We are all guilty of continuing the infighting when we should now be organizing against the many challenges that are confronting us in this election. To continue the sniping is to do the work of the opposition and give them credibility in their campaign against us.
1. We have not organized Nationwide to stop voter fraud, and that will be the number one challenge this election based on what can be done on the voting machines to steal the vote. If you don't think that it can happen you are in for a violent awakening. See April's post that details the methods used in depth at; http://teapartypatriots.ning.com/forum/topics/how-to-save-the-elect...
This organization needs to be done IMMEDIATELY, and spread across the United States to every single Local Precinct in existence. Please watch all the videos contained in that post to learn exactly how complicated this problem is, and how to beat the Defrauders attempts to steal the election.
2. We must stop sniping at each others candidates, instead, we should extol the virtues of our favorite candidates, and save the sniping for the opposition and the Obama Administration.
3. When we are criticizing the Opposition Candidates and the Obama Administration, we need to stick to verifiable facts and be ready to back them up with the sources of information preferably from the Government itself where possible.
4. When we are confronted with Lies, Misnomers, Spin, and Propaganda from the opposition, demand to know their credible and verifiable sources, and be ready to discredit them. Keep it honest, and keep it simple.
5. When we are attacked by Yellow Journalism, Spin, Outright Lies, or Deliberate Misrepresentations or even Honest Mistakes by any Media Outlet, Demand Retractions with the same prominence as the Original Publication , and file formal complaints where applicable with the proper authorities on any Criminal or Tort Law that applies to the Libel/Slander or other charges you are bringing
6. We must communicate with each other, and the other Legitimate Tea Party or Conservative Groups, to create a Unified rather than Disjointed or Duplication of Effort Campaign against the Highly Unified, Funded, and Organized Soros/Obama Machine as well as doing the same the same against the Democratic Party Machine. This doesn't mean we have to join with the other groups, It means we need to show the opposition and the American Public that we have a Unified Focused Front to save the Republic.
7. We need to dispel the lies that the opposition has drilled into the consciousness of the public about us and other Conservative groups including the Republican Party. By and Large the Tea Party is viewed by the average American Citizen as the extreme right wing of the Republican Party and that has to be vigorously countered at every turn.
8. We have to publicize as widely as possible, and using all the electronic media we can access, all the damage they Obama Administration and the Marxist/Socialist Incumbents are doing to us in stealth mode, and keep continuous information out there about the ongoing economic damage that is being done at the behest of Soros so he can make even more billions off the backs of average American Citizens.