We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/tds

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) became a widespread left-wing/democrat epidemic, and mrs.b.j.clinton  intensified the virus by funding the Russia peeing prostitute hoax. It was her way of deflecting blame for losing what should have been an easy victory. By the way, hilly and the left-wing/democratic Party faced no criminal charges for the $1 million plus they gave to finance the dossier smears against Trump. They were merely fined by the FEC. Contrast that with Trump’s 34 sham felony convictions.

The deep state did its part by having the FBI spy on Trump campaign advisors Carter Page, George Papadopoulis, and Sam Clovis. In addition, FBI agent kevin clinesmith pled guilty to altering an email that facilitated renewal of the spy warrant. Later, alex vindman, an advisor on the National Security Council, pompously testified about Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Trump’s crime? Asking Zelenskyy to let our DoJ know of any corruption associated with  biden’s threats concerning the Ukrainian prosecutor who had been investigating burisma Holdings (and hunter). vindman and left-wing/democrats think an American president has no right to inquire about corruption.

The rest of Trump’s presidency was filled with left-wing media falsehoods designed to brand him as a stupid, racist, misogynist warmonger. According to CNnbs and MSNBs, Trump had dreams of being just like putin or Kim jong un. The evidence? NONE!

When it was time for neo-liberals to pick a candidate for the 2020 election, the leadership strong-armed the party faithful by picking the guy who had lost the first three primaries and/or caucuses. They did that because BSanders (who was leading at that point) was likely to lose against Trump, and lyin' biden was the only other candidate widely known. A big name was needed to defeat the orange menace, so Representative clyburn strongly endorsed biden. He did that even though it was already known that hunter had used Daddy’s VP status to obtain lucrative employment with a Ukrainian energy company. Once biden won in South Carolina, he was on his way to winning the nomination.

To ensure victory in 2020, left-wing/democrats began planning for massive ballot harvesting in the swing states. They filed hundreds of lawsuits, in front of liberal/democrat judges -- each designed to chip away at the election controls that had been enacted by the state legislatures. The goal was to facilitate ballot harvesting, and make it less detectible. The harvesting plans were turbocharged by COVID, which was the excuse for extensive mass mailing of ballots, and even more dismantling of election controls(1).  Ballot harvesting in the 6 key swing states was particularly easy because those states did not require the voter to provide ID. Nevertheless, libs/dems worried that some of the phony ballots might be detected by means of signature matching (signatures on ballot envelopes are matched to those in registration records). To eliminate that problem, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania scrapped signature matching, although they did it in different ways:
-In Michigan, the Secretary of State declared that employees were to “presume” signatures on ballot envelopes matched those in registration records. After the 2020 election, a judge ruled that Secretary Jocelyn Benson acted illegally.
-In Pennsylvanian, the state Supreme Court declared that a voter’s ballot could not be rejected simply because his signature didn’t match. The voter could sign as “Mickey Mouse.” It didn’t matter.
-In Georgia, the largest county, Fulton, did not attempt to match signatures at all. Since the vast majority of Fulton voters are left-wing/democrats, the absence of signature matching in Fulton probably won the state for lyin' biden.

In those 3 states there were millions of mail-in voters, with no ID, and no signature matching. Was that enough to ensure a left-wing/democrat victory? Not necessarily. To be certain of winning, libs/dems in key counties took one more step: They prevented observation by Republican poll challengers. In Wayne County (Detroit) and Fulton County (Atlanta) they verbally and physically threatened the observers. In Philadelphia County the state Supreme Court ruled that observers could be kept at least 15 to 18 feet from the processing tables. That made observation impossible.

So, corrupt biden “won,” if you want to call it winning, and Trump knew he had been defrauded. He filed many lawsuits, but judges wanted him to identify the specific fraudulent ballots. That was almost impossible because the standards needed to identify those phony ballots had been eliminated months before the election took place. At that point, ol' joe was in the driver’s seat. To be a successful president, all he needed to do was maintain the policies Trump had in place, and show people that he was nicer than the mean tweeter. However, that did not happen, thanks to TDS.

Neo-liberal ideology at its core is merely envy and hate. And it needs an outlet to target. Hence, TDS, stoked up so great that incompetent biden felt the need to prove his disdain by dismantling any program associated with Trump -- even programs that were obviously important and working. As we all know, the results were disastrous, and this led to even more lib/dem insanity.

But senile joe’s approval rating fell so low that the party worried that Trump would beat him in 2024 -- no matter how many ballots were harvested, and no matter how much they lied with projection that he was a “threat to Democracy.” Hence, left-wing/democrats rolled out a new strategy: lawfare. Get a biased, corrupt hired gun, jack smith, to indict and then convict Trump before the election. That would prove to the public that Trump was a very bad man and a true threat to Democracy. At the same time, use left-wing/democrat county prosecutors in lib/dem strongholds to produce similar charges against Trump and his supporters. But the lawfare has backfired spectacularly. Anybody with a brain can see through it, and many realize that neo-liberal/democrats are the true threat to Democracy. The disillusioned include committed Democrats like Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, and thousands more. They seem to recognize that their party has lost its way, as well as its integrity, a political party that has gone mad -- with its addiction to neo-liberal ideology with TDS as a symptom.

Based on information from myriad reliable sources, one can conclude that the US is in decline based on several metrics such as productivity, employment, home ownership, savings rates, education, family formation, criminality, national debt, and military capabilities, all of which trend negatively. The US is presently struggling with its position in the world as the fight between globalists and isolationists becomes more determinant. Finally, the country faces a financial crisis due to an ever-expanding proportion of debt vs. GDP that is currently unsustainable but ignored by politicians.

Our country’s trendline is downward. Economic and social ruin are inevitable if we continue the way we are. The biden regime is not inclined to change its policies, which hasten the decline. Given the ascendancy of China and other nations planning to dominate and restructure the world post-America, we will discover too late that our society is too far gone to make the structural changes required to compete and regain a dominant global position. The US will continue to exist, but not as a great power; it will be just another European-style consumer nation that is dependent for its freedom, prosperity, fealty and protection on another. And that "trick never works, " at least not for long. Who will rescue us? Who can? This is what awaits us if we stay the current course.

There is another way; it is not too late to change direction. To do so requires four simple doctrines:

1.    America First—let the world ride our coattails to prosperity and security

2.    Eviscerate the Levithan's bureaucracy—25+% of hiring since the pandemic is government workers. We need less government, not more. More government is the problem, NOT the solution.

3.    Unleash Capitalism—do not create barriers to entrepreneurship. Don’t limit what someone can make, and don’t create pathways that allow people to avoid Capitalism as we do today.

4.    Destroy dei, the false religion of climate change, and our public education monopoly-- a system that no longer teaches, only indoctrinates.

5.    Allow people to fail. Only through failure can we achieve success. This is how human nature works. And failure is a great incentive to succeed.

Given these fundamental changes that lead us back to our roots, we can enlarge the world’s pie again, starting with our own. The world will calm down when America regains the mantle of economic and military domination it once possessed. Each generation questions its roots and accomplishments; that’s natural. What’s not natural is the subversion of America by its enemies, foreign and domestic. We must always be on guard for those with malevolent intent for our country.

Success or failure is always a choice. The easy choice likely leads to failure; the hard choice presents opportunity.

And never forget, that we count because there are millions of us; and when we stand up together, we count more than the Left wants us to. That’s the important thing to remember, the phrase that you should repeat over and over: THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US. Hold on to your ideals. We must let people know where we stand. We must bring up the issues. We must pray for America, her people, her leaders. We must vote, and know why we’ve voted that way. We must stand up in every little way we can.

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No alternative
Democrats have ‘no other alternative’ than Biden: Marc Thiessen | F... 



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