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The RNC is preparing a brokered convention...to not allow Marco Rubio to win...They will bring in an establishment candidate to give it to that candidate...What can be done  about that..We know it will be Jeb or Rubio..They can do this  because of the ways that they have structured the riles...this is incredible.. the pick at a brokered convention never wins..they said FDR was the last to ever win a brokered convention.What they are really doing is saying they had rather elect Hillary than have Trump win............I AM TOO DISGUSTED FOR WORDS


Cleveland Cliffhanger? Prospects of a Deadlocked GOP Convention

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/02/cleveland_cliffhang...
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Mafia controls AT&T

I don't doubt it Hank...you are usually up to date on all that concerns the unions and their Mafia ties...

On Ruble, Putin Bites Off
More Than He Can Chew
Investor´s Business Daily, by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: PageTurner- 1/25/2016 11:30:22 AM     Post Reply
Markets: Russia’s ruble is at a two-year low against the dollar after plunging sharply last week. Sanctions, falling oil prices and a floating exchange rate have all contributed to the drop — and every one of them is man-made. Having centralized Russia’s government, stifled dissent and muzzled the press, President Vladimir Putin has been firmly in charge of the Russian economy as it has moved generally upward from the economic ruins of the Yeltsin era in the 1990s. But if there’s one thing worse than an unplanned disaster, it’s a planned one. And in this case, Putin owns it.

The Madness of Frau Merkel.
American Thinker, by James Lewis    Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight- 1/25/2016 11:20:26 AM     Post Reply
(SNIP - First paragraphs quote from Koran): If we’ve learned anything in the last eight years it’s that supposedly smart people can be suicidally stupid, and that idiot savants can easily rationalize sabotaging their own nations.Obama isn’t the only elite messiah who favors national suicide for past sins, though he is certainly the blindest, most self-righteous and willfully destructive one in American history.Then there is Frau Angela Merkel -- the Chancellor and Chief Guilt-Tripper of Germany. Frau Merkel shares Obama’s fantasy world, where only the Good People rule and the rest follow orders. The EU even has a slogan for it:

Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against
Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies
Daily Signal, by Kelsey Harkness    Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.- 1/25/2016 10:30:12 AM     Post Reply
OLYMPIA, Wash.—A group of women who say they are former victims of sexual assault are making an emotional plea to Washington state legislators to reverse a bathroom policy that they say leaves them and their young children vulnerable, exposed and unsafe. “It started when I was in diapers and went through until I was 10,” Kaeley Triller Haver, who is now 32, told The Daily Signal of her abuse. “I used to get watched in the shower—that was his thing.” Gretchen Flores, a 47-year-old from Puyallup, Wash., said her abuse happened inside a locker room. “I use to get cramps in my



Donald Trump demands ‘big chunk’
of Keystone XL profits for the U.S.
Toronto Star, by Daniel Dale    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/25/2016 10:29:00 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he would reject the Keystone XL pipeline if TransCanada Corp. didn’t give the U.S. a “big, big chunk of the profits, or even ownership rights.” All of Trump’s Republican rivals say they would immediately approve the pipeline from the Alberta oil sands, which President Barack Obama rejected in November. Trump, who bills himself as a master negotiator, now says he would require TransCanada to fork over billions. “I want 25 per cent of the deal for the United States. They’re going to make a fortune,” he declared in Muscatine, Iowa on Sunday. On Saturday, he

71-year-old woman slashed in face with
razor while riding on 6 train in NYC
New York Daily News, by Ryan Sit and Dan Good    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/25/2016 10:27:40 AM     Post Reply
A man on a downtown 6 train slashed a 71-year-old woman in the face with a razor who was seated across from him near the Bleecker St. subway station Monday morning, authorities said. The attack — which appears to have been unprovoked — occurred after 7 a.m., before the train reached the Soho station, cops said. The woman, identified as Carmen Rivera, was taken to Bellevue Hospital with a 4-inch slash across her left cheek. She is expected to survive. Police did not yet have anyone in custody. The suspect is described as a light-skinned black or Hispanic 18-year-old man

Lunatic hacks off woman’s hand,
slits her throat in unprovoked attack
New York Post, by Shawn Cohen, Kevin Sheehan *    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 1/25/2016 10:27:34 AM     Post Reply
A lunatic hacked off his Bronx neighbor’s hand and then fatally slit her throat with a machete in an unprovoked attack on Sunday, according to police sources. Angel Feliz-Volquez, 25, ambushed and butchered Carmen Torres-Gonzalez, 59, as she chatted with her mother’s home health-care aide outside their fifth-floor apartment in the Mott Haven Houses, law-enforcement sources said. The victim was found lying in a pool of blood in the hallway just after 4 p.m., the sources said. Her right hand had been chopped off completely, her left hand was partially severed and she had suffered cuts to her throat,

Obama still claims you save
money under ObamaCare
Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm    Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 1/25/2016 10:16:27 AM     Post Reply

President Obama’s weekly remarks Hi, everybody. When I took office seven years ago this week, more than 15% of Americans went without health insurance. For folks who did have coverage, insurance companies could deny you coverage or charge you more just because you’d been sick. And too many Americans gave up their dreams of changing jobs or going back to school because they couldn’t risk giving up their employer-based insurance plan. We’ve changed that.


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Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3yHSshYjA

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It will take 270 electoral votes to win the 2016 presidential election. Click states on this interactive map to create your own 2016 election forecast. Create a specific match-up by clicking the party and/or names above the electoral vote counter. Use Map Options to create a map with more detailed ratings (e.g., safe, likely, leaning). Use the buttons below the map to share your forecast or embed it into a web page.

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AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Report: Gun-Grabber Michael Bloomberg Willing to Spend $1 Billion t...

Sources close to gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg indicate the former New York Mayor is thinking about entering the race for the presidency and is willing to spend $1 billion to win the White House.

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Hillary Clinton: I Did Not Know What the Email Issue Was All About

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claimed ignorance when asked about her private email scandal at Monday night’s CNN town hall.


Hillary: I Won’t Say Email Was ‘An Error In Judgement,’ ‘Nothing Th...

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that she wasn’t willing to say her email setup was “an error in judgment,” because “nothing that I did was wrong” at Monday’s Democratic Presidential Town Hall on Monday. Hillary


Trump: ‘Weird Dude’ Glenn Beck ‘Always Crying’

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said conservative radio host Glenn Beck is “a weird dude” that is “always crying.” He also said former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is a “wonderful woman” who “likes Trump better” than Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), adding, “She likes what we’re doing.”


Hillary: Trump’s Muslim Ban Shameful, Offensive and Dangerous

Monday on CNN’s Democratic presidential town hall, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States was “not only shameful and offensive,” but also “dangerous.” Hillary said, “One of


Hillary: It Was ‘Tongue In Cheek’ When I Called Republicans Enemies...

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that her statement that Republicans were among her enemies was “tongue in cheek” and that she considers Republicans “worthy adversaries” at Monday’s Democratic presidential town hall on CNN. Clinton, in


Hillary Clinton: Trump Does Not Think America Is a Great Country

Hillary Clinton took a swing at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump during Monday night’s CNN town hall in Iowa. “It’s a great country, despite what one of the Republicans says,” Clinton said during a vague answer to a question about Bernie

Icon for Post #140671

So there was a weird moment at the Democrat Townhall forum tonight where a kid asked a question that he kinda screwed up and then tossed in an odd observation. Check it...

Icon for Post #140669

In a poll of likely caucus goers from Iowa State, Ted Cruz is far ahead of Donald Trump by a large margin. From WHO-TV: As the candidates make their final push across...

Mortgage rates fall to new low - 3.01% APR
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Mortgage rates fall to new low - 3.01% APR


Icon for Post #140664

Uh, Martin O’Malley said one of the stupidest sentences I’ve ever heard at a Democrat event. And that’s saying something. Watch below: Yeah.. this is...

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Martin O’Malley accused Trump of using “fascist rhetoric” during the Democrat townhall tonight. Watch below: .@MartinOMalley says @realDonaldTrump uses...

Icon for Post #140659

Hillary camp needs to start panicking hard. A new poll has her dropping below 50% for the first time in a long time. Watch below: From Fox News: Hillary Clinton’s...

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We reported a lot about the fascist professor at the University of Missouri that smacked a photojournalist who was covering their racist temper tantrum last year. Well...

Icon for Post #140641

Donald Trump did an interview with Field and Stream last week and was asked about his position on selling federal public lands back to the states. Unbelievably he says...

Icon for Post #140643

Ted Cruz just dropped a pretty awesome campaign ad on el Trumpo. You gotta see it: Daaaaang. That’s rough. The New York media establishment has been bashing Cruz...

Icon for Post #140637

Well we knew it was coming – el Trumpo is vaguely threatening to skip the next GOP debate if Fox News doesn’t through Megyn Kelly under his campaign bus and...

Icon for Post #140632

Andy McCarthy wrote a great piece at NRO about The Donald’s cronyism and acceptance of it in Republican circles: NRO – I’m not sure what is worse: Donald...

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Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that the establishment is against him, even though they’re now ‘coming online’ to support him. And why are they...

Icon for Post #140623

For those of you going to CPAC this year, you’ll get to see The Great One speak live and I’m sure it will be a fantastic speech! ACU – CPAC 2016’s...

Icon for Post #140613

When you look at the Donald Trump tweet below, note the date of the tweet. It’s barely a year old: @TheRevAl @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/VzAPDwP6nE" Al...

Icon for Post #140606

We’ve told you how the fascist Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey, is using his government to punish people for ‘insulting’ him, and he’s...

Icon for Post #140601

Looks like Ted Cruz is getting some well needed backup: POLITICO – The pro-Ted Cruz super PAC Keep the Promise I is going up on air Monday with a pair of ads...

Icon for Post #140598

The Desperate Donald is pushing this phony birther issue again, now saying on twitter that Ted Cruz needs to settle the issue or get out of the race: It's time for...

Icon for Post #140595

The great Ken Cuccinelli angrily denounced Carol Costello on CNN when she tried to condescendingly misrepresent Ted Cruz’s position as a presidential...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3yMC5UEBh




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