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The RNC is preparing a brokered convention...to not allow Marco Rubio to win...They will bring in an establishment candidate to give it to that candidate...What can be done  about that..We know it will be Jeb or Rubio..They can do this  because of the ways that they have structured the riles...this is incredible.. the pick at a brokered convention never wins..they said FDR was the last to ever win a brokered convention.What they are really doing is saying they had rather elect Hillary than have Trump win............I AM TOO DISGUSTED FOR WORDS


Cleveland Cliffhanger? Prospects of a Deadlocked GOP Convention

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/02/cleveland_cliffhang...
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Hey..shold that say Cretin professor..LOL


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What´s Eating America?
Townhall, by Jonah Goldberg    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 12/18/2015 5:41:49 AM     Post Reply
"We have people across this country who are scared to death," New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declared loudly at this week´s Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas. Virtually the entire debate was based upon this premise. Which is understandable. Since the bloody Islamist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, terrorism has shot up as the chief concern for most Americans, particularly Republican voters. "For most of 2015, the country´s mood, and thus the presidential election, was defined by anger and the unevenness of the economic recovery," pollster Fred Yang of Hart Research Associates explained upon the release of the latest NBC News/Wall

Will Trump´s Flip-Flop on
Fighting ISIS Hurt Him?
Weekly Standard, by John McCormack    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 12/18/2015 5:36:51 AM     Post Reply
Donald Trump walked into the final GOP debate of 2015 trailing Ted Cruz in Iowa but leading the field in New Hampshire and national polls. It seems unlikely that anything that happened in Las Vegas will change that dynamic. Trump has slumped after previous debates--most notably after Carly Fiorina attacked him in in the second GOP debate--only to regain whatever was lost and rise even higher as Trump inevitably dominates the media discussion once again. But on Tuesday night, the only candidate to land a substantive blow against Trump was Jeb Bush, who pointed out that Trump said in September that

Chicago Pays Millions but
Punishes Few in Killings by Police
New York Times, by Monica Davey & Timothy Williams    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 12/18/2015 4:55:20 AM     Post Reply
CHICAGO — The gunshots blasted on and on, 45 in all, until Calvin Cross lay dead in a vacant lot. Mr. Cross, 19, had run away after three Chicago police officers pulled alongside him on a South Side street near his house. Bullets hit his chest, arm, back, face and the little finger on his right hand. The officers, who fired four weapons including an assault rifle that night in May 2011, said that Mr. Cross had fired at them. Investigators found an old revolver several hundred feet from Mr. Cross’s path. But tests later showed definitively that the gun was


Obama: A Legacy of Fakery
National Review Online, by Charles Krauthammer    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 12/18/2015 4:51:32 AM     Post Reply
Last Saturday, Barack Obama gained the second jewel in his foreign-policy triple crown: the Paris climate accord. It follows his Iran nuclear deal and awaits but the closing of Guantánamo to complete his glittering legacy. To be sure, Obama will not be submitting the climate agreement for Senate ratification. It would have no chance of passing — as with the Iranian nuclear deal, also never submitted for the Senate ratification Obama knew he’d never get. And if he does close Guantánamo, it will be in defiance of overwhelming bipartisan congressional opposition. You see, visionary thinkers like Obama cannot be bound

Trump piles on Scalia;
supports racial preferences
Power Line, by Paul Mirengoff    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:44:36 AM     Post Reply
I had missed this story, but catching up with NRO’s Bench Memos today I learned from Carrie Severino that Donald Trump joined in the criticism of Justice Scalia’s pertinent questioning during oral argument in the Fisher case. Readers probably recall that Scalia raised the problem of the “mismatch” that arises when blacks students receive preferential admission to college and must then compete with students who have significantly better credentials. Scalia wondered, quite reasonably, whether these students would be better off at a lesser school where they could compete on a level playing field, so to speak Here is what occurred after

The Travesty in Baltimore
National Review Online, by Andrew C. McCarthy    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:38:50 AM     Post Reply
The chilling thing about the hung jury that resulted in a mistrial for Officer William G. Porter, the first Baltimore cop to stand trial on charges arising out of the death of Freddie Gray, is that it was a hung jury. This was a prosecution that should never have been brought, based on such a stark lack of evidence that there was not even probable cause to make an arrest, much less proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict a man presumed innocent. The jury should have acquitted Officer Porter in record time. Indeed, the case should never have gone

Most cancer cases due to lifestyle
choices, not ´bad luck,´ study suggests
Fox News, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 12/18/2015 4:36:41 AM     Post Reply
Between 70 and 90 percent of cancer cases are linked to avoidable lifestyle choices like exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals, suggests a study published online Wednesday in the journal Nature. That conclusion, drawn from researchers at Stony Brook University in New York, adds to ongoing study of the causes of cancer and individuals’ ability to reduce their risk. It also challenges findings published in the journal Science earlier this year that suggested most cancer cases are primarily due to “bad luck.” Johns Hopkins University researchers made the previous observation after studying the interaction between stem cell divisions and cancer risk in



On regime change in Syria, the
White House capitulates to Russia
Washington Post, by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 12/18/2015 4:34:28 AM     Post Reply
RUSSIAN PLANES are still bombing Western-backed forces in Syria every day and targeting hospitals, bakeries and humanitarian corridors. Moscow is still insisting that blood-drenched dictator Bashar al-Assad remain in power indefinitely while trying to exclude opposition groups from proposed peace negotiations by claiming they are terrorists. Nevertheless, Secretary of State John F. Kerry insisted Tuesday after meeting with Vladi­mir Putin that the Russian ruler and the Obama administration see Syria “in fundamentally the same way.” Unfortunately, that increasingly appears to be the case — and not because Mr. Putin has altered his position. For four years, President Obama demanded the departure of

New Russian Air Defenses in
Syria Keep U.S. Grounded
Bloomberg View, by Josh Rogin & Eli Lake    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 12/18/2015 4:31:30 AM     Post Reply
There is a new crisis for the international effort to destroy the Islamic State, created by the Kremlin. The U.S. has stopped flying manned air-support missions for rebels in a key part of northern Syria due to Russia’s expansion of air defense systems there, and the Barack Obama administration is scrambling to figure out what to do about it. Russia’s military operations inside Syria have been expanding in recent weeks, and the latest Russian deployments, made without any advance notice to the U.S., have disrupted the U.S.-led coalition´s efforts to support Syrian rebel forces fighting against the Islamic State near the

Wagging the dog in Chicago
Washington Times, by Matt Patterson    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:28:51 AM     Post Reply
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a lot to answer for. Most recently of course there is the controversy surrounding Mr. Emanuel’s handling of a Chicago police officer shooting a black teenager named Laquan McDonald 16 times on Oct. 20, 2014. Mr. Emanuel was slow to respond, and was initially less than enthusiastic about the prospects of a federal Justice Department investigation into the matter (he has since reluctantly backpedaled on that). Mr. Emanuel has certainly made his very messy bed, and will be made to lay in it one way or another. But what is less talked about is the role of the

American Spectator, by Daniel J. Flynn    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:26:20 AM     Post Reply
Edward Moore Kennedy, named for a man described by one biographer as Joseph Kennedy’s “whoremaster,” never really stood a chance of becoming anybody but Edward Moore Kennedy. Camelot courtiers nevertheless continually try to turn bawdy Prince Hal into heroic King Henry IV. But like mixing Shakespeare with Lerner and Loewe in the same mixed-up metaphor, the effort forever fails. The latest rehabilitation project for the late senator who could have once (or twice or thrice) benefitted from rehab comes from Hollywood and it goes by the working title Chappaquiddick. Mark Ciardi, who registered a 9.37 earned-run average in the majors but

Calif. terror pal agreed to ‘sham’
marriage with Farook relative
New York Post, by Joe Tacopino    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:24:44 AM     Post Reply
Enrique Marquez, the pal who bought guns for San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, was paid $200 month to enter into a sham marriage with one of the slain terrorist’s extended family members, court papers claim. Marquez, who was charged Thursday with supporting terror, agreed to marry Russian native Mariya Chernykh — the sister of Farook’s brother’s wife — so she could become a legal US resident. It was discovered that Marquez and his wife did not even live together. Instead, Chernykh lived with her boyfriend and their child. Marquez’s family had no idea he was legally married until after the Dec. 2


Sanders campaign accesses Clinton data,
gets suspended from party voter files
CNN, by Catherine Treyz    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 12/18/2015 4:20:47 AM     Post Reply
The Democratic National Committee has suspended Sen. Bernie Sanders´ presidential campaign from accessing its voter database after the campaign took advantage of a software error to access Hillary Clinton´s confidential voter information. The suspension is a setback for the Vermont senator because the database is a goldmine of information about voters nationwide. Campaigns usually use that data to plot their next moves. The DNC database keeps the information gathered by different campaigns separated by a firewall. But the data systems vendor that runs the program dropped the firewall for a brief period Wednesday, during which time the data was accessed. According to the Sanders

No Matter Who Wins the GOP Nomination,
Hillary´s Going to Have a Fight On Her Hands
Weekly Standard, by Jonathan V. Last    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:18:49 AM     Post Reply
Tuesday´s debate wasn´t boring, exactly. There was a good deal of substance and some demolition derby, too. Also, there was some real news toward the end when Trump doubled down on staying in the Republican party and not running a third-party candidacy if someone else is the nominee. But I don´t know that the debate altered the strategic balance of power in this race in any meaningful way. But it did get me thinking about the general election. To my mind, the most likely nominees, in descending order of probability, are Rubio, Cruz, and Trump. And watching them, it struck me

How Chris Christie Can Win
Conservatives and the Nomination
Fiscal Times, by Ed Morrissey    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:16:20 AM     Post Reply
The moment on stage at the CNN/Salem Media Group debate* provided a perfect set-up for Chris Christie. The discussion of the changes to NSA intelligence gathering in the USA Freedom Act directly related to the overwhelming focus on national security in the final Republican presidential debate in 2015. The terrorist attack in San Bernardino two weeks earlier had raised all sorts of questions as to whether counterterrorism and Homeland Security officials had missed red flags to the true intent of Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Three Senators on stage took very different approaches to surveillance in the war on terror, and

Obamacare Loses the Bet
PJ Media, by Charlie Martin    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/18/2015 4:10:05 AM     Post Reply
Sometimes I hate being right. I´ve been talking about the "arithmetical absurdity of Obamacare" and the common version of health "insurance" for nearly eight years. Not long ago, I pointed out that the insurance that was available from the exchanges, for individuals, was excessively expensive and had poor coverage. Since then, about half of the Obamacare co-ops -- nonprofit insurance companies created with startup funds from the government to provide insurance on the exchanges -- have failed and either have gone out of business, or are in the process of doing so. What´s killing these co-ops? Oh, there´s some fraud, and there´s

Mike Huckabee: I don’t understand why
evangelical leaders aren’t uniting behind me
Hot Air, by Allahpundit    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 12/18/2015 4:06:39 AM     Post Reply

Anyone want to help him solve this confounding mystery? Incidentally, allow me to go on record now as predicting that Huckabee will endorse Marco Rubio once he drops out. “For reasons I don’t fully understand, years and years of actually doing something and getting things done didn’t matter,” Huckabee said of the group’s deliberations. ”And I don’t understand that.”… Huckabee, according to sources, has often reminded [Tony] Perkins and his fellow influencers that a major reason he gave up his Fox News show and launched a 2016 campaign was because he expected to have their backing. Their decision to instead support Cruz, then,


Next 25 Articles

Christian professor suspended
after wearing hijab

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Hermoine- 12/18/2015 8:27:46 AM     Post Reply
WHEATON, Illinois — A tenured professor at Wheaton College was put on administrative leave after she wore a traditional headscarf as part of her Christmas Advent devotion and said she was doing it in solidarity with Muslims. “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God,” Larycia Hawkins wrote on Facebook.

What if Democrats had a
national security debate?
Washington Examiner, by Byron York    Original Article
Posted By: garnet- 12/18/2015 7:58:04 AM     Post Reply
The Democratic presidential field, such as it is, gathers for its third debate Saturday, in Manchester, N.H. Here´s a thought experiment: Imagine it were devoted entirely to national security. The Republican debate in Las Vegas Tuesday night focused almost exclusively on security and foreign policy. The CNN moderators had not originally billed the debate that way, but after Paris, San Bernardino, the Islamic State and more, that´s what it became. The GOP candidates were happy to go along, and the debate was an extended exchange on who would be tougher on radical Islamic terrorism. Maybe some candidates went too far; things got so



Vladimir Putin is a big
fan of Donald Trump
New York Post, by Geoff Earle    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 12/18/2015 7:24:32 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has said he could deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin — and on Thursday, Putin returned the favor by calling Trump “a really brilliant and talented person.” Putin gushed about the Republican presidential front-runner after his annual marathon press conference in Moscow. “He’s a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt. It’s not our job to judge his qualities, that’s a job for American voters, but he’s the absolute leader in the presidential race,” Putin said. Putin even hinted Trump could bring about a thaw in the icy relations between Washington and Moscow, which have been strained by

Price-gouging drug CEO even
bigger j*******s than we thought
New York Post, by Yaron Steinbuch, David K. Li *    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 12/18/2015 7:23:01 AM     Post Reply
He has called himself “the world’s most eligible bachelor” on Twitter — and just days before his bust bragged, “I’m the most successful Albanian to ever walk the face of this Earth.” But Martin Shkreli’s most impressive achievement could well be the unanimous rage he inspires from everyone from price-gouged AIDS patients to rappers to federal prosecutors. “KARMAS A *****,” actress Debra Messing tweeted Thursday, summing up reaction to the news that the sleazeball businessman is now facing up to 20 years behind bars for an alleged Ponzi scheme. The 32-year-old hedge-funder and entrepreneur, who was raised in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, by Albanian

Time for Paul Ryan to go
American Thinker, by Ed Straker    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/18/2015 6:09:07 AM     Post Reply
Paul Ryan is acting like every Democrat´s wet dream. The massive budget he is shoving down America´s throat is a wish list full of everything the Democrats could possibly want. o He´s giving $1.6 billion to resettle illegal aliens rather than deport them. o He is fully funding Obama´s illegal amnesty. o He is fully funding Obamacare. o He is fully funding Planned Parenthood and their baby cutting tactics. o He is allowing Obama to bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees. o He is fully funding the EPA´s program to shut down coal-fired power plants. o He is going to add hundreds of billions of

Chris Christie is a political suicide
bomber detonating next to Marco Rubio
American Thinker, by Ed Straker    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/18/2015 6:05:22 AM     Post Reply
Chris Christie could be single-handedly responsible for the political downfall of Marco Rubio. The Times revealed that he basically has no staff outside Iowa and New Hampshire. He is banking on big poll numbers in New Hampshire to jump-start his campaign. But while a candidate can expect a boost from a good showing in New Hampshire, he still needs a state-by-state organization in place in order to take advantage of it. If Chris Christie expects to do well in New Hampshire and then suddenly build up in other states, it simply isn´t going to happen. There´s no historical precedent for



ISIS jihadis slaughtered as they
run into SPECIAL FORCES and
RAF jets during failed attack
Daily Express [UK], by Nick Gutteridge    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 12/18/2015 5:43:08 AM     Post Reply

ISLAMIC State (ISIS) jihadis met their comeuppance last night after the cowardly terrorists launched a major attack against apparently defenceless communities--only to come under fire from elite special forces and RAF jets. The Islamist militants made an audacious land grab attempt outside Mosul, in northern Iraq, but came unstuck when they ran into a hailstorm of bullets and bombs from Western forces. More than 70 crazed terrorists were mown down by elite Canadian troops who rushed to the frontline to help pinned down Kurdish peshmerga forces protect their lands from the twisted invaders. RAF bombers also joined in on the action,



Rapper Mac Miller Resumes His Feud with Trump, Goes Off on Twitter ...

Four years after naming a popular song after Donald Trump, rapper Mac Miller is again throwing shade at the Republican presidential frontrunner.


CNN’s Tapper: DNC Is ‘Trying To Have a Small Audience’ For Debates ...

CNN anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper said that while Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) campaign is at fault for an improper data breach, they do have “legitimate gripes” over the DNC “trying to have a small audience”


Poll: Sens. Cruz and Rubio Surge in New Hampshire

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are surging in New Hampshire, according to a new Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce University.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

EXCLUSIVE- Jim Jordan and Marsha Blackburn Will Be Featured at CPAC...

Representatives Jim Jordan and Marsha Blackburn will be featured speakers at CPAC 2016, after the two conservatives voted against the trillion dollar budget bill. Both say they desire reform.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT) speaks while flanked by African-American religious and civic leaders after a meeting at the Freddie Gray Youth Empowerment Center, December 8, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland. Earlier in the day Sanders toured the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood where Freddie Gray lived and was arrested. (Photo by

Bernie Sanders Campaign Threatens To Sue Democratic Party

Bernie Sanders presidential campaign is threatening legal action against the Democratic National Committee for taking away its access to the national voter database.

Campaign supporters hold up signs for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as his plane arrives to a campaign event at the International Air Response facility on December 16, 2015 in Mesa, Arizona. Trump is in Arizona the day after the Republican Presidential Debate hosted by CNN in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by

Poll: Donald Trump Remains Clear GOP Frontrunner After CNN Debate

A new Morning Consult poll shows real estate mogul Donald Trump remains on top as the GOP frontrunner following Tuesday’s debate. Trump came in with 36 percent, down two percentage points since before the debate.

Trump at Debate Vegas Ethan Miller Getty

Trump: ‘Always Felt Fine About Putin,’ U.S. ‘Does Plenty of Killing...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that he has “always felt fine about Putin” and that while he “absolutely” condemns Putin killing journalists and dissidents, ” “He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader” and “our country does


Coulter: GOP Candidates ‘Monkeys’ — Only Trump Can Save U.S. From T...

Thursday on the “The Joyce Kaufman Show,” while discussing Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter warned only GOP front-runner Donald Trump recognizes that “the threat facing America right now is we’re about to become Uganda.”

<> on December 1, 2015 in Washington, DC.

Had Enough? Sellout Repubocrats Must be Defeated

Congress has adopted a 2016 federal budget that makes it official: The Republican Party and the Democrat Party have merged into Republocrats.


Limbaugh Rips Congressional GOP Leadership for Omnibus — Is Jeff Se...

On his Friday radio program, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh expressed disappointment in the House and Senate Republican leaderships for the passage of the end-of-the-year omnibus spending bill. According to Limbaugh, Republicans should have long seen this coming and could have

Cruz and Rubio Reuters

Marco Rubio Skips Senate Omnibus Vote

Republican establishment frontrunner Sen. Marco Rubio skipped Friday’s Senate vote on the massive omnibus spending bill.


FS1’s Jason Whitlock: Media Trying to ‘Shame and Bully’ Brady for S...

Fox Sports 1 personality and J.School blogger Jason Whitlock reacted Thursday to the criticism received by Patriots quarterback Tom Brady for his support and friendship of GOP front-runner Donald Trump. Whitlock defended Brady for his loyalty to Trump, saying he thinks


Scarborough on Rubio: ‘Where Is The Beef?’

Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough reacted to a New York Times story about Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, and his seeming lack of willingness to commit to winning an early primary

GettyImages-501134410 trump supporter

History Suggests The Washington Post Is Lying About That ‘Violent, ...

The front page of Friday’s left-wing Washington Post is all about smearing Donald Trump’s supporters as Nazis. This is the latest coordinated DC Media attack against the Republican frontrunner. The New York Times sent the flare up Sunday, and now


Watch: Navarrette, Conway Debate Cruz’s and Rubio’s Immigration Pos...

Pollster and pro-Ted Cruz PAC Keep the Promise 1 President Kellyanne Conway and syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette debated Ted Cruz’s and Marco Rubio’s immigration positions on Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor.” The segment began with Navarrette saying


Conway: As A Cruz Person, I’m Worried Sanders’ Supporters Might Go ...

Pollster and pro-Ted Cruz PAC Keep the Promise 1 President Kellyanne Conway argued that supporters of Bernie Sanders might jump to Donald Trump on Friday’s “CNN Tonight.” Conway said, “you see Donald Trump rising, you see Ted Cruz rising and


Amanda Marcotte’s ‘Aladdin’ Poll Question Embarrasses Democrats Mor...

Amanda Marcotte, a feminist writer for Salon, suggested a trick poll question about a non-existent cartoon city, just to embarrass Republicans.

AP Photo

Bernie Sanders Sues the DNC

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign is suing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for blocking it from accessing voter information available to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Hold First Debate In Las Vegas

Bernie Sanders Supporters Take Over Hillary Clinton’s Facebook Page

Bernie Sanders supporters descended upon Hillary Clinton’s Facebook page Friday amid a massive war between the two campaigns involving the Democratic National Committee (DNC).


Cruz: Rubio Broke Promises From 2010, And Supports Citizenship, I W...

Republican presidential candidate Texas Senator Ted Cruz stated that he would “enforce the law” when asked what he would do with illegal immigrants in the US, argued that his amendment to the Gang of Eight bill didn’t allow legalization and

Sheldon Adelson

Sheldon Adelson Will Support Whoever Wins GOP Primary–Even Trump

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson says he might not take a side in the Republican presidential primary until after a few states have been decided–then committed himself to supporting any nominee out of the entire field of candidates.

Marco Rubio and Wife Rally APWilfredo Lee

Marco Rubio Staff Leak Inane Strategy to Politico

A Politico cover story perfectly encapsulates the bizarre, insular world of the D.C.political establishment. The article purports to take readers behind the scenes of the strategic machinations of the Marco Rubio campaign.

AP Photo/John Raoux

Discovered: Rubio Pushed To Give Non-Citizen Aliens Access To Fianc...

Within the sprawling 1,200 page legislation, Rubio’s Gang of Eight bill contained a provision—Section 2310 “Fiancée and Fiance Child Status Protection”— which would have dramatically expanded the controversial K-1 visa by allowing non-citizens living in the country to bring in not only their foreign fiancés, but also the children of their foreign fiancés.

<> on December 5, 2015 in Davenport, Iowa.

Trump Jumps To 39 Percent in Post Debate Fox Poll

Donald Trump has increased his primary support to 39 percent among the 402 GOP primary voters reached in the latest poll by Fox News.

Marco Rubio Holds Las Vegas Campaign Rally One Day Before GOP Debate

NYT: Conservative Anger Grows Over Rubio’s Amnesty Past

Jeremy Peters of the New York Times writes that despite Marco Rubio’s best efforts to run away from his support of the Gang of Eight amnesty bill, “his past is catching up with him” and harming his 2016 prospects.

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I really don’t understand why we HAVE to celebrate Ramadan along with holidays that are CLEARLY in our American tradition like Christmas, and that same...

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We posted the youtube of Greta grilling Ted Cruz on the debate with Marco Rubio, but we had calls for the entire 20 minute interview, so here it is: Here’s the...


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Twitter is afire with this very contentious interview with Ted Cruz by Greta on her show tonight. She goes after him for the debate over whether he actually advocated...

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Obama had his year-end press conference by trying to reassure everyone that the government was going to protect them from ISIS, and then ran off to watch Star...

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The pathetic spinelessness of Obama seems to be slightly dawning over Chris Matthew’s leg tingle as he compared Obama’s ISIS response to el Trumpo’s on...

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Donald Trump is going to LOVE the beginning of this video from Fox News. Anchor Bret Baier said tonight on Special Report that Donald Trump is dominant, that he is...

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Chaos has visited the Democrat party, and I’m enjoying every second of it. Earlier today it was reported that the Democratic National Committee had suspended the...

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Marco Rubio says he was against the big Omnibus spending bill and that even though he wasn’t there to vote against it, he argues not voting for it was, in essence,...

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Adam Sandler was on with Howard Stern recently where he talked about how pro-Israel he is and how he hates these BDS protesters like Roger Waters, front man for Pink...

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Ugh these Muslims are sick. They definitely need to throw the book at this guy: FOX NEWS – Enrique Marquez, 24, was charged with conspiring to provide material...

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(SEE ALL UPDATES BELOW) The Senate just passed the Omnibus spending bill that the House passed a few minutes ago: Breaking: U.S. Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending...

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There’s been a huge backlash against a Virginia school that gave an assignment to students who were asked to write the Muslim statement of faith, called the...

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The House of Representatives just passed the incredibly huge omnibus spending bill and according to the AP, the Senate will vote for it later today and then send to...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3umL250el

***Live Updates*** Democrats Debate in New Hampshire

The first college football bowl games are being played tonight. The Dallas Cowboys and the New York Jets will play in this season’s first NFL “Saturday Night Football” game tonight. That means it’s time for Democrats to debate in New

Ted Cruz and family at Daphne, AL rally, 12/19/15

Ted Cruz Woos SEC Primary Voters with Vows to Roll Back Obama Polic...

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is off and running on his “Take Off with Ted Cruz Country Christmas Tour.”


Defiant Jeff Sessions on ‘Gang of Eight’: ‘Every Step of the Way, T...

An emphatic Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is dismissing the claim that presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was a backer of the 2013 immigration reform effort by the so-called “Gang of Eight.”


WaPo’s Capehart: Sanders ‘Seems to Have a Problem’ with Talking Abo...

Saturday on MSNBC, Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart discussed the upcoming Democratic debate and candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Capehart noted that this week’s GOP debate was focused “heavily” on terrorism. He then said that topic is something that Sanders “seems


Buchanan: Rubio Made Mistake on Immigration, Cruz Has Made Mistakes...

Columnist Pat Buchanan argued that GOP presidential candidates Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Florida Senator Marco Rubio have made mistakes during their time in the Senate, but neither would repeat them on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.” Buchanan said during a discussion on

hillary clinton

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Campaign Funding the Democratic National...

Breitbart News has obtained an email sent by Hillary Clinton deputy national political director Brynne Craig, 30, to a state party chairman. The Hillary Clinton campaign is quietly making cash transfers to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to fund state party efforts in the South.

Lindsey Graham Debate Ethan Miller getty

Graham: Cruz’s Syria Policy Will ‘Make Sure That Another 9/11 Happe...

Republican presidential candidate South Carolina Senate Lindsey Graham criticized fellow candidates Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump for their statements on Syria and Russia, respectively, while praising the strategies of fellow GOP candidates Florida Senator Marco Rubio, former Florida


Watch: Debate Advertisement Skewers Democrats, ‘Queen Hillary’

A satirical advertisement for Saturday night’s Democratic debate takes aim at Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party.

Donald Trump; Megyn Kelly

Arson: Fox News Bashes Trump, Hillary Surges to +11 Point Lead

There is a quite the disturbance in the Fox News Force and the only one benefitting is Hillary Clinton. After the worst media month any presidential candidate has had in recent memory, one can only imagine the heartache at Fox


Watch: Navarrette, Conway Debate Cruz’s and Rubio’s Immigration Pos...

Pollster and pro-Ted Cruz PAC Keep the Promise 1 President Kellyanne Conway and syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette debated Ted Cruz’s and Marco Rubio’s immigration positions on Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor.” The segment began with Navarrette saying

2016 Presidential Race

Marco Rubio Holds Las Vegas Campaign Rally One Day Before GOP Debate

WaPo: Voters on Rubio–‘Don’t Know Exactly Where He Stands’

This article appeared in the Washington Post: RYE, N.H. – State Rep. Rio Tilton is “99.9” percent certain he’s going to vote for Marco Rubio. He’s far less sure where Rubio stands on abortion. Does Rubio, like Tilton, 19, oppose

Sheldon Adleson

Sheldon and The Donald Bond in Vegas: ‘41% Approval Unprecedented’

Top Republican Party donor Sheldon Adelson said on Friday he met presidential candidate Donald Trump earlier this week and that the two American billionaires broached the issue at the heart of Adelson’s political agenda: support for Israel.

snl hillary

Watch: ‘2008 Hillary,’ ‘Palin’ Pay Present-Day ‘Hillary’ Visit on ‘...

On this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” Kate McKinnon opened up a sketch playing Hillary Clinton, singing, “I’m dreaming of a white… house.” Shortly, Amy Poehler, reclaiming her old Hillary Clinton role, appeared as 2008 Hillary. The two discussed President Obama

judge jeanine

Judge Jeanine: Hillary ‘Poses the Greatest Danger to Safety of the ...

Fox News Channel “Justice” host Judge Jeanine Pirro blasted Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Saturday night, calling her the “greatest danger to safety of the United States.” Pirro’s “Opening Statement” was a lengthy rant chastising


Watch: ‘SNL’ Re-Enacts CNN GOP Debate in Cold Open

This weekend’s “Saturday Night Live” began with a re-enactment of the CNN GOP debate as its cold open. Darrell Hammond, playing the role of Donald Trump, continued the beat-down on Jeb Bush, who took some ill-fated swings at Trump. “Jeb, you’re


Hillary Clinton: First Family Has an ‘Extraordinary Privilege’…Bill...

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton said that the First Family has “extraordinary privilege” and invited her husband Bill to join in on White House “special missions.”

Hillary Clinton at Democratic Debate (Jim Cole / Associated Press)

Dem Debate: Hillary Clinton Dodges Responsibility for Libya

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton twice dodged moderator Martha Raddatz’s simple question on Libya at Saturday night’s Democratic debate in Manchester, New Hampshire: “How much responsibility do you bear for the chaos that followed elections?”


Democrat Debate: Hillary Clinton Says Armed Americans Do Not Make t...

During the December 19 Democrat debate, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said urging more Americans to carry guns in the wake of San Bernardino will not make the country safer.


Debate Starts After Break Without Hillary: ‘Sorry’

The ABC Democratic presidential debate returned back from a break with Hillary Clinton missing. The debate continued without her, but Clinton shortly returned to the stage to the sound of applause.  When Clinton got to her podium, she apologized, saying,


Hillary: ‘I Don’t Know Enough About the Technology’

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, “I don’t know enough about the technology” during an answer on encryption during Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate on ABC. Hillary said that she didn’t want to force tech companies to

Hillary Clinton at Democratic debate (Jim Cole / Associated Press)

Hillary Clinton Won’t Send Ground Troops to Fight Islamic State

Hillary Clinton claimed at the Democratic debate in Manchester, New Hampshire that ISIS is circulating videos of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool for terrorism.


Hillary: Trump Becoming Islamic State’s ‘Best Recruiter,’ They’re S...

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “becoming ISIS’ best recruiter” during Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate on ABC. Hillary stated, “well, I think a lot of people are understandably reacting

Hillary Debate entrance Andrew Burton Getty

Hillary Clinton: ‘Donald Trump Is ISIS’s Biggest Recruiter’

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trump has become ISIS’s biggest recruiter and that ISIS is using Trump videos as propaganda.


Hillary: We Need to Work with Muslim-Americans, ‘Not Demonize Them’...

During Saturday’s Democratic debate on ABC, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton responded to the San Bernardino shootings by Islamic terrorists, calling for the assistance of Muslim-Americans. Clinton said the country needs to work closely with Muslim-Americans to stop radicalized Muslims,


Hillary: ‘Arming More People to Do What?’ Isn’t Right Response to T...

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton argued that, “Arming more people, to do what? I think is not the appropriate response to terrorism” and the rhetoric of Republicans sends the message “that there is a clash of

AP Photo

Icon for Post #138328

So there were a whole lot of lies being told at the Democrat Debate tonight, but one of the bigger ones was when Hillary deflected Bernie Sanders’ attack on her...

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In the last Democratic Debate of the year tonight, the moderators put a question before Bernie Sanders that he just completely ignored and went into his well-worn rant...

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There’s nothing better than Democrat-on-Democrat violence, and no, I don’t mean gangbangers shooting each other in Chicago, I mean the bloody kerfuffle...

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People are so surprised when they see a business plant a nativity scene anywhere near their premises that one picture from a McDonald’s has gone viral on Facebook,...

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Jeb Bush finally gathered up all the toughness in his body and spit out an insult at the Trump. Watch below: Yech. I dunno. If it’s really that tough to get angry...

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It looks like Tashfeen Malik posted a Facebook post pledging allegiance to ISIS just minutes after the San Bernardino attack was over. An FBI document may confirm...

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Words cannot express how much I love this ad. But I’ll write about it anyway. Ok just watch it: Not only is it hilarious and brilliant, but his two little...

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SO this is the thing. There was a not too accurate report early on that Tashfeen Malik had posted jihadist messages on her Facebook account and immigration officials...

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The Newtinator was on Fox News to try to explain his contention that el Trumpo is actually a big asset for the GOP. Watch below: The nooooot is absolutely right that...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3uriLM0l2

Watch: Ted Cruz Parodies Himself And Mocks
Democrats In Hilarious New Campaign Ad [Video]
Daily Caller, by Derek Hunter    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/20/2015 11:57:21 AM     Post Reply
Texas Senator Ted Cruz famously read “Green Eggs And Ham” during his epic filibuster against Obamacare. Now he’s mocking that and Democrats with his latest campaign video: Cruz Christmas Classics. In less than 24 hours the video has garnered nearly 700,000 views on YouTube. The video is of Cruz and his family sitting on a couch as the Senator reads the following “classic” books by Democrats: Rudolph the Underemployed Reindeer;The Grinch Who Lost Her Emails;; How Obamacare Stole Christmas; Frosty The Speaker Of The House; Auditing St. Nick by Lois Lerner. The ad aired in Iowa during Saturday Night


White House releases 360-degree
holiday tour video
United Press International, by Marilyn Malara    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/20/2015 11:48:53 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON- The White House uploaded its first virtual reality-compatible, 360-degree video touring its interior holiday decor Friday. The tour, which can be viewed on on YouTube or through virtual reality headsets like Google Cardboard, was stitched together using Google´s Jump, a 16-camera rig and software, The Verge reports. The five-minute tour takes viewers through the East Landing, East Colonnade, East Garden Room, White House Library, Vermeil Room, State Dining Room and more. Sights of each room´s custom holiday decorations can be explored using a mouse for flatscreen viewers or by simply turning one´s head through a virtual reality headset such

Ex-DNC head: Kasich-Rubio ticket
would scare me most
The Hill (Washington, DC), by Bradford Richardson    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 12/20/2015 11:37:55 AM     Post Reply
Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) general chairman Ed Rendell says his party’s scariest opposition in 2016 would be a GOP presidential ticket comprised of Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). “In terms of who we fear the most, the Democratic side, just speaking for myself, I would fear John Kasich and Marco Rubio as vice president,” Rendell told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday. “That would be the ticket I would fear the most.” The former Pennsylvania governor said Rubio at the top of the ticket would also be fearsome,

Rocket alerts sirens sound in northern Israel
Jerusalem Post [Israel], by Staff & Reuters    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 12/20/2015 11:01:37 AM     Post Reply
A red alert siren sounded in the northern Israel city of Nahariya and its surrounding areas Sunday evening. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. Security forces were investigating the circumstances of the alarm. The alert followed Sunday morning´s reports of the death of Lebanese militant leader Samir Kuntar, responsible for murdering the Haran family in 1979 as part of a PLO operation and later joining Hezbollah following his release from Israeli prison. Israel welcomed Qantar´s death, saying he had been preparing attacks on it from Syrian soil, but stopped short of confirming responsibility for the strike that

Go ahead #BlackLivesMatter:
Make my day
American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 12/20/2015 10:33:18 AM     Post Reply
Surely this incident will attract protests from “BlacklivesMatter. A black man, 52 year old Andrew Coffee, Jr., was riding home from a convenience store in Indian River County, Florida, after purchasing cigarettes in the wee hours of the morning, when he was pulled over by Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Lester. Coffee’s son later commented, “It’s crazy how it happened,” said Roderick Scott, 35, the son… “I don’t understand how it happened, from you going to the store on a scooter. What was the point of stopping him?” (snip) “He wants to do better for his kids and his grandkids,” Scott said. “It’s been rough,

Hillary Clinton caught in another video lie
Canada Free Press, by Judi McLeod    Original Article
Posted By: snowcloud- 12/20/2015 10:18:32 AM     Post Reply
Hillary Clinton—who infamously blamed the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens on an anti-Muslim video—is at it again. In Clinton’s own words, at last night’s Democratic debate, ISIS jihadists are going door to door, showing videos of Donald Trump “insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists”. This outrageous Clinton conspiracy theory is the one that tops all others. And just to think that if her own spun conspiracy were true, it would mean that ISIS is working hand-in-hand with the Democrats to keep Donald Trump from ever being elected president. Hillary Clinton owns the 45th presidency,

Will Wendy Davis Finally Start
Talking About Abortion Again?
Texas Monthly Magazine, by Abby Johnston    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/20/2015 9:52:19 AM     Post Reply
After an extended period of radio silence following her failed gubernatorial campaign, former Texas state Senator Wendy Davis has been crackling back to life in the past few months: NBC announced that a Davis-inspired show was in the works, she had high-profile interviews with MSNBC and Rolling Stone, and she swallowed her pride to write a Politico essay on her open carry sea change. Perhaps it was this rekindled national attention (that’s not even mentioning what was a more-than-likely nod in Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal!) that prompted Hillary Clinton to deploy the Texas politician to drum up much-needed support for her campaign

Why former Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel’s
coming out against the White House matters
Washington Post, by Dan Lamothe    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 12/20/2015 9:42:46 AM     Post Reply
When Chuck Hagel resigned as defense secretary last year, the narrative was clear: President Obama and he did not see eye-to-eye on how to prosecute the war against the Islamic State, so Hagel needed to go. White House officials, speaking anonymously, said at the time that the president had lost faith in Hagel’s ability to lead — a charge that Hagel’s advisers brushed aside. Now, a little over a year later, Hagel is swinging back. (Snip) “I eventually got to the point where I told Susan Rice that I wasn’t going to spend more than two hours in these meetings,”

A City Hall on a Hill
PJ Media, by Richard Fernandez    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 12/20/2015 9:17:57 AM     Post Reply
In most political morality tales a band of courageous reformers take on a corrupt city hall and -- for a while at least -- triumph until an evil human nature reasserts itself. But in actuality the impetus for moderating political excess often comes from the elites themselves when mismanagement finally becomes so bad it threatens the survival of everyone. Until things reach the point of failure mismanagement has the effect of leaving voters no alternative but content themselves with the opposition party. Republican voters may have been disappointed and outraged at the perceived sellout by a Paul Ryan-led Congress to the

The Latest: Police: No bomb
found yet on Air France flight
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 12/20/2015 8:52:37 AM     Post Reply
The police official, who is part of the investigation and who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media, said during the flight to Paris a passenger noticed something in one of the plane´s lavatories that looked like "a stopwatch mounted on a box." The passenger reported the suspicious device to the cabin crew and pilots requested an emergency landing. The police official said the box has been taken apart and no explosives have been found but the digital watch has not yet been analyzed. — by Tom Odula in Nairobi, Kenya __ 3:15 p.m. A Kenyan police official says six


The next affirmative action
group will be Muslims
American Thinker, by Ed Lasky    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 12/20/2015 8:13:31 AM     Post Reply
Barack Obama continues to fundamentally transform and tilt our nation to favor one of his favorite groups – Muslims -- at the expense of everyone else. Early in his presidency, Barack Obama’s plans to control the Census Bureau unleashed a firestorm of criticism. The White House in a radical move ordered the Census Bureau to work directly with Barack Obama aides. Since the 2010 census would play a key role in drawing House districts and electoral votes at least until 2020 there was criticism that Obama’s moves, supported by other Democrats, would be used for partisan purposes to empower Democrats. But there

Why Jeb´s Dropping
Out Would Weaken Trump
National Review Online, by Jonah Goldberg    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 12/20/2015 7:26:56 AM     Post Reply
Dear Reader (and the two other legs of the nuclear triad), As longtime readers know, “i” comes before “e” except after “c.” But that’s not important right now. As longtime readers of this “news”letter know, I’m a lot like the mother ship in Independence Day: poorly lit, teeming with alien life, and bent on global destruction. No wait, that’s not it. Oh right, I’m like the mother ship in Independence Day because all it takes to cripple me is a little cold. Of course, in the movie, Jeff Goldblum uses the term “cold” figuratively to describe the computer virus

Everything You Need To Know
About the Democratic Debate
Townhall, by Leah Barkoukis    Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.- 12/20/2015 7:18:56 AM     Post Reply
Debating from Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire Saturday evening, Gov. Martin O’Malley, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Bernie Sanders took to the stage to exchanges barbs—and occasional agreement—on a number of issues, including terrorism, foreign policy, refugees, taxes, education, and more. Below are some highlights from the debate. The Data Breach The hosts didn’t waste any time in addressing the controversy that arose Friday over a Sanders staffer allegedly taking advantage of a firewall issue that let them have access to Clinton voter information, which Matt detailed earlier today. Sanders admitted his staff was in the wrong and that as

The American Dream:
Look for it in
Jackson Hole, China
American Thinker, by Clarice Feldmaan    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 12/20/2015 7:17:26 AM     Post Reply

Over the years the American longing to form their own communities free from European -style clusters of apartment renters shuffling to and from work on state-devised public transport lines, confined to nearby schools and shops, has been possible because of widespread private ownership of cars. (snip) Urban planners -- likely singles who had a semester abroad and been bedazzled by a brief, limited, and blinkered view of life abroad, and who harbor contempt for the American way of life (“ticky tacky houses” in suburbs with lawns) -- assiduously work with equally biased political elites to make it increasingly impossible. In China, we





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