We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I found this online on one of the websites;

From: John Porter
To: Americans everywhere
June 3, 2016

       I received an email from one of my friends in freedom this morning stating she couldn't decide what to do concerning this presidential election. I here share my reply to her, for your consideration also.

       I would like to ask you, if you would please, just sit with me some where in a quiet place, erase any political party agenda completely from our thoughts, think and speak honestly and truthfully about something for a few moments only as free American people, namely the Spirit of Liberty, the sacred tie that binds us together.

      What is spirit? Webster's Dictionary : breath, courage, vigor, the soul, life; the thinking, motivating, feeling part of man, often as distinguished from the body.

      What is Liberty? Webster's Dictionary: Freedom from any form of arbitrary control; the sum of rights and exemptions possessed in common by the people of a community or state; exemption from compulsion.
      The Spirit of Liberty has to be in the hearts and minds of the people. Individual Liberty will only be preserved as long as there is devotion to freedom, expressed in the hearts and actions of the people. Our desire for Individual Liberty must be stronger than those who desire to turn us into their subjects under the arbitrary control of government.

      This American experiment in people being individually free and governing themselves is unique in all the history of man, because it places Individual Liberty above all other forms of government.

       In 1775 Alexander Hamilton said, "The sacred rights of mankind are not to be looked for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself, and can never be erased." It has been said, "History moves toward freedom because the desire for freedom is written in every human heart." I ask you, why on earth are we allowing our Liberty to be taken from us? Have we let our hearts grow void of the desire to remain free and just willingly give up our God-given right to think and act for ourselves without government dictating to us how we should live our lives? Have we lost our Spirit of Liberty?

      The current state of corruption, the lies, deception and incompetence in our government, the seemingly uncaring, uninterested, too busy attitude of a great many people does not bode well for our future as a free Republic. However, as someone has said, "We can look back on the past 240 years with the utmost pride and amazement at what this unlikely nation has achieved; and this was due to nothing but the fertile ground of the Spirit of Liberty within the people".

      The Constitution of a government, as vital as it is when followed, will never be a substitute for staving off oppression as will the Constitution (spirit) of the people. If we are to keep our liberty, it must come from, not a bias media, not from political party bosses, but the people's Spirit of Liberty. It is who or what we choose, not their choice for us.
      Now let's think current politics for a brief moment. Let us together resolve to rekindle that spirit before it is to late to have an effect. As and example, Donald Trump is saying, let's "Make America Great Again." He is talking to you and me, not those others I just mentioned. They don't like him. It will be up to us. It's you and I,  choosing for ourselves, standing against them and their choosing for us.
      My fellow Friends in Freedom, all it may apply to, I hope what I have written here will help you decide what to do. You see, Hillary Clinton does not believe in what you just read. She (As did Barack Obama) studied under Saul Alinsky and did her post graduate thesis on how great his teachings were. If she becomes president, Barack Obama issuing executive orders, compared to her, will look like a baby. Make no mistake, she will place people on the Supreme Court who also think like her and Saul Alinsky. I pray to Almighty God that you will think about how potentially destructive this election could be to the future of our Liberty, our freedom from government control of our lives if she is allowed to hold power over us.
      Consider the very tall lady standing on Ellis Island in New York harbor holding a torch of light high above her head. We call her, THE STATUE OF LIBERTY.

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