over by a tank driven by an ISIS militant. The video was released on October 24, 2015, and is titled “And If You Punish [An Enemy, Oh Believers], Punish With An Equivalent Of That With Which You Were Harmed.” It is stated to have been filmed in “Wilayat Homs”, or “State of Homs”, an ISIS-occupied region of Syria.

In the video, the alleged SAA soldier, who is allegiant to President Bashar al-Assad, is shown being interviewed by ISIS while dressed in an orange jumpsuit. According to ISIS, the man “confessed” to having run over dead bodies of Islamic State fighters with tanks. The footage then jumps to the man, shackled with a tank driving at him. He jumps in front of the tank track, perhaps to expedite his execution….


Swedish Migration Board Protects Refugee, Conceals Identity After Rape of 3 Year-Old

refugees sweden 2
Muslim refugees rally in Sweden.

The Swedish migration board reportedly covered up the rape of a 3 year-old at a refugee center. The officials moved the accused rapist and refuse to disclose his identity despite the horrendous crime.
Speisa reported, via Vlad Tepes (translated):

A male refugee in an asylum center in Tingsryd municipality in Sweden, on Tuesday raped a three-year-old child.

Responsible of the asylum center learned about the rape during the day, and in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board had decided to move the man from the accommodation to protect him.

They had also chosen not to contact the police in order to conceal this incident.

However it was revealed when friends of the girl’s mother contacted the police. Eight hours later.

But at the asylum center, the police could not get hold of the man, as he had been moved to another place, and employees at the asylum center were reluctant to tell the police of the man’s new location, who he was, or any information at all.

According to a radio clip from Swedish Radio, the police had to contact a responsible in the Migration Board and force the truth from those in charge of the accommodation.


Revolt brewing in Eastern Europe over EU refugee plan

The European refugee crisis, which disappeared from the front pages for a while, is roaring back to prominence in the media as member states - by majority vote - are set to cram a 17 point plan to deal with the crisis down the throats of a dozen or more countries that are unalterably opposed to it.

Eastern European countries are being ordered, against their will, to take in numbers of refugees for which they are unprepared financially and culturally to accept. This disagreement appears impossible to paper over as the EU did with the debt crisis for so many years because it goes to the heart of the idea of "sovereignty" within the EU and the rules governing its membership.

Philip Johnson writing in the Telegraph:

Arguably a transit centre in Europe might be preferable to a refugee camp in Jordan or Turkey, though the latter at least has the merit of being close to Syria, where there are finally tentative signs ofsome political progress being made. But having encouraged people to move, the Europeans are now pulling up the drawbridge because they have found dealing with the influx overwhelming. Where were the preparations? Why were fleets of buses and trains and boats not laid on at the borders of ... to bring people safely to Germany, which is, after all, where most people are headed?

At an ill-tempered summit in Brussels on Sunday, European leaders belonging to the borderless Schengen area blamed each other for the crisis before finalising a 17-point plan to be foisted upon countries that don’t agree with it. Since the opponents comprise more than a dozen of the 28 member states, the scope for serious disagreement is clear, not least because the process for sharing out migrants was imposed by majority voting. The countries that are in the front-line of this crisis are understandably seething:Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, accused the German chancell....

This will unleash extremist politics in Europe. In Germany, the anti-immigrant Pegida movement is attracting thousands to its rallies and in France the Front National continues to gain support. Elsewhere, Eurosceptic parties are making inroads. In Portugal, a Syriza-style leftist minority government has taken office opposed to the eurozone’s fiscal rules; and in Poland, the Law and Justice Party is back in power, pledged to oppose any Brussels diktat on migrant quotas. Against this backdrop, which can only darken, Britain has to decide over the next two years whether to remain part of an increasingly unstable organisation.

So how does this work? If Hungary refuses to take its "quota" of refugees, what enforcement mechanism is there for Brussels to get Orban to bend the knee? They could throw Hungary out of the Schengen region, but wouldn't Orban love to be seen punished by the EU for standing up for Hungarian national culture? 

And the defiance won't be limited to Hungary. Slovenia, Czech Republic, and other Eastern European states being slammed by refugees are facing a catastrophe as the human flood has, if anything, increased in recent weeks, leading to fears of a humanitarian catastrophe as the weather turns colder and wetter and countries don't have the resources to shelter, clothe and feed the multitudes.

At the very least, the refugee crisis is changing the EU in ways it never intended. When all is said and done, the continental union may be less cohesive, and probably smaller as some states exit the EU in order to assure their national survival.


Time to Fight Back in the Holy War of Islamism

"Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah," proclaims the terrorist group Hamas on its Al-Aqsa TV station. Bosnian Muslim soccer fans joined a pro-Palestinian demonstration whose chants included "Kill the Jews." Here is a video in which a Palestinian imam brandishes a knife and exhorts his followers to stab Jews, and here is another in which an Islamist in Fort Lauderdale calls for Jews to go back to the ovens.

The treatment of Christians in Islamist-dominated nations is meanwhile well known. ISIS is painting the Arabic letter nun, for Nazarene, on Christian homes the way Nazis once put yellow Stars of David on Jewish-owned homes and businesses. Islamists throughout the Middle East and Central Asia are beheading and crucifying the Christians they don't use as slaves. Islamists in London meanwhile praised Osama bin Laden and said they would take European women as war booty.

Europe is inexplicably importing even more Muslims who proclaim openly that their ideology gives them the Allah-given right to kill, rob, rape, and/or enslave those not like themselves, including the wrong kinds of Muslims. Germany is even evicting its own citizens from their apartments to make room for them. You can take the Muslim out of the Islamic State but you cannot take the Islamic State out of the IS Muslim, as shown by the honor killing of a rape victim in Germany. The Obama Administration meanwhile wants to import hundreds if not thousands of school shootings, Fort Hood massacres, Boston Marathon bombings, and 9/11s waiting for times and places to happen.

Militant Islamists have declared open war on the entire civilized world, which gives us both the right and the duty to destroy their entire ideology and, if Islam cannot reform itself, the entire Islamic religion. The instant you (the Islamist) use your Koran, your prophet, and your deity to menace us with physical harm and/or violation of our human rights, the inherent right of self-defense entitles us to destroy all three. This does not mean a Koran-burning or cute pictures of Mohammed, but rather the deployment of effective arguments to get your followers to walk away from your system in disgust, and possibly rip you to pieces for deceiving them.

If this seems unfair to decent Muslims, remember that an oncologist must often remove the healthy parts of a diseased organ along with the cancer.  The risk of doing otherwise is simply too great. Millions of Muslims throughout the world already practice a civilized religion that retains the positive and constructive aspects of Mohammad’s original creation while discarding the negative and violent ones. These Muslims are our friends, and the mufsidun or evildoers would kill them for being the wrong kinds of Muslims as readily as they would kill us for being Jews or Christians. There is nothing, however, to stop a Muslim Martin Luther from creating an Islamic faith as different from Islamism as Protestantism is from Catholicism as the latter was practiced during the Middle Ages.

If the prospect of destroying Islam sounds unrealistic, remember the following: (1) Martin Luther's effective use of the newly-invented printing press came close to destroying the most powerful religious institution of his era, and would have done so had the Church not also adopted the new propaganda weapon. (2) Islamists and their stooges, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, are demanding that social media avenues such as Facebook censor derogatory remarks about Islamism. (Before Mark Zuckerberg acts favorably on this, he needs to ask how many users, and therefore how much revenue, he can expect to lose to the competing social networking services that will spring up to fill the gap.) Islamists are also demanding "hate speech" laws to criminalize negative material about Islamism, which shows unequivocally that they know they will lose an open exchange of facts and ideas. Now let's put this into practice.

A Behavioral Choice is not a Race

The Left's standard reaction to condemnation of militant Islam is to accuse the critics of racism and hate speech. The ADL, for example, accuses people like Geert Wilders and Pamela Geller of "anti-Muslim bigotry." This tactic is similar in principle to those of mounted lancers in the horse and musket era, and it is equally suicidal against an opponent who knows his work.

The prospect of being run through with a lance, with perhaps a thousand pounds of man and horse behind it, is instinctively terrifying. George S. Patton Jr. said of this, however, "The only moment of danger is when the point of the lance comes within the first reach of the fully extended saber. If, at that moment, the swordsman lunges, forcing the lance to the outside, he is safe and the lancer is at his mercy." A lance relies almost entirely on psychological intimidation while a saber in the hand of a mounted swordsman who knows how to use it kills. The Earl of Uxbridge put it as follows in Sharpe's Waterloo: "Once you get past the lance point, it's like killing rabbits."

When the Left bleats "racism," it similarly bluffs and intimidates with a weapon that relies entirely on intimidation rather than substance. The parry and lethal repost are simple: "A behavioral choice is not a race." Islamists come in all colors, and most of the troublemakers throughout the Middle East are Caucasians. The savages who are hanging gay people and stoning women to death in Iran are genuine Aryans or Indo-Europeans.

An Ideology is not a Religion

Islamism also gets away with (literally) murder because most of us are raised to respect the religious faiths of others, but an ideology is not a religion. Islamism is simply Nazism with a crescent rather than a swastika and, before anybody invokes Godwin's Law, here is the proof:

  1. Both ideologies define their members as superior: the Herrenvolk or Master Race, and the Dar-al-Islam or House of Submission.
  2. Both ideologies define non-members as inferiors: Untermenschen or subhumans, and kafirs and infidels.
  3. Both ideologies claim the right to kill, rape, rob, and/or enslave those they deem inferior. Islamism adds that kafirs and infidels, including the wrong kinds of Muslims, are part of the Dar-al-Harb or House of War. If Islamists want war, we need to give it to them until their ideology is no more socially acceptable than Nazism.
  4. Nazism and Islamism both claim the right to rule the world. "Islam will dominate the world." The Palestinian Mickey Mouse clone Farfur says, in fact, "We are setting with you the cornerstone for world leadership under Islamic leadership." This sounds very familiar. Anjem Choudary adds similarly that Islam will dominate the world.
  5. The Nazis used the Hitler Youth to indoctrinate children, while the Palestinian TV show Pioneers of Tomorrow (starring Farfur) indoctrinates children to hate infidels and become suicide bombers.
  6. The ideologies behind Nazism and Islamism are described in Mein Kampf and the Koran respectively.

The only significant difference between this video and this one seems to be that the Nazis are far more disciplined, and are wearing caps or helmets instead of towels on their heads. Islamism and Nazism differ significantly in only two respects: (1) Aryan women are members of the Master Race while women in fundamentalist Islamic countries are chattel property like livestock, and (2) Hitler never raped a nine year old girl (so far as we know).

Target the Religious Foundations of Islamism

Evangelist Jack Chick, who learned the effectiveness of cartoon leaflets from the Chinese, has some excellent, factual, and objective material. One does not have to believe in Chick's theology to use it to demolish Islamism's religious foundation. Here are some other key arguments:

  1. Jesus died for Christians, Muslims died for Mohammad. In India, by the way, Vishnu died for Hindus, Muslims died for Mohammad. Mohammad obviously created his own religion to get his deluded followers to murder and die for his personal benefit.
  2. Why is Islamism the only "religion" that has to use violence to convince people to join and compel them to stay? If Islam is really superior to Christianity, why does Islam have to persecute and kill anybody who witnesses for Jesus? What do Christians have to say that the mullahs and ayatollahs are afraid their minions might hear?
  3. The Koran defines Allah as the greatest of deceivers, as in the Father of Lies. What other modern religion worships a god who lies?
  4. Islamism promises shahids or martyrs a giant whorehouse in the sky where Allah provides them with beautiful women. A good PsyWar cartoon might therefore add the caption "Allah, as defined by Hamas and ISIS," to a public domain picture of a pimp.
  5. If Allah is all-knowing and all-powerful, and his followers are the Master Ideology, why do infidel nations such as the United States, Japan, and Israel have much higher standards of living than even oil-rich Islamic nations? Why do Palestinians live in squalor while Israelis, who are equally poor in natural resources, have one of the most advanced societies on earth? Why are the world's 1.5 billion Muslims so underrepresented among Nobel Prize winners? If Muslims ask these questions of their leaders, they will discover quickly that their leaders have no answers.

The bottom line is that the things that happened in Germany during the 1930s are happening again throughout the world, but this time with a Koran rather than a swastika. The civilized world needs to stop this agenda, and stop it hard.


Netanyahu's Call For Civilians To Be

Armed Has Saved Lives in Israel

Daily Caller News Foundation | Jacob Bojesson
A Palestinian posing as a journalist runs after a wounded Israeli soldier to continue stabbing him before being shot dead near the West Bank city of Hebron

Attackers more likely than civilians to die

Islamic invasion pulls trigger: Europe now scrambles for

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/islamic-invasion-pulls-trigger-europeans...


100 million more U.S. immigrants by 2065

Driven by huge spurt of legally admitted 'spouses'

Published: 11 hours ago

(WASHINGTON EXAMINER) — The United States will attract another 100 million more immigrants over the next 50 years, driven by a huge spurt of legally-admitted “spouses” who can then sponsor foreign family members to become Americans, according to a comprehensive new immigration report.

In the period 2010-2019, the U.S. is now projected to process the largest number of legal immigrants in U.S. history, over 10 million, said the report published by Negative Population Growth Inc. And three quarters of the U.S. population growth this century has come from immigration, said the report.

“Immigration, counting both new admissions and births to immigrant women, was responsible for three-fourths of the growth in our population this century. If current trends continue, immigration will add another 100 million people to the United States in the next 50 years,” said the report.

MUSLIM MEN WIN BIG DISCRIMINATION SUIT Against Employer For Violating Religious Beliefs, While Nuns, Christian Bakers And City Clerks All Lose Cases
Religious rights in Obama's America don't apply to Christians or Jews...they only apply to Muslims.


Denmark Punishes Woman for Fighting Against ISIS

A Danish-Kurdish woman had her passport taken after she went to Iraq to fight against the Islamic State.
isis kurdish woman
Joanna Palani had her passport taken after returning to Denmark from Iraq.

Joanna Palani
Palani dropped out of college to fight ISIS.

The Local reported:

A 22-year-old Danish-Kurdish woman who fought against the terror group Isis in Iraq has had her passport confiscated by Danish authorities.

Joanna Palani stepped forward in the Danish national press last year to say that she had left Denmark to fight against Isis in Iraq.

“I would rather die in battle than on the run,” the 22-year-old told Politiken newspaper.

But over the weekend, while back in Denmark on what she thought would be a temporary break from fighting in Iraq, Palani wrote on Facebook that she has had her passport confiscated.

“The police and PET [the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, ed.] have taken my passport and forbidden me from leaving Denmark. That puts me in the dilemma that I cannot continue my service down there as a soldier,” Palani, who came to Denmark as a refugee at age three, wrote.


SHOCKING AERIAL FOOTAGE of Destruction Left Behind by Migrants in Slovenia (Video)

Thousands of migrants continued their march through Slovenia this week.

Large fires broke out at several refugee camps across Slovenia.
Firefighters were called in to put it out and Slovenian riot police in full gear were placed on standby.
slovenia camp fire

The camps smoldered in Slovenia as the migrants moved on across Europe.
slovenia camp

More than 1,000 migrants were dropped at the Slovenian border by train from Croatia early Wednesday.
slovenia camp destruction

Aerial footage revealed the destruction left behind by the Muslim migrants.





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