We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

One just never knows does one.

Europeans are losing their damn minds, always a good sign things are on the right track.

CNN is livid, again a good sign.

Putin seems ok with it, a step back from war is a good thing.

So all in all not a bad morning.

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Didn't Trump win by 50+ electoral votes?
I did not see that coming. I did not expect the House and Senate either.

Maybe he is out shopping for supplies to put in his survival bunker.

M I am pleased that Trump won because that is what the majority of Americans wanted. Yes I am extremely concerned to what lies ahead for America. I pray that Trump has success in America with the things that he wants to do. My concern is that Trump's plans travel no further than our borders. Should any actions we take here interfere with our two main adversaries, God help us. 

just to clear up the voting numbers..

there are 235 million voting age adults, and only 59 million voted for trump , so that is far from a majority of Americans wanting him.

thats less than 30% of the people

Ah but those that did not vote entered into a default contract of agency with those that did vote to handle the job they could not do.

unless of course they could not in good conscience vote for any of the stated choices, and since the D's & R's have rigged the elections yrs ago to stop any decent competition then I say their non-vote counts.

this does not include the ones just to dumb to know what a vote is..

not to speak

is to speak


not to vote

is to vote 

found this that shows not even half the ballots cast went to trump

Voting Eligible Population Ballots* Voter Eligible Population That Didn’t Vote Voter Eligible Population Total
131,741,500 (56.8 percent) 99,815,122 (43.2 percent)



Here’s the popular vote chart, with projections from the AP.

Candidate Vote Total Percentage
Hillary Clinton 60,071,781 47.7
Donald Trump 59,791,135 47.5
read more
so clearly not the majority of voters 

So what's the point! 51% is a majority of voters 49% pretty darn close .Statistically that was known going in.Democrats ran a flawed candidate .Their bad!

Some of us do the hard things when we must, some do not.

I do not judge either as I do not answer for another's conscience.  

M, back to the points you made about Comey;

I label him another DC type, perpetually looking out for Number #1, his mo since his campus days at William & Mary.

Anyone who could/would not see Hillary for who she has always been, doesn't belong in a position that requires judgement.

Consider: Her husband/partner/spouse for some 4 decades has been an admitted serial philander/womanizer, often forcibly. What normal wife remains in such a relationship; while also attempting to raise a child/children?????

Only someone driven by an uncontrollable compulsion to reach some material goal, in her case POTUS, that needed his name and persona.

Some 2500 years ago, the wise Heraclitus asserted that Character is destiny(fate). Indeed.

For Hillary, she has always been avaricious, conceited, envious, reckless and wrathful.

That Comey gave her a pass, says volumes about his judgement as a senior law enforcement official.

Hi Thomas,

Off topic but think of how much father ahead we would be if Heron of Alexandria had put a set of gears on his aeolipile and used it as a motor or thought of a simple Piston and Cylinder that used steam to power it.

Hmm...............Food for reflection, indeed

The Romans were tough enough w/swords and shields.

Imagine them w/mobile Infantry!!!




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