We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; Letter by Oren Long;

The following is what I sent to Roger L. Simon, a conservative columnist and blogger with a wide following.  Please forward it far and wide.  I KNOW I am on point in my perspective!  Let's make it go viral!
Everyone is missing point and the CORE issue behind school shootings.  Please let me explain.  
Much has been said about the "mental health crisis" in America without bothering to explain exactly what that is.  
In short, the mental health crisis in America's schools is simple -- BULLYING!  Every school has bullies, yet bullies are rarely disciplined or expelled, instead left unchecked by school administrators.  Perhaps they are children of influential alumni, athletes, "popular" in some form, etc.  
Meanwhile, the victims are ignored and left to defend themselves while administrators focus on the "reputation" of the school and insist "everything is fine".  
Victims become increasingly frustrated and angry, recognizing early on that NO ONE CARES!  Over time, their rage simmers and grows until they explode.  Then, everyone in authority is amazed, "How could they do such a thing?!".  
Even the most cursory examination of school shooters and their pasts reveals that they were bullied (both physically and emotionally) year in and year out.  True, the vast, vast majority of bullying victims do not lash out and eventually exit their "hell".  BUT, it only takes that one or two to lash out.  
In the majority of cases, school shooters do what they have so carefully been taught, "strike DOWN" in the same manner as their oppressors "struck down" at them, focusing on those less able to resist.  Hence, shooters attacking elementary schools.  
Sometimes, the shooter return to the site of their oppression and kills anyone and everyone available.  And, we are shocked?!   
Then, what is society's response?  Attack the symptom (guns) while ignoring the core problem in schools (bullying).
One of the Prime Rules of management is, "Separate problems from symptoms.  Treat the problem and the symptom will go away."  Yet, NO ONE sees the problem, well, except to call the victim of bullying the "problem".   
Some questions:  Where are the adults in school hallways stopping bullying?  Where are the adults on busses stopping bullying?  Where is the discipline in the schools stopping bullying?  Answer, NOWHERE!  They are all in the teachers' lounge 'escaping' from their unruly charges and lobbying for more pay and benefits.  Oops!  
Students (essentially children) need to understand that they are "in training" for life!  And, when you are in training, you do as you are told and not as your juvenile hormones dictate -- PERIOD!    
To make my point I hope you will watch "Bully" on Netflix.  It shows everything!  
I hope you take this seriously.  If you like it, feel free to contact me.
Oren Long, MA,  
Sheriff's Lieutenant, retired,
Hoyt, Kansas

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