We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Spending Bill was a 100% all-out BETRAYAL by RINO Republicans, that confirms progressive RINO contempt for its conservative voter base.

Spending Bill was a 100% all-out BETRAYAL by Establishment Cartel Republicans, and it fully confirms and reaffirms progressive RINO contempt for its conservative voter base.

It also shouldn’t be any surprise, at least to any of us with a brain who’ve kept our eyes and our ears open.

Voters that are "infinitely wiser" than sheltered elite establishment progressive Cartel Republicans think that they are. http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2482704...

The majority of “establishment” Republicans voted to maintain funding for treasonous “sanctuary cities”, treasonous illegal executive orders, treasonous illegal executive amnesty, 400% increases in immigration Visa's for aliens, fully tax payer funds (FREE) heinous baby murdering abortions and the funding of planned Parenthood's sales of baby body parts like that of an old Buick from a salvage yard.

It’s hardly any surprise to find that the bill was once again (of course) crafted in secret by a handful of elite congressional insiders taking their cues from progressives and lobbyists, and once again considering nothing from the base of constitutional conservatives that put them (the progressive RINO's) into power.

Or that Obama called Ryan afterward to thank him for passing Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's far left-wing Tax-and-Spend agenda without any challenge what-so-ever from establishment Republicans.. yeah,... without any challenge #@*%*#%$*. http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2482704...

It’s no surprise that, “Senate Democrats” on Friday "boasted that they successfully managed to get everything that they wanted in a massive spending bill”, “despite" being the "minority party" "in both the House and Senate,” the Washington Examiner reported Friday.

What we’re being told to swallow is that Republicans “couldn’t allow the government to shut down”, because Obama and the Democrats and the parrot media would “blame them”.

They’re apparently so incredibly dimwitted, so incredibly inept, and so incredibly incapable of countering "with the actual factual truth", that it would be Obama and the Democrats fully responsible for blocking the spending bill and shutting down the government because like whining little brats, they didn’t get everything they demanded from those incredibly dimwitted, incredibly inept, and fully incapable establishment RINO's.

At least that’s the excuse we’re expected to swallow whole like a less than tasty warmed over crap-sandwich.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny"

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I did not hear any one ask OK for an armed response..They just wanted people to support by coming.

Many people are starting to get out of their stooper. There needs to be a 5 million man march ,or something.The good people in burns can not be abandoned.This must get a national response. To let this go sends a signal to me that I am alone with my fears, and the ones who I had hoped would have had my back ,do not. I have Christian friends that tell me to leave ot alone and just pray. Maybe they are right. IDK..To beat a drum of liberty, while so many sit in their selfishness is frustrating enough. And then to see what was seemed to be a good thing in Burns get crushed by Tyranny, And  hardly anyone cares is too much.I would keep beating my drum of liberty, and put everything I own on the line including my life. If I even had a glimmer of hope. It is hard to see the glimmer, in the atmosphere that exists now..Too many people do not care about anything except their slice of Bilderberg Pie.

Many did ask for an armed response and have gone as far as to call Stewart Benedict Arnold for not confronting the State police and the FBI.

Emotions can run real high (hopefully, not out of control), after one of yours is murdered.

The appropriate response certainly would have been to immediately show up in many bus loads, in civilian attire and only holstered hand guns.

A response similar to Oath Keepers and veterans tearing down the Barrycades at the Washington War memorial.

These lefty usurpers "ONLY understand huge numbers of people" standing against them.

That would be more difficult for them to handle than just murdering and shooting a few heroic dissenters.

Getting all those people to a remote mountain location however, and supporting and sustaining them there, is another logistical matter entirely.

This very issue is precisely a matter that has been worked on and needs to continue to be engineered for future endeavors.

You can see my policy suggestions regarding equipment, inventory, warehousing, redundant means of transport, and sustainable supply train logistics at oathkeepers.org

"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny"

I understand the Logistics of such a move. The winter months work against it also...I would suggest maybe a re birth of the American spring that fell flat a few years ago. I am 60, But I am well rehearsed at feeding thousands. If my experience can help in this manner I will be there. Even if I am needed to peel potatoes. I could be a huge asset in the mess hall.Along with other things. I have never taken the Oath. But that does not mean I can not help.This is not just about people who have taken the Oath. But OK is a perfect command center..What I am getting at ,When logistics becomes an issue, There are (IMO) many of us who would throw down and help. From Food guys to construction people. To organize resources from the civilian sector would help. I would think you could get many bases covered if you expanded operations. Civilians taking an Oath to be there when OK needs support from Liberty Loving Country men and women..

What you are describing is the very future of OK and United Patriots.


For the consideration of Oath Keepers, the Pacific Patriots Network, and other patriots;

This is a time for some intense deep thought and actual documented learning regarding the formation of a radically improved long game for the Patriot movement.

Or we risk being “singled out for retaliation from Leviathan”.

Let me warn you, when you are singled out by a massive bulbous tyrannical overreaching narcissistic Leviathan, you will lose, the Calvary will never come, and you and your loved ones will be seriously harmed physically and financially or both..

Our “core strength against Leviathan” is going to be in "sheer overwhelming numbers" and in coordinated and well disciplined actions.

Collectively our patriot network's strength against Leviathan is in broad based real-life logistical and financial capabilities and the sheer perpetually aggressively growing of our numbers of our like-minded people willing to stick together like glue,... No-matter-what. Going forward, we must begin to interact with other constitutional patriots, like a religion, a soulful brotherhood.

A religion reunited with a renewed foundational patriotism that re-learns and reaches out to teach the “original constitutional core foundational principles”, that also bound our founders as blood brothers in there own times of necessity” and in their own personal life and death fight to end the dictatorial tyrannical Monarchy of their time, all while still existing and caring for their families and loved ones...

We may well face similar obstacles, just as our Founders did, who signed their own death warrants for daring to take a stand in defiance of their tyrannical Monarch.

Their choices and willingness to put all on the line for Liberty, changed the world and mans individual liberties forever.

They were willing to stand and call Leviathan, Leviathan, and they were willing to assume the logistical risks on the ground necessary to enact the changes that their Declaration of Independence from a Monarchical Leviathan required.

The very moment that our Founding Fathers took their stand against Leviathan,... they were committed to standing securely together forever more, as brothers united, or be subjected to retaliation and violence individually from a monarchical Leviathan with a soul of Satan.

A strategy, any strategy, must be jointly developed between a much more unified patriot movement than what exists today, and then that strategy must be properly financed, equipped, and acted upon.
In 2016 and beyond, “any opposition to Leviathan” must have an effective sustainable intelligence infrastructure developed. Video, audio, drones, embedded intelligence gathering capabilities, a records and command and control center, and much much more.
We must wake up and acknowledge that Leviathan employs ever single one of these tools, and much more, against us ever single day. And we must develop our own capabilities.

This "sounds" simple enough. The reality is sadly though, that it is not simple when humans are involved.
But it should be.
Men and women, and their respective patriot and militia groups must put their differences aside and be willing to much more formally unify on behalf of what they have in common, not drift apart based on petty differences.

We must pledge to unify under a common sober command structure and rule set, and train and finance, or risk persecution, intimidation, possible prosecution, and maybe much worse, physical harm or death.

In a post NDAA environment, this kind of engagement with Leviathan is no longer any kind of a game.
Leviathan today, guided by presidents without birth certificates and sexual pervert governors, dare to laugh openly as these minion's of Leviathan, gleefully pisses and defecates on the Posse Comitatis Act of 1878. The present day tyrannical Leviathans game is fluid and progressively evolving and becoming much more deadly right before all of our eyes.

Look at what you saw happening with your own eyes at the Malheur Refuge. A massive Military response is forming up to iron fist assault a few cowboys and ranchers that are occupying a public facility that is open to the public 24 hours a day.

Wake the hell up! You will “never” 'EVER” see Delta Force mobilized to kill rat bitten, flea-bag, urine-soaked left-wing commie protesters demanding trillions of more dollars in “Free-Stuff”as they BLOCK access to public buildings, major roads and highways, riot, burn, and loot unabated. Why is that??

The real answer is, of course, that they are financed, bankrolled and coddled because they are left-wing radicals, they are a “TOOL” of the Progressive far left. And their behind the scenes and publicly open support from far Left-wingers in both houses of Congress is well known.

Because of what we know, please listen to my meaningful forward thinking cautions; ANY organization that EVER intends to use force to make it's point EVER against Leviathan, needs to protect itself against persecution and prosecution, and it needs permanent qualified leaders, an “in place, legal staff and legal resources”, and REAL medical and broad based supply logistics systems, warehousing, redundant and resilient methods of veiled transport, all linked to a defendable supply train that is fully funded and in place.

The reality is; All like minded Patriots MUST Unify and project REAL purposeful power and achieve peace through strength, or be relatively easily divided, harmed, and conquered. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE to improving our organizations operations and membership dramatically.

Stand-up against Leviathan, but be smart enough to do it with a much improved and more sound footing, or face “progressively evolving retaliation from a swelling, bulbous increasingly usurping Leviathan”.
The middle ground is just so much less ineffective mush, dangerous, ill conceived mush..

As a movement,..... we must come to envision that we must match the tyrants, man-for-man, tent for tent, equipment for equipment, vehicle for vehicle,...... or risk persecution, intimidation, possible prosecution, and maybe much worse, physical harm or death.

An overview from a workably tactical standpoint, is that unless the patriot movement conducts itself as a much more unified whole and is willing to work towards standing in "like-kind force", We must consider leaving any potentially excessively dangerous or lethal situation. Engage only on defensible terrain, with an ocean of terrain to meld and disappear into or leave.

We must dramatically simplify our united mission, and have a much more achievable, organized, logistically equipped and funded response to potential FBI, State, military, or tyrannical BLM terrorism perpetrated by a narcissistic bulbous tyrannical usurping Leviathan gleefully willing to act out with excessive force..

As a fellow participant in the Patriot movement, and as the Oath Keepers organization, now and into the future, we MUST recognize that as a matter of self-preservation, we must "learn all that we can" from ever single situation, "that is important enough to deploy a human being into it and into harms way".

If we fail to be willing to stand, peacefully, in "like-kind force", then we must consider leaving before we are marginalized and by becoming marginalized, we are put at increasingly progressively higher and higher levels of risks by a Leviathan with a clear sense of vast superiority..
An example that we have all seen with our very own eyes; When its twenty of us and five of them, they are very polite and very communicative.
When its four hundred of them and twenty five of us, Leviathan will be disrespectful, hostile, and increasingly more dangerous. That is a fact.

We absolutely must strive forward to eventually develop and fund a rock solid professional formal strategy to, discourage through real patriot strength, confrontational physical engagement, legal attacks, arrests, singled out attacks, or any other kind of assault on individual Oath Keepers or a potentially very much more united Patriots network.

But the reality today will still be the reality tomorrow.
Unless the Oath Keepers and the entire Patriot movement going forward plan to act as a much more disciplined and unified whole, and is willing to soulfully commit to standing in "like-kind force", (key words "like-kind force")..... as a sheer matter of protecting our members safety and security from physical harm or prosecution, then we must at least strongly consider always having a very well practiced method of defensibly retracting our people out of harms way when necessary..

“Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny”

"Your silence in the face of tyranny, implies your consent".


They are ALL liars and cheats;

Famous Presidential Lies Contest

Written by, To The Point News


  • None of our boys will die on foreign soil



  • I am not a crook


GHW Bush:

  • Read my lips - No New Taxes



  • I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski


GW Bush:

  • Iraq has weapons of mass destruction



  • I will have the most transparent administration in history.
  • The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
  • I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
  • The IRS is not targeting anyone.
  • It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
  • I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
  • You didn't build that!
  • I will restore trust in Government.
  • The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
  • The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
  • It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
  • Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
  • We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
  • I am not spying on American citizens.
  • Obama Care will be good for America.
  • You can keep your family doctor.
  • Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
  • If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
  • It's just like shopping at Amazon.
  • I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
  • I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
  • I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
  • I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
  • And, I have never lived with that uncle.  He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
  • If elected I promise not to renew the Patriot Act.
  • If elected I will end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan within the 1st 9 months of my term.
  • I will close Guantanamo within the first 6 months of my term.
  • I will bridge the gap between black and white and between America and other countries.

And the biggest one of all:

  • "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."


I believe we have a winner

Did u think earmarks were gone?

Using 'soft earmarks,' Congress keeps pork projects thriving

With great fanfare, Congress adopted strict ethics rules last year requiring members to disclose when they steered federal money to pet projects. But it turns out that lawmakers can still secretly direct billions of dollars to favored organizations by making vague requests rather than issuing explicit instructions to government agencies in committee reports and spending bills. That seeming courtesy is the difference between "soft earmarks" and the more insistent "hard earmarks."

How much money is requested for any specific project? It is difficult to say, since price tags are not included with soft earmarks. Who is the sponsor? Unclear, unless the lawmaker later acknowledges it. Purpose of the spending? Usually not provided.

How to spot a soft earmark? Easy. The language is that of a respectful suggestion: A committee "endorses" or notes it "is aware" of deserving programs and "urges" or "recommends" that agencies finance them.





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