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Something from my Friend The Tradesman; Alinsky's list can be used effectively to oppose the progressives"

Alinsky's list can be used effectively to oppose the progressives

Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Radicals really don’t have to be the sole property of the Progressive element that wants to destroy us. We can learn them and use them just as effectively as the progressives have, and maybe even a little more so because our Conservative Statements and viewpoints make so much more sense.
Here are the basic Alinsky rules:

1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
We basically ignore this aspect probably due to the complacency that has been imposed on us so gradually that we haven't noticed it. But, if we all stood up for a single issue the opposition in Congress would not be able to contain us. They use subterfuge and play us against each other and try to get us to split the votes by saying the same old tired platitudes we have been conditioned to believe as truth. 

2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
Knowing the caliber of people that comprise the conservative factions it would be hard to do this, but we need to be able to relate all the knowledge to the greatest number of people so we are all on the same page.

3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
This is easy to do because although some of them are well trained, most of them are just sheep that react to the pleasant sounding platitudes about American's desires to do what is right and good the left uses to twist to their purposes while sounding like they are the ones who know what needs to be done.

4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
We have really fallen down on this one, we need to call them out on everything loudly and publicly on everything they accuse us of being and doing but backing it up with verifiable facts. And I do mean we need to use EVERYTHING Bad they do Publicly and Privately. I know this doesn't sit well with most of us but we must be ready and able to fight fire with fire, and to be able to refute their claims with verifiable facts.

5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
this is another aspect that I don't like but it is necessary when calling them out about the ridiculous things they promote. Take the flap over Global Warming, it was going strong until some factions started ridiculing Gore with the facts and presenting him to the public as a buffoon that was only in it to make money or was too stupid to see he was being played by the Progressive factions in the UN. We need to use a specific form of ridicule, the kind where we just publicly laugh at the peccadilloes of the left and not the immature school yard snipes the left uses against us.  Say a troll uses pseudo logic to try and refute something that was said. Instead of arguing the point with them simply says something on the order of 'Ha do you seriously believe that? And say nothing more on the subject.

6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
This one can be as varied as there are groups of conservatives. The key to being successful in this is to support all the other Conservative tactics while discrediting the Left's tactics. I often wonder why our side doesn't cite the fairness doctrine and threaten lawsuits to get conservative viewpoints on all the Progressive/Liberal media outlets? That could be a start to getting our positions out to the public.

7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
This simply means we must be agile enough to bounce around and adapt to the prevailing conditions and use them to our advantage and the left's disadvantage by constantly changing our supposed focus but in reality pushing the conservative viewpoints. Opportunities will present themselves with regularity.

8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
This is a major failing of most of the conservatives. After the 2010 elections it seems everybody just thought we had won and would keep winning so most backed off and dissolved the former unity we had created. We should have kept up the pressure on Congress at every turn, but we all went our separate ways leading to the 2012 debacle. All we managed to do was to complain to each other about things like voter fraud and the Military not getting their ballots in time to have them count. I did not see many of us volunteering at the polls or hitting the bricks to promote our choices for that fiasco either.

9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
We need to know how to properly threaten the left without exposing ourselves to legal actions. That would play out in the real world as having many different angles of video on confrontational settings like public protests and town hall meetings making sure they are posted on You Tube and even on Television where possible, and even as evidence in court lawsuits we need to bring against the instigators. We even need to find a credible way to threaten the Representatives jobs, and follow through on those things. The bottom line is to prove the opposition is the bad guy, and we are the essence of reason.

10 “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
They do this to us at every turn using the Media hype against us incessantly. We must counter them by using their sites to call them out by asking leading questions and pleading a good case of stupidity when asking. Ask like a little kid and keep asking why for starters, it may get some of the less indoctrinated people there thinking. Write regularly to Op-Ed pieces to all the papers around your State. As I said before; "  I often wonder why our side doesn't cite the fairness doctrine and threaten lawsuits to get conservative viewpoints on all the Progressive/Liberal media outlets? That could be a start to getting our positions out to the public."

11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
This is the age old tactic of telling a lie long enough that everyone just accepts it as the truth. this can be defeated by pushing the truth just as hard and long. Truth has it's own special ring that people respond to.

12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
Obama is especially good at this one. to put it into simple terms, If you want to make an inroad quietly in one sector, make a loud flashy hubbub in another unrelated sector.

13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
We did do this in 2010 without realizing it, and we need to do it again now, and keep doing it.
It does the conservative cause no good to make incorrect claims that are easily refuted by anyone with access to Google. It only makes us look silly.

The Tradesman

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