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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

syrian refugees

Since President Obama wants to bring the world’s problems into this country, those 10,000 Syrian refugees will need a place to go. Here’s the list of 180 cities where they might end up.

The Hayride reports:


Go here to view list:

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory

Is your city on the list?




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

View victims here:


A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies found there is a record 42.1 million Americans in the United States today.

Democrats need the new voters–
42 million

The Washington Examiner reported:

A new analysis of legal and illegal immigrant counts by the Census Bureau revealed Thursday that there is a record 42.1 million in the United States, an explosion that is being driven by Mexicans flooding across the border.

In a report provided to Secrets by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total immigrant population surged 1.7 million since 2014. The growth was led in the last year by an additional 740,000 Mexican immigrants.

The 42.1 million tabulated by Census in the second quarter represent over 13 percent of the U.S. population, the biggest percentage in 105 years.

What’s more, the numbers of immigrants coming and going from the U.S. is actually higher since many return home every years, said the report. “For the immigrant population to increase by one million means that significantly more than one million new immigrants must enter the country because some immigrants already here return to their homeland each year and natural mortality totals 250,000 annually,” said the Center.

Then there’s this– 80% of California illegal immigrant families live in poverty and need government assistance.




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

View victims here:


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Cruz Opposes Amnesty, Rubio Supported It, and Rubio Fails to See the Difference 
by Andrew C. McCarthy November 14, 2015 4:00 AM @AndrewCMcCarthy The current intramural battle over immigration policy among GOP 2016 hopefuls, a most welcome and most necessary controversy, is a useful example of why the Senate is such a tough place from which to run for president. Few senators make it — only John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama in the last 60 years — and only after short Capitol Hill stints that yield thin voting records. The reason is clear: To be a good legislator and to move public opinion on important issues, a senator sometimes must make proposals that, taken out of context, can distort the senator’s overarching position, creating the illusion that he favors what he clearly opposes, and vice versa. No one should know this better than Senator Marco Rubio. Yet Rubio, a major culprit when it comes to foolish immigration policy, is now straining to defend his walk on the wild side by misrepresenting the record of his rival, Senator Ted Cruz. It’s an ironic turnabout for Rubio, who recently drew plaudits for slamming another rival, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, over his misleading critique of Rubio’s Senate record. Cruz has cast himself as the Republican field’s most consistent voice against “amnesty” for illegal aliens. Yet Rubio, with an assist from former Senator Rick Santorum, claims that Cruz has actually advocated granting legal status to illegal aliens. Taken out of context, the charge seems colorable. But under the circumstances as they actually occurred, the proposal Cruz made was a case of intelligent legislating designed to expose the fraudulence of the pro-amnesty position. It was, in this way, reminiscent of smart legislating by Rubio (and, for that matter, by Cruz) that highlighted the folly of President Obama’s Iran deal. It would be disingenuous to portray Rubio, an ardent Iran-deal opponent, as an Iran-deal supporter on this basis. Yet that is exactly what Rubio is trying to do to Cruz on immigration. Let’s set the scene. In early 2013, Rubio joined with “progressive” Republicans and hard-left Democrats including Senator Chuck Schumer to craft the infamous “Gang of Eight” immigration legislation supported by the Obama White House. That deal, as Mickey Kaus pointed out at the time in a piece aptly called “The Rubio Con,” would have granted an immediate, unconditional amnesty to the then-estimated 11 to 12 million foreigners illegally present in the United States. (See also Mark Krikorian, Heather Mac Donald, and the editors of National Review.) It would, moreover, have established a “pathway to citizenship” for these illegal aliens pending some farcical border-enforcement measures. Rubio, Schumer, and the other proponents framed the proposal as a humanitarian effort to bring people “out of the shadows.” Conservatives in the Republican base zealously opposed Rubio’s proposal. Most salient for present purposes was their contention that the high-minded rhetoric about humanitarian concerns was so much hot air. It was camouflage, conservatives argued, for what the Left really wanted, which was millions of new Democratic voters — enough to give the party a permanent majority (or at least as permanent as anything ever is in politics). This stealth goal hinged on the pathway to citizenship. (I won’t get into the different bad reasons that explain Republican-establishment support for immigration “reform”; for present purposes, they are beside the point.) Cruz’s objective was to illustrate the fraudulence of the ‘out of the shadows’ blather from the Gang of Eight. Against that background, Senator Cruz, who was a vigorous opponent of the Gang of Eight bill, proposed an amendment that would have stripped the possibility of a path to citizenship from the grant of legal status. The point of the proposal was not to grant a form of legal status to the illegal aliens — they were already to be granted legal status by the Rubio-Schumer legislation. Cruz’s objective was to illustrate the fraudulence of the “out of the shadows” blather. Obviously, if the Gang of Eight had been sincere, a grant of limited legal status would have accomplished their purported humanitarian objective. But Cruz knew the Left would bitterly object, revealing that the true “comprehensive immigration reform” agenda was to mint new Democratic voters. Indeed, Cruz made clear in proposing his amendment that the Gang of Eight would betray millions of legal immigrants who sought U.S. citizenship properly and that it therefore undermined the rule of law. And as the amnesty-friendly Huffington Post reported at the time, the point of Cruz’s amendment was to “take away one of [the Gang of Eight bill’s] central purposes: giving a pathway to citizenship to 11 million undocumented immigrants.” It is thus remarkable to find Rubio, of all people, depicting Cruz as an amnesty supporter because of Cruz’s attempt to expose the Democratic agenda that Rubio, whether out of naïveté or opportunism, was then promoting. Let’s compare the legislative battle over the Iran deal. To his credit, Rubio, like Cruz, was a staunch opponent of President Obama’s agreement to provide over $100 billion to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism while rendering that regime a threshold nuclear power. Yet, in a manner reminiscent of the Gang of Eight, senior Beltway Republicans joined the Obama Left in crafting the so-called Corker-Cardin legislation, a bill that would prevent Congress from rejecting the deal. So Rubio, like Cruz, proposed amendments in an effort to blow up the deal. Rubio, for example, proposed that any agreement require Iran’s leaders to accept Israel’s right to exist. Rubio well knew this poison pill had no chance of being adopted. But he was not trying to improve the Iran deal. Rubio was, as Time magazine observed, trying to kill the Iran deal. Rubio knows that his support for comprehensive immigration reform that granted unconditional amnesty is his greatest vulnerability in the quest for the GOP nomination. Now, using the logic of Rubio’s “amnesty” attack on Cruz, one could argue that, if the deal satisfied the condition that Iran acknowledge the Jewish state’s legitimate existence, Rubio would support it — despite the agreement’s material support to terrorism and facilitation of Tehran’s nuclear and ballistic-missile programs. That, however, would be a smear. Rubio aggressively opposed the Iran deal. His objective in proposing the futile amendment was not to win the volley, it was to win the match. Obama and his fellow Democrats were rationalizing support for the deal with claims that Iran was trustworthy and that the deal would promote regional stability. Rubio’s amendment was a shrewd legislative gambit to illustrate that this was absurd. He wasn’t trying to get the amendment approved; he was trying to drive a wedge between Obama and Democrats who pose as Israel supporters. He was trying to undermine the deal. It didn’t work, but it was smart — and it was effective in the sense that it could help the next president take a different tack with the mullahs. Let’s also consider Rubio’s opposition to abortion. The senator opposes abortion in principle because he believes that life begins at conception. Yet he has endorsed anti-abortion legislation that would carve out exceptions for cases of rape and incest. Should we thus conclude that Rubio is, on this matter, an unprincipled hypocrite? That he is “pro-abortion” in cases of rape and incest? Only if our business is slander. Rubio is anti-abortion in all instances, and his objective is to prevent as many abortions as possible. He is willing to abide abortions in cases of rape and incest because, without those exceptions, there is no current political possibility of getting anti-abortion legislation enacted. The number of abortions attributable to rape and incest is minuscule compared with abortions overall. So Rubio calculates that it is best to do what can be done in the current climate to outlaw the vast majority of abortions. He knows that nothing prevents him from moving against other abortions if the political conditions shift in favor of the pure pro-life position. Share article on Facebook share Tweet article tweet That is not being inconsistent in the support of life, much less pro-abortion. It is being as effective as possible to save lives. It is being smart. Unfortunately, Rubio’s support for comprehensive immigration reform that granted unconditional amnesty was anything but smart. He knows it is his greatest vulnerability in the quest for the GOP nomination. Not surprisingly, he insists that he is chastened, that he will not make the same mistakes again. Is Rubio playing it straight? Time will tell. He is not off to a promising start, though, if he doesn’t perceive much daylight between his own enthusiastic support for amnesty and Ted Cruz’s opposition. — Andrew C. McCarthy is a policy fellow at the National Review Institute. His latest book is Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment. Did you like this?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427046/ted-cruz-marco-rubio-i...

AP Photo

Reflections on the Slaughter in Paris: Can We Learn from the Past?

Do Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama now realize that there’s a greater threat than “climate change”? Perhaps, but perhaps not; innocent civilians are a lot easier to kill than the green dream. So the rest of us—those of us who fear mayhem and murder in the streets more than the sea-water level rising a foot or two in the next hundred years—have some serious work to do.

How Horrible Is THIS??

Pakistan protesters burn the French flag (AP)

France May Be Unable to Close Down

Borders at this Point

Shortly after the tragic terror attacks that occurred in Paris the evening of November 13, French President Francois Hollande ordered the closing of his country’s borders to prevent anyone involved in the attacks from leaving France. However, carrying out such an order by bringing all cross-border traffic to a halt—even in a country as relatively small as France—is easier said than done.

AP/Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Matt Drudge Slams Obama for Importing Muslims into the United States

As jihadis murdered more than 100 innocents in Paris, Matt Drudge used his twitter account to focus attention on President Barack Obama’s policy of encouraging Islamic migration into the United States.

Thought Matt already knew that the Muslim Brotherhood is Obama's friends.

You would think....

Cong. Aide Says Syrian Refugees Have Been

Coming To U.S. For Last Two Fiscal Years

Politics | Kerry Picket
Refugees wait to get on a dinghy to sail off for the Greek island of Chios from the western Turkish coastal town of Cesme

'If I was in charge of ISIL, logistically I'd take advantage of this situation'

How scary is this???!!!!!! Someone better shut that down in a hurry!!!

Now this is a good idea...

France’s Far Right Calls for Nation to Re-Arm Itself – ‘Revoke Muslim Passports’ (Video)

Marine La Pen, the leader of Front Nationale Party in France, calledd for the nation to “re-arm” itself in the wake of the Paris Islamist attacks on Friday.

La Pen also called on France to revoke Muslim passports.

** At least one of the Islamist killers in Paris entered Europe as a refugee from Syria.

ISIS took credit for the attacks.
The Islamist State said this was the “first of the storm.”
isis fighters

Hat Tip Dana Loesch

Zero Hedge reported:

If there is one ‘winner’ from last night’s terrible events in Paris, it is France’s anti-EU, anti-immigration far-right wing Front Nationale party leader Marine Le Pen. Having already ascended to the lead in yet another poll ahead of France’s 2017 elections, Le Pen came out swinging this morning call for France to “re-arm itself,” stating that radical Islam must be “eradicated” from France. She further demanded that border controls be made “permanent” and binational Islamists must be depreived of their French passport.

As Bloomberg notes:

Which is all fine if this was some extreme and unpopular party, but in fact…

Putin Replies to Obama’s Nuke Missile Tests? Russia Launches Twin Nuclear ICBMs from New Submarine (Video)

The Russian Ministry of Defense posted a video clip showing two rapid-fire submarine launches of Bulava ICBMs that are capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads taken some time this weekend.

russian test

The twin launches come days after the United States launched two submarine-based Trident II (D5) ICBMS off the California coast on Saturday night and Monday afternoon from the USS Kentucky. The first launch lit up Southern California and was seen in parts of Arizona and Nevada, startling people who thought it was the beginning of a nuclear war. Each missile is capable of carrying 14 nuclear warheads that can hit independent targets.

Missile California Freakout Drudge Report
Image of U.S. submarine launch of ICBM, November 7, 2015, via Drudge Report.

The video clip was posted Saturday to Twitter by the Russian Ministry of Defense with a translated caption of, “# Video # For the first time multiple rocket launches two ICBMs “Bulava” from the board of ASMC “Vladimir Monomakh””

The twenty-seven second video shows taken at night shows two missiles being successfully fired seconds apart following the same trajectory.

The Russians stated the launches took place in the White Sea.

“Submarine “Vladimir Monomakh” was first performed multiple rocket launches of ICBMs “# Mace” from the White Sea”

The test missile launches were reported in advance by Tass and also reported by the Barents Observer.

“Russia´s newest strategic nuclear-powered submarine “Vladimir Monomakh” will be launching two Bulava missiles during the coming days.

“If the launch is successful, or even in case only the launch mechanisms work normally, the submarine will be taken into active duty in the Russian Navy, a military source says to news agency TASS.

“According to plans, “Vladimir Monomakh” will be launching two Bulava missiles from underwater position in the White Sea to the Kura range on the Kamchatka peninsula no later than November 16. There will not be any more launches of the Bulava missile this year,” the source added.”

The Observer reported the Bulava missile, which can carry ten nuclear warheads, has had a troubled history but has improved in recent years with the introduction of the Borei class of submarines. The Vladimir Monomakh is the newest member of the Borei class and a successful test launch would put the sub on active duty in the Russian Navy added the Observer.

“The Bulava missile that the Borey-class submarines are constructed to be armed with, is a three-stages, 36 tons heavy submarine-launched ballistic missile capable of carrying ten nuclear warheads. Each submarine is armed with 16 missiles.

“Russia has been conducting tests with the Bulava missile since 2004. Until 2009, there were 6 failures in 13 flight tests and one failure during ground test, blamed mostly on substandard components. After a failure in December 2009, further tests were put on hold and a probe was conducted to find out the reasons for the failures. Testing was resumed one year later, and of the ten tests that have been conducted since then, only one has failed, according to Wikipedia.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported earlier this week on the Vladimir Monomakh.

“A product of the Rubin Marine Equipment Design Bureau, in all critical respects the Borei is a significant advance over the aging Typhoon and Delta IV class submarines it is replacing. At nearly 580 feet, the Borei is a large vessel, but the use of advanced technologies, including pump-jet propulsion from its nuclear reactor, also makes it substantially quieter than its relatively noisy predecessors, posing a challenge for U.S. Navy hunter-killer submarines.

“Each Borei will have a crew of 107, of which 55 will be officers. With the inclusion of research and development costs, the Borei will cost about $700 million per boat, far less than a comparable U.S. Ohio class submarine, the costs for which are about $2 billion.

…”The Borei class is designed to launch nuclear-armed ballistic missiles over intercontinental distances. The range of the 12 to 16 Bulava missiles carried onboard the Borei—each capable of carrying six to 10 warheads with maneuvering and other countermeasure capabilities—is estimated at about 5157 miles. The Borei also can defend itself by launching both conventional and nuclear armed torpedoes.

“With a service life expected to extend to at least 2040, the Borei will become a prominent fixture in the Russian military’s intercontinental attack capabilities…”




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