We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


The RNC is preparing a brokered convention...to not allow Marco Rubio to win...They will bring in an establishment candidate to give it to that candidate...What can be done  about that..We know it will be Jeb or Rubio..They can do this  because of the ways that they have structured the riles...this is incredible.. the pick at a brokered convention never wins..they said FDR was the last to ever win a brokered convention.What they are really doing is saying they had rather elect Hillary than have Trump win............I AM TOO DISGUSTED FOR WORDS


Cleveland Cliffhanger? Prospects of a Deadlocked GOP Convention

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/02/cleveland_cliffhang...
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Sign me up... the Christian solid conservatives that I know will crawl over BROKEN GLASS TO VOTE FOR TED CRUZ...They know that Ted Cruz will protect this nation ..Born of God..to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God..

Matt 21:43..(KJV) Ted would have our Lord on His side and Ted   in turn WOULD  crawl over broken glass to protect us AND ISRAEL.........

The establishment is already rushing to support Trump...Trump is now embracing the establishment...mutual love affair....

Trump is enticing votes with  BIG TAlk..His only record is that he is a progressive liberal...He says he has changed but still loves his New York City Values....

Ted Cruz on the other hand is a TRUE WARRIOR ..Who promised to go into the senate  and fight for WE THE PEOPLE.. AND HE KEPT HIS PROMISES... His fellow establishment repubs and his democrat  opponents despise him because he refused to play ball and make deals with them....I am from Alabama and we have a former democrat..Richard  Shelby as a senator ther who is facing a primary challenge from a younger Naval Captain named Jonathan McConnel...Shelby is a deal maker and I hope we can get rid of him...We have another senator..Jeff Sessions who is despised in the senate ..because in his long career in the senate is A PROMISE KEEPER for We the people  ...and what a warrior against immigration that  he is....Jeff should be Governor of Alabama...we love him in 'Bama....These 2 are friends in the senate ..Cruz and Sessions...Iron sharpens iron as the bible says....

This primary election is not the same game that has usually been controllable by the party leaders...Even if Cruz should lost in the primary in Iowa...Catholics very much outweigh the Evangelicals in IOWA.....and Catholics usually are more liberal and may be attracted to Trump...and New Hampshire is totally liberal ..i.e. godless heathen...The Southern states have  banded together to  give them more clout for this primary This is a new thingy.......Ted would still win tons more votes in the South  and Texas is in the mix ...So all of you who love Cruz...hang in there with him...God may send tribulation to Trump..because of all the evil lies he is telling about Cruz..and counting it a righteous thing because Cruz is a true Christian...Scripture says that God will do this in a situation like this...Look it up...It is there........

2016 Primary and Caucus Schedule, ordered by state

Order by Date

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Republican caucuses
Democratic caucuses
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

(date undetermined)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Republican caucuses
Democratic caucuses
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Republican primaries
Democratic caucuses
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Saturday, March 5th, 2016

Republican caucuses
Democratic primaries
Saturday, March 5th, 2016
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Saturday, March 5th, 2016

Republican caucuses
Democratic caucuses
Saturday, March 5th, 2016
Sunday, March 6th, 2016

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

Republican primaries
Democratic caucuses
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
Saturday, March 5th, 2016

Democratic caucuses
Republican caucuses
Saturday, February 20th, 2016
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

New Hampshire
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

New Jersey
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

New Mexico
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

New York
Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

North Carolina
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

North Dakota
Democratic caucuses
Republican caucuses
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
(date undetermined)

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Rhode Island
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

South Carolina
Democratic primaries
Republican primaries
Saturday, February 27th, 2016 (tentative)
Saturday, February 20th, 2016 (tentative)

South Dakota
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Republican primaries
Democratic caucuses
Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
Saturday, March 26th, 2016

West Virginia
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

Republican caucuses
Democratic caucuses
(date undetermined)
Saturday, April 9th, 2016

2016 U.S. State Elections   Click for all state info for your state etc...Primaries etc

the Christian solid conservatives that I know will crawl over BROKEN GLASS TO VOTE FOR TED CRUZ...They know that Ted Cruz will protect this nation ..Born of God..to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God..

Matt 21:43..(KJV) Ted would have our Lord on His side and Ted   in turn WOULD  crawl over broken glass to protect us AND ISRAEL.........

The establishment is already rushing to support Trump...Trump is now embracing the establishment...mutual love affair....

Trump is enticing votes with  BIG TAlk..His only record is that he is a progressive liberal...He says he has changed but still loves his New York City Values....

Ted Cruz on the other hand is a TRUE WARRIOR ..Who promised to go into the senate  and fight for WE THE PEOPLE.. AND HE KEPT HIS PROMISES... His fellow establishment repubs and his democrat  opponents despise him because he refused to play ball and make deals with them....I am from Alabama and we have a former democrat..Richard  Shelby as a senator ther who is facing a primary challenge from a younger Naval Captain named Jonathan McConnel...Shelby is a deal maker and I hope we can get rid of him...We have another senator..Jeff Sessions who is despised in the senate ..because in his long career in the senate is A PROMISE KEEPER for We the people  ...and what a warrior against immigration that  he is....Jeff should be Governor of Alabama...we love him in 'Bama....These 2 are friends in the senate ..Cruz and Sessions...Iron sharpens iron as the bible says....

This primary election is not the same game that has usually been controllable by the party leaders...Even if Cruz should lost in the primary in Iowa...Catholics very much outweigh the Evangelicals in IOWA.....and Catholics usually are more liberal and may be attracted to Trump...and New Hampshire is totally liberal ..i.e. godless heathen...The Southern states have  banded together to  give them more clout for this primary This is a new thingy.......Ted would still win tons more votes in the South  and Texas is in the mix ...So all of you who love Cruz...hang in there with him...God may send tribulation to Trump..because of all the evil lies he is telling about Cruz..and counting it a righteous thing because Cruz is a true Christian...Scripture says that God will do this in a situation like this...Look it up...It is there........

Finally, Some Perspective On The Flint Water Crisis
Investor´s Business Daily, by John Merline    Original Article
Posted By: PageTurner- 1/23/2016 6:39:30 AM     Post Reply
Jesse Jackson called it “a crime scene.” Hillary Clinton said she was “outraged by what’s happening.” President Obama said, “I’d be beside myself over my kids’ health.” Those are the tame statements about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where federal and state water and environmental officials bungled a supply switch and temporarily contaminated the city’s drinking water with lead. The flood of news stories in recent days have played up the health risks faced by people who drank the water, especially children. But just how bad is the contamination? How much harm will it end up doing? That part of the story

Cold Weather, Hot Beats:
Web Jams to Paul Ryan´s
Livestream of Snowy Capitol
NBC News, by Devin Coldewey    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 1/23/2016 6:37:50 AM     Post Reply
Not long ago the Internet at large was captivated by a puddle in England — and this week´s obsession is no less strange. The office of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan on Friday put up a live video stream of our snowy Capitol as seen from the office balcony. A pleasant enough sight, but what has the Web riled up is the music: a funky, instrumental synth jam (selected by Ryan´s press secretary AshLee Strong) that may or may not be a cover of Marvin Gaye´s "Sexual Healing." Why this track? Who is it? And why can´t we stop

Hillary Emails: 7 Smoking Guns Found … So Far
Investor´s Business Daily, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: RockyTCB- 1/23/2016 6:33:07 AM     Post Reply
Scandal: The media’s “no smoking gun” refrain about Hillary Clinton’s emails has been strangely muted since several turned up with information beyond Top Secret. But this is just the latest in a growing arsenal of smoking guns. After each previous batch of emails that has been released, reporters would quickly proclaim that there was nothing in them definitely proving that Clinton broke the law. At least, that’s what one would assume constitutes a “smoking gun,” given the way the scandal has been covered. But what if a “smoking gun” means catching her in a flat lie or putting national security at risk



#Blizzard2016: Seven ways snow in
Washington is like our government
Fox News, by Sharon Kehnemui    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/23/2016 5:04:41 AM     Post Reply
On Thursday, Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia declared states of emergency starting Friday for the "blizzard" scheduled to hit the D.C. metropolitan area over the weekend. Democratic D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan have requested that the National Guard be made available should they be needed to help stranded motorists and transport relief supplies. Indeed, the mayor said in a press conference on Thursday that the storm is the most snowfall she can remember forecasted on record – this despite some major regional storms in 2010, 2003, and 1996. Of course,

Trump Spokeswoman: Malcolm X
Is ‘My Idol,’ Republicans Are Racist
Daily Caller, by Peter Hasson    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 1/23/2016 4:57:29 AM     Post Reply
Since joining the Trump campaign as a national spokeswoman in November, Katrina Pierson has served as an attack dog of sorts for Donald Trump, attempting to expose his critics and opponents as faux conservatives who are simply pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people. And yet, Ms. Pierson’s own statements reveal she is a self-proclaimed devotee of Malcolm X (whom she has referred to as her “idol”) and has a history of attacking conservatives as racists, sneering at Christians who are unable to “handle the truth” and mocking candidates who open up about their faith on the campaign

Federal Bureaucracies:
Incompetent, Corrupt, Or Both?
Power Line, by John Hinderaker    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 1/23/2016 4:53:02 AM     Post Reply
The saga of Barack Obama’s Internal Revenue Service is almost unbelievable. After “joking” years ago that he would audit his enemies, it turned out that Obama’s minions were in fact delaying or blocking routine applications for 501(c) status by conservative organizations, in order to help the Democratic Party. When Congress tried to investigate, the Obama administration stonewalled at every turn. Evidence mysteriously disappeared and the key player in the scheme, Lois Lerner, pled the Fifth rather than answer Congress’s questions. Obama’s stonewall strategy has generally worked well. Scandals fade from the front pages when there are no new developments, and

Christians, Conservatives, Men, and White
People Are Not Responsible For Your Problems
Townhall, by John Hawkins    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 4:48:50 AM     Post Reply
Lou Holtz once said, "Don´t tell your problems to people: eighty percent don´t care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them." Unfortunately, Lou Holtz is a man out-of-step with our whiny age. Today, people will not shut up about their problems. They want to let you know about every issue they have, every “microaggression” and every time they’re offended. It’s a bottomless sea of discontent. Worse yet, our generation of complainers never seems to blame themselves for their own problems. Instead they’ve picked out a group of designated fall guys that it’s always okay to blame for every problem



On Donald Trump and Demagoguery
National Review Online, by William F. Buckley, Jr.    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 4:41:03 AM     Post Reply
Editor’s Note: The following excerpts are drawn from an essay by William F. Buckley Jr. that appeared in the March/April 2000 issue of Cigar Aficionado.Many people are inflamed by the rampant demagoguery in the present scene. Demagoguery — demagogy — comes in two modes. Most conspicuous is that of the candidate who promises the voters what are best described as Nice Things. Why not health care for the uninsured? Or for children? Why not cheaper drugs? Free child delivery? (Free funerals?) Sharpshooters tracking down demagogy were out there waiting last summer, eyes trained, when Bill Bradley arrived in Iowa. Would

Tests for the president’s men (and women)
Washington Times, by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 4:35:36 AM     Post Reply
There are moments in history when the fate of nations lies at the mercy of the integrity of a single person. We’re at such a moment now, and growing numbers of Americans are beginning to realize that. Hillary Clinton, who more than half of the people answering the pollsters say they do not think is honest and trustworthy, violated the rules by running her official business through a personal email server. The polls reveal that the public is weary of the whole snarled subject. The details sound complicated to the many, often frustrated personally with computers and servers and such. The

U.S. oil and gas industry
continues to lose jobs
CBS News, by Manuel Bojorquez    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/23/2016 4:35:22 AM     Post Reply
ALICE, Texas- The price of oil rose for a change Friday, closing up nine percent to over $32 a barrel. Gas dropped another penny to $1.85 -- great for drivers. But the American oil patch is sliding from boom to bust. Machines that once pumped oil from the ground near Alice, Texas sit idle, lined up along a highway. It´s a painful sight for Denise Walker Robinson. "I think that´s what keeps me going, is my faith," Robinson told CBS News. Her company services oil rigs, but the trucks have nowhere to go. She once had 200 employees; now there

RCP: Cruz, Rubio Lead
Hillary; Hillary Leads Trump
Weekly Standard, by Jeffrey H. Anderson    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 4:31:03 AM     Post Reply
The Real Clear Politics average of recent polls finds that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are each ahead of Hillary Clinton in head-to-head polling, while Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump. Clinton leads Trump by a tally of 45 to 43 percent. Meanwhile, Rubio leads Clinton by 46 to 44 percent, and Cruz leads Clinton by 46 to 45 percent. Limiting the results to polls taken since New Year´s Day, the margins are a bit greater. Clinton leads Trump by 4 points—48 to 44 percent. Rubio leads Clinton by the same 4 points—48 to 44 percent. And Cruz leads Clinton by

Ready for Julián?
Politico, by Edward-Isaac Dovere    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 4:28:55 AM     Post Reply
At home, Julián Castro’s been spending more time reading and watching television in Spanish, trying to get his speaking skills up to speed. On the job as Housing and Urban Development secretary, he’s been carefully working the levers in Washington, with coaching from Bill Clinton and a twin brother who’s a popular and up-and-coming congressman himself. Starting Saturday, he’ll be out on the trail for Hillary Clinton in in Nevada, Iowa and Maine. He’s plotted his rise carefully, studying and strategizing with a clear goal in sight. But if Clinton picks him to be her running mate, it’ll be more about perfectly fitting


German government admits it cannot account
for 600,000 of its 1.1million asylum seekers –
and many could be using multiple identities
to travel across Europe
Daily Mail [UK], by Dan Tonkin    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 1/23/2016 4:24:49 AM     Post Reply
The German government is unable to say where more than half of the one million asylum seekers allowed into the country have ended up, MailOnline can exclusively reveal. Government statistics show that Germany registered 1.1million applications by the end of last year under its EASY system, which does not record much more than an applicant´s country of origin. German Interior Ministry spokesman Dr Harald Neymanns admitted that delays in the processing of asylum seeker applications would account for some of those missing. But he also said that in some cases refugees may not have stayed in Germany but instead gone on to a

The Democrats Stumble Toward
50 Shades of Socialism
Time, by Joe Klein    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 4:18:07 AM     Post Reply
How much should the government redistribute? A specter is haunting the Democratic Party–the specter of socialism. A question is being asked, mostly by Republicans, but also by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist? Debbie Wasserman Schultz got it last July and, ever the robotic partisan, answered by saying the more important difference was between Democrats and Republicans. Senator Chuck Schumer said it depended on how you define the two, and then refused to define the two. And, most significantly, Hillary Clinton said, “Well, I can tell you what I am … I’m a

Trumpians Get Had
PJ Media, by Andrew Klavan    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 1/23/2016 4:14:48 AM     Post Reply
Back in July, I wrote a post called "Anger is Making Us Stupid." In it, I quoted no less authorities than Yoda and Jonah Goldberg (and have you noticed those two are never seen together?) to make the point that justifiable anger on the right was causing conservatives to follow blindly after an untrustworthy left-winger, one Donald Trump. I´ve since adjusted that judgment somewhat. Many of the people who have gotten a) angry and therefore b) stupid were never really conservatives to begin with. They are rather working-class folks who have been sold out by both the Democrats (who despise them)

The surprising psychology of
shoppers and return policies
Washington Post, by Sarah Halzack    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 1/23/2016 4:07:51 AM     Post Reply
January is prime time for returns in the retail industry, the month where shoppers show up in droves to trade in an ill-fitting sweater from grandma or to unload the second and third “Frozen” dolls that showed up under the Christmas tree. This post-Christmas ritual has always been costly for retailers, comprising a large share of the $284 billion in goods that were returned in 2014. But now it is arguably becoming more urgent for the industry to think carefully about return policies, as analysts say the rise of online shopping is bringing with it a surge in returns. The return

A G.O.P. Majority in New Hampshire
Pipes Up: We’re Not for Donald Trump
New York Times, by Michael Barbaro & Ashley Parker    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 1/23/2016 4:04:51 AM     Post Reply
BROOKLINE, N.H. — Jeanne Cleveland, a retired teacher, pursed her lips sourly at the mention of his name and tried to summarize her distaste in diplomatic terms. “I think he’s arrogant,” she said. “I think he’s rude. I think——” She paused, reaching for the right words. “Let’s just say, I don’t like the way he represents us as a country.” To avoid any confusion, Mrs. Cleveland put it plainly: “I don’t like Trump.” In this, the 70-year-old from Hollis, N.H., has ample, baffled and agonized company in New Hampshire as the presidential primary enters its final, frenzied weeks, with Donald

Next 25 Articles


Where are the men of Germany?
American Thinker, by Carol Brown    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 1/23/2016 8:35:53 AM     Post Reply
A 16-year-old German girl is more articulate and honest than most adults on the matter of the Muslim invasion and the transformation of Europe. Bibi Wilhailm is a 16-year-old German girl who has just made an extraordinary 20-minute video that I urge every reader to watch. In it she expresses her terror as she faces tectonic shifts in Germany’s cultural landscape. She is incredibly articulate as she makes stark and accurate observations while also sharing personal stories that highlight the nightmare that is now life in Germany. She speaks with unabashed clarity and honesty, best summed up by her own

Obama’s ‘Smart’ Diplomats Don’t
Know Which Way Is Up In Russia
Investor´s Business Daily, by Monica Showalter    Original Article
Posted By: rockyTCB- 1/23/2016 7:54:21 AM     Post Reply
At least that’s what it looks like, seven years into the Obama administration, when Team Obama’s foreign policy aces at State, ahead of a key summit between Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, hung the Russian flag upside down. It wasn’t until a news cameraman in the press pool warned a top State Department official about the gaffe that anything was done. “You’re not bullsh***ting me, right?” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Glenn Johnson asked the newsie. “I’m not bullsh**ting you,” the cameraman confirmed.

The Left´s Problem
with Nature and Logic
American Thinker, by William Sullivan    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 1/23/2016 7:49:05 AM     Post Reply
Imagine a fairly busy four-way intersection in a suburb of Anytown, USA. At one corner of that intersection sits a man in a chair, plucked from a remote island in the South Pacific by some unknown force and placed there. This man has never seen a car or a streetlight before, nor does he know anything about laws and customs that drivers have become accustomed to obey intuitively. Imagine, however, that he is instructed, in his own language, to simply sit there and observe how these strange foreigners and conveyances move about. Within an hour or two, I´d lay a strong wager



It’s the Same Old
Deal With Donald Trump
American Thinker, by Fritz Pettyjohn    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 1/23/2016 7:40:44 AM     Post Reply
Politicians use taxpayer money to buy votes. It´s the way the system works. Donald Trump is offering more of the same. Not content with simply supporting the ridiculous ethanol boondoggle of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), he wants to actually expand it, in a thoroughly transparent attempt to purchase political support in Iowa. To make sure he got the language of his bribe just right, he read out his proposal from a script provided him by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association. This is every corporate lobbyist´s dream -- a candidate who not only goes whole hog for your scheme, but one

Family seeks $1.8 million from
Cullen Davis from mansion murders
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, by Max B. Baker    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/23/2016 7:38:40 AM     Post Reply
FORT WORTH Cullen Davis, accused of being the notorious “man in black” who gunned down two people in his Fort Worth mansion almost 40 years ago, will return to court next month to fight a $1.8 million judgment against him in that famous murder case. Attorneys representing Jon and Heather Farr, children of the late Stan Farr, filed a summary judgment motion in Tarrant County civil court earlier this month stating that Davis by Feb. 15 will owe the Farrs $1,844,641.94 after interest is added to an unpaid $250,000 judgment from 2003. State District Judge John Chupp will be asked to revive

Republican voters should
not dismiss Donald Trump
American Thinker, by Steve Bartin    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 1/23/2016 7:34:46 AM     Post Reply
Trump knows how to win, because he knows how to control the media. The Republican establishment types are bent out of shape over Donald Trump because they fear him. They fear he’ll turn off moderates. They fear his negatives are too high. They fear he can’t be bought off, because he doesn’t need the money. They fear he will bring a Goldwater-type disaster at the polls. How Trump will govern is open to debate, but what isn’t debatable is the competence of Trump the Candidate. The establishment types didn’t take Trump seriously because he’s never held elected office. But, he eliminated Rick Perry, Scott

Losing What Reagan Won
American Thinker, by Bruce Walker    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 1/23/2016 7:32:07 AM     Post Reply
As Americans consider who ought to lead us out of the despair of Obama´s misrule, we ought to go back twenty-five years. That was when the fruits of Ronald Reagan´s crusade against Communism gave us a world that ought to have produced peace and prosperity leading, over time, to more freedom and more hope for all mankind. George H. Bush was president, but the fight had been waged and won by Reagan, one of the few who saw that the Evil Empire could be defeated without firing a shot. The Warsaw Pact began disintegrating in early 1989, and the nations within



Clues Emerge on Robert Levinson, C.I.A.
Consultant Who Vanished in Iran
New York Times, by Barry Meier    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 1/23/2016 6:53:30 AM     Post Reply

When the United States and Iran swapped prisoners last week, nothing was said to resolve the mystery about another captive: Robert A. Levinson, a Central Intelligence Agency consultant who disappeared in Iran in 2007. Iranian leaders have long said that they knew nothing about the missing American, and United States officials have said that he may no longer be in Iran — or even still alive. Aside from a hostage video and photographs of him in an orange jumpsuit five years ago, there had been no public clues about his fate. But newly disclosed documents suggest that Iranian officials knew far more


Icon for Post #140454

This week we have actually a very special podcast, no sarcasm. Matt tells the story about finding his birth mom after 40 years. I get a little choked up. And we talk...

Icon for Post #140447

I saw this this morning and just loved this exchange between two bewildered CNN hosts and the master of Trumpovian public relations, Cory Lewandowski, who encounters a...


Icon for Post #140445

We thought Trump would response in his typical fashion to Jeb’s campaign ad featuring his mother, Barbara Bush, but wow, this is just brutal. Just watched...

Icon for Post #140441

El Trumpo deleted a campaign video this morning because even though it was about supporting U.S. veterans, it had a picture of a Russian soldier instead!! Watch...

Icon for Post #140438

After Stacey Dash made her comments against Oscar race sensitivity, the “Black Entertainment Channel” made this joke about her, highlighting that she had...

Icon for Post #140431

Pants-purchase-challenged Twitter user Jonah Goldberg went on Fox News to defend the National Review’s “Against Trump” edition that tries to make the...

Icon for Post #140424

In a speech last night in Las Vegas, Trump told the crowd that you have to be a little establishment in order to get things done in Washington. He said you can’t...

Icon for Post #140420

Jeb Bush just took what we thought of as desperate to a whole new level by releasing a new ad with his own mother singing his praises: If you are trying to convince...

Icon for Post #140418

We are finding out now that out of the emails Hillary Clinton had on her unsecured private server that were beyond Top Secret, one of the emails contained intelligence...

Icon for Post #140407

The Republican National Committee has booted ‘the National Review’ from co-hosting their upcoming debate after they printed a slew of articles dedicated to...

Icon for Post #140408

Donald Trump responded to Ted Cruz’s ad today hammering him over his use of eminent domain to take an elderly woman’s home and make it into a limo parking...

Icon for Post #140403

Ted Cruz went one on one yesterday with the Clinton Foundation’s favorite news anchor, George Stephanopoulos. When asked about Trump and Rubio’s pro-amnesty...

Icon for Post #140398

This is actually a pretty good ad exposing how Trump has used eminent domain to bulldoze an elderly woman’s home to create a limo parking lot for his casino: I...

Icon for Post #140395

Ted Cruz has had one not-so-great interview in this entire campaign cycle, and that’s the one Trump is using to attack Cruz on immigration, calling him pro...

Icon for Post #140392

El Trumpo responded to National Review’s assembling of conservative superheroes to denounce him tonight, and he did it on Twitter: National Review is a failing...

Icon for Post #140387

The highly respected conservative National Review is coming out with a special issue dedicated to one thing – to bring down the Donald!! Our #AgainstTrump...

Icon for Post #140385

It’s really odd that no one mentioned before the Iran Deal was sealed that we pretty much expected that some of the billions we gave them would end up funding...

Icon for Post #140382

El Ricko said that while he understood that people just want someone to channel their anger and bust things up in Washington, Trump just doesn’t have the...

Icon for Post #140373

El Trumpo tried to Trump his way out of the embarrassing gaffe he made where he called 2 Corinthians “two Corinthians

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3y4ulkZIl

on January 22, 2016January 22, 2016

Americans should never forget that it’s not about the candidate it’s about the country. Donald Trump is running a very unique campaign in the way he moves from portraying himself as an outsider to attracting more inside establishment support MORE

January 21, 2016

January 21, 2016

Senator’s Orrin Hatch and Richard Burr are taking a second look at Donald Trump. Why are the establishment Republicans considering him electable over Ted Cruz? MORE

January 20, 2016

January 20, 2016

Conservatives are against crony capitalism, where statists use the power of the federal government to subsidize one industry against another. So why is Donald Trump supporting ethanol? MORE

January 19, 2016

January 19, 2016

Donald Trump sounds like he is buying political votes by supporting ethanol. The ethanol issue is a perfect example of crony capitalism, pandering, and the environmental movement at their worst MORE

January 18, 2016

January 18, 2016

The purpose of this election is to nominate a conservative who will hold fast against the bureaucracy, the courts and the media. The Democrats and President Obama have been destroying the nation and our country will be lost if a principled conservative is not elected MORE

January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, Sen. Ted Cruz was not trashing everyday New Yorkers when he talked about New York values. MORE

January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016

During Thursday night’s debate candidates should just be themselves, stand on their own record and not focus on the other guy. Americans should watch out for those who prefer to attack instead of talk MORE

January 13, 2016

January 13, 2016

Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina sounds like Hillary Clinton. She is taking her comments from liberal and establishment types when it comes to immigration MORE

January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016

Americans should forget about the State of the Union speech and not give President Obama a captive audience for his Castro like speeches. The State of our Union sucks under Obama, so why should Americans be cowed into watching it? MORE

January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016

It’s long past time for a special prosecutor to take on Hillary Clinton over her email scandal. A special prosecutor is necessary for justice to be done MORE


Kerry at Davos: The world is getting 'better'...'faster than ever b... - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Pollyanna addresses Davos. More


Putin envoy who told Assad to resign found dead weeks later - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Was the chief of Russian military intelligence assassinated in Beirut? More
Blizzard won't stop guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns from doing t... - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016"I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." More
Where are the men of Germany? - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016A heartbroken 16-year-old German girl makes a desperate video plea: Protect us! Must-see video. More
Donald Trump and freedom of speech: he's no champion - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016The man some in the UK Parliament tried to ban for "hate speech" has judged others harshly for their exercise of free speech on Muslims. More
Republican voters should not dismiss Donald Trump - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Trump is at the top of the Republican field because he is, by far, the best at running a campaign. He knows how to win.  He knows that the candidate who controls the news cycle will win. More
NRO's most insightful comment about Trump - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Connecting the dots. More
What has Sarah done? - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Has she tossed her ideals to the winds? More
I don't get this Trump phenomenon - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016We are talking about the presidency. More
It’s the Same Old Deal With Donald Trump - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Look at what he does, not what he says. More
Hillary's Disqualifying Defense - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Americans are beginning to realize that Hillary’s admissions in her defense of her private email server didaualify her from the presidency. More
Michael Gerson, Trump-basher, and the Soul of the Republican Party - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) lives! More
13 Hours: Not a 'non-political' movie - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016It gets the point across, even without mentioning the names "Clinton" and "Obama." More
An Iron Dome against the cultural boycott of Israel - 1/23/16 January 23, 2016The BDS movement seeks to hold art (particularly Israeli art) hostage to politics.  Free societies can't let that happen. More
National Review goes to the mattresses against Trump - 1/22/16 January 22, 2016I cannot remember anything like it in the last half century. More

More Blog Entries

The Left's Problem with Nature and Logic William SullivanHuman survival is about recognizing patterns.  Leftists seem eager to forget this crucial fact. More


Losing What Reagan Won Bruce WalkerTwenty-five years ago, America had it all.  Here is how we can get it back. More
Petraeus Prosecuted -- Why not Hillary? Daniel John SobieskiHow can someone who through the same “gross negligence” that cost American lives at Benghazi has placed all our lives at risk be a candidate for president and not for incarceration? More
Winning the Close Ones Richard BaehrBattles over voting results go back a lot farther than Bush v Gore, and aren't going to end anytime soon.  More
Immigration and Your Father’s Oldsmobile Richard ButrickThe immigrants who came to America knew they had to work hard to survive. Immigrants today know the U.S. is a fail-safe environment. More

Iowa’s Cornfields Are Frozen, But Field Houses on Fire for Cruz, Ru...

With eight days until the February 1 caucus, Iowans may be freezing but they are feeling the heat from the Rubio, Cruz and Trump campaigns. In this cycle, the Iowa caucus may be the final determinant of the Republican primary and not only do the top tier candidates know it, but so do the Iowa caucus goers.

Ted Cruz,

Ted Cruz Claims Donald Trump Supported Marco Rubio’s ‘Gang of Eight...

ANKENY, Iowa — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, accused GOP frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump of supporting the “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill pushed through the U.S. Senate in 2013 by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Glenn Beck Declares Ted Cruz ‘the Next George Washington’

In what he is billing as his “first ever presidential endorsement,” talk radio host Glenn Beck endorsed Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and declared that the Texas senator is the “next George Washington” who Beck has “prayed” to find.

In New Hampshire, Marco Rubio Denies Reported 3-2-1 Campaign Strategy

Marco Rubio reacted to reports that his new campaign strategy was a 3-2-1 approach, according to the primary calendar.

Cruz-Trump Nicholas KammAFPGetty Images

Donald Trump Floats Ted Cruz Eligibility Lawsuit

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump reportedly said he might file a lawsuit over fellow GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) eligibility to be President of the United States.

More aterr Church.................




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