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Spending A Trillion Dollars For “Infrastructure”: A Top Trump Priority

The new President comes into office after having been voted in by an enthusiastic group of supporters that critics call a “cult of personality.” His empty and vague promises of hope and change seem vapid to many, but his voters swoon over them. The previous president from the opposing party spent like a drunken sailor over the course of eight years, and doubled the national debt to a figure so staggering, encompassing so many trillion dollars, that fiscally responsible people cannot imagine running any more deficits.

And yet, the new president says, we must spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus program that will give money for shovel-ready infrastructure projects. Democrats in Congress say the new president is really on to something.

Barack Obama? Or Donald Trump?

Can anyone here tell me the difference?

In a triumphant victory speech early Wednesday, President-elect Donald J. Trump cited the issue as a top priority for his administration.

“We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals,” Mr. Trump said. “We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none.”

. . . .

During the presidential campaign, Mr. Trump pledged to spend nearly $1 trillion on infrastructure, seeking to outshine Hillary Clinton on an issue that is a growing concern for many Americans.

Nancy Pelosi says it sounds great to her:

Pelosi, who was speaker of the House during Obama’s first two years in office and helped drive the passage of Obamacare, suggested there may even be a few points of agreement on legislative priorities.

“As President-elect Trump indicated last night, investing in infrastructure is an important priority of his,” she said. “We can work together to quickly pass a robust infrastructure jobs bill.”

Whenever you repeat an idea of Barack Obama’s, which helped him double the national debt, and Nancy Pelosi gives you the thumbs up . . . well, I think you have a real winner there.


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Bridges,roads,tunnels and so on can be built at the Local and State level using Municipal Bond Financing raised on Wall Street w/the Treasury acting as a guarantor.

The cost can be amortized over 25 years by charging tolls. 

It's not as if the Treasury is going to spend $1,000,000,000,000 next January 15!!!!!

Maybe I am one sided on this statement. But for some reason i feel that Trump will get much more bang for all money spent on building projects especially going forward. He is a man who realizes how to stretch a buck. Or even a trillion of them..And then end up with a very good product... 

I would think that this falls under the idea that local issues are just that and as stated in the  10th amendment that if not delegated to the feds its the states and not about how well trump spends money, cause his record aint that good. 

So you do not care if our POTUS has a knack for being under budget and ahead of schedule. I myself want that in leadership.

what I care about is if our POTUS follows the Constitution and bill of rights when he uses stolen money to pay for things.

and since the 10th amendment is clear that it is not the job of the feds to pay for local roads and bridges then I would hope he would abide by that law ...that he will swear an oath to do


Ok, now confusion seems to be taking over.some FYI


not sure what your point is , but does it comply with the CONSTITUTION and BoR's


Not going to read this 4 U but 1st paragraph

Almost all roads, bridges, airports and transit systems in the U.S. are owned by state and local governments or government-created agencies, which are responsible for constructing and maintaining them. Every state has a department of transportation (DOT) as do most counties and cities




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