We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of author;

"The American Blood Spilled in San Bernardino is on Obama's Hands"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 10 years
© Copyright Sunday, December 13, 2015 - All Rights Reserved

"If you fail to subdue or kill the bully, the bully owns you, either by fear, or by force."      Ron Ewart

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We do not know if Obama is a Muslim in his heart and mind, but without a doubt Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. He has proven it time and time again starting with his Cairo speech in June 2009, early on in his presidency. Perhaps this is a projection of his early childhood when raised in Indonesia, a Muslim country. Or perhaps it was because his Kenyan father was a Muslim. Maybe he was converted to Islam during his clandestine trip to Pakistan in 1981. Or, perhaps it goes deeper than that. Could it be that Obama is a Muslim version of the Manchurian candidate? You decide!
But Obama is more than just a Muslim sympathizer. He has aided and abetted radical Islam causes by failing to protect Americans from all enemies, foreign and domestic and by his in-action in the face of a direct threat against American sovereignty and security.
By not seeing the potential growth of an Al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq, (ISIS) Obama negligently pulled our troops out of Iraq against the advice of his generals. Not only did this criminal action by Obama allow ISIS to metastasize, it allowed Iran, a sponsor of international terrorism, to move in and influence the government of Iraq, thus rendering Iraq just another Iranian puppet.
As a result, Iran’s puppet, Iraq, (both Muslim Shia) refused to let the Sunnis and Kurds in Northern Iraq participate in the Iraq government, thereby fueling disaffection, insurrection and the growth of ISIS. It also re-ignited the 1,500-year-old civil war between Shia and Sunnis over the successor to the prophet Muhammad. Because of the Sunni’s sympathy with ISIS and not the government of Iraq, when the bully ISIS came to conquer, the Sunni military that American soldiers trained, turned over their weapons to ISIS that American taxpayers funded and then ran for the shadows. Suddenly, virtually overnight, ISIS had a powerful military, armed with American hardware, funded by Iraqi oil and the spoils of war.
But Obama’s actions and in-actions go even deeper than criminal negligence, to virtually aiding and abetting the enemy. That, by any definition, is treason. Iraq was and still is a strategic nation, in the middle of Muslim tribal chaos and Islamic civil war. American military presence was crucial to the stability of the entire, unstable Middle East region.
American taxpayers had already funded the war in Iraq to the tune of over $2,000,000,000,000 (that’s Trillion) and over 4,000 of its sons and daughters paid the ultimate price, with thousands more severely wounded or permanently disabled.
America’s continued military presence in Iraq would have been a significant deterrent against the rise of radical Islam (ISIS), Syria and Iran adventurism and a Sunni-Shia civil war. We had military and air bases built all over Iraq, at taxpayer expense. Those same taxpayers further funded a $1,000,000,000 (that’s Billion)American Embassy in Baghdad. (God knows why the State Department needed a $1 Billion embassy in Baghdad. Perhaps it was more than an embassy. Perhaps the embassy was and still is a front for the CIA.)
When ISIS kept growing, Obama played it down. When ISIS took town after town in Syria and Iraq, Obama did nothing. After being pressured to DO SOMETHING, he commenced a limited, hands-tied-behind-their-backs, military pinprick. ISIS kept growing. Obama limited American air strikes so as to prevent civilian casualties, or inflict environmental damage. Many warplanes returned to base with bomb loads still attached to the aircraft. The military begrudgingly carried out Obama’s insane orders to fight a war with no purpose, no goal and no end game. It was Obama’s war for show and propaganda with no intention of winning anything. Sacrificing military lives and hardware for show and propaganda, is even more treasonous.
ISIS is still growing and implanting itself in other countries and aligning itself with other radical Islamic groups. Because they have been so successful, they attract radical Muslim youths from all over the world to join them, including American Muslim immigrants that were imported to America from other Muslim countries. ISIS is, without a doubt, an existential threat to the United States that Obama refuses to acknowledge, much less confront that threat decisively.
With each terror attack success, more radicals flock to the cry of Allahu Akbar (Allah is great), fueled by a radical interpretation of the Qur’an. (It still remains a question whether radical Islamists are really radical when they are just following the ramblings of the alleged prophet Muhammad, as he laid out his personal interpretations of Allah‘s mandates in the Qur’an.)
For failing to keep troops in Iraq, the blood spilled at each ISIS or Al Qaeda terrorist attack is on Obama’s hands. He alone had the power to prevent it. Radical Islamic groups are now competing with each other to see who can inflict the most civilian casualties. Each of these growing terrorist attacks where blood is spilled is on Obama’s hands.
In the recent Paris terrorist attack, 130 died needlessly and over 350 were wounded. Their blood is on Obama’s hands.
In Egypt a Russian passenger jet was blown out of the sky over the desolate Sinai Peninsula by an ISIS bomb. Russian blood is on Obama’s hands.
For failing to stop the Syrian butcher, Basar Al Assad, the blood of 250,000 Syrians is on Obama’s hands. That civil war, that Obama could have stopped, is creating floods of refugees pouring into Europe and trying to get into America. Many of those refugees are terrorists. Russia has now joined Assad with Russian military assets, making the removal of Assad by America an invitation to a third world war between the two super powers.
Now, spilled blood from Islamic terrorism has landed on American shores in what is surely the first of more to come terrorist attacks by radical or radicalized Muslims. If there is any doubt in anyone’s mind, given the preliminary evidence that the San Bernardino attack was a radical Islamic terrorist attack, they are delusional. Even before the time this article is published, all doubt will have been removed.
Syed Rizwan Farook, the San Bernardino terrorist attacker and his Muslim wife, were prepared to perpetrate massive, unprecedented carnage somewhere in America. Perhaps his anger over an employment injustice or dispute, enraged him to the point he attacked his co-workers instead for personal reasons, prior to the planned terrorist event. Or maybe the attack on the service center was the plan all along. Nevertheless, there is no doubt he was planning a massive terrorist attack, given the arsenal he had assembled. The question is, who are his co-conspirators. He had to have had help.
But it makes no difference whether the San Bernardino terrorist attack was inspired by ISIS, Al Qaeda, or just a self-radicalized Islamic nut case. The growth of radical Islam has been and is on Obama’s watch. The American blood spilled in San Bernardino is on Obama’s hands.


It must be clear to everyone with any intellect at all, that terrorism will not be stopped until the terrorists are crushed where they live. Once crushed the draw to terrorism for young Jihadists will cease. Obama’s job was to crush the terrorists and he has failed miserably to do the job, leaving all Americans in grave peril in their own country.
Obama’s Sunday night speech did nothing to allay the fears of those Americans who will now think twice about going to the mall, or the theater, or a sports event for fear of another terrorist attack. He offered nothing new in the fight on terror in that speech. His emphasis on more gun control and trying to make us feel guilty about a possible Muslim backlash were hollow and meaningless. More gun control would not have stopped the San Bernardino attack and there is no noticeable backlash against Muslims in America, even though out of the five major religions in the world, only one of those religions, Islam, is mandating that everyone else convert or die.
We say, "Muslims, heal thine self or the wrath of righteous indignation will descend upon you with full force and fury."
We predict that another San Bernardino style terrorist attack in America, will incite the people to call for all Islamic terrorists to be crushed, anywhere on the planet, with America’s full military might and they won’t care about civilian casualties or environmental damage. Trump is already making that call and that is why he is still popular and rising in popularity.
Obama’s foreign policy actions or in-actions don’t stop at criminal negligence, or even treason. His socialist, radical environmental policies, Muslim loving and unconstitutional Executive Orders just add to the list of what may be the most irreparable damage that any president has done to American freedom and sovereignty. His obsession with "climate change", gun control, amnesty for illegal aliens and importing Syrian refugees into America while people are dying all over the planet from Islamic terrorist attacks, borders on neurotic paranoia, just plain stupidity, or pure evil. Any sane person knows gun controls won’t stop terrorists or lone, crazed gunmen in America, or anywhere else.
Obama’s constant deflection to other issues, or blaming others for his failures, when presented with major crises, is classic narcissism. He is either clueless, or diabolically evil.
Why Obama has not been impeached or indicted for treason by now will ring in the history books for centuries. How a man like Obama, with such a tortured past, ever became president of the Unites States of America, falls squarely on an electorate that has lost all allegiance to the values and foundation of a free society conceived in liberty and dedicated to the preservation of the individual, unalienable rights of its citizens. Obama was before his election and still is as President and will continue to be at the end of his term, anti-America and pro Muslim.
It will take decades to repair what this monster and the Democrats, that aided and abetted him, have unleashed on America and its people. It may even be irreparable. Meanwhile, because of his foreign policy failures, the streets of America could run red with blood as radical Islam infiltrates the fabric of America and becomes a cancer that can’t be cured. That blood will be on Obama’s hands and those people that supported him and those people that elected him.
Yes, Obama is the cause, but millions of Americans who voted for this Islamic Trojan Horse are the cause of the cause and they too share the responsibility and the blame for all that blood that will be spilled in American cities, in the name of radical Islam. That blood will stain Obama’s hands and forever render him the most dangerous and inept president that clueless liberal Americans ever elected to this high office. Will that same clueless liberal group of Americans be stupid enough to elect a hopelessly corrupt, female carbon copy of Obama? If they do …… ?
We’d like to know what is on your mind regarding Obama and Islam:


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NOTE:  The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, representatives, employees, or agents of the publisher.
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Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.organ advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners and a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State.  He can be reached for comment at: info@narlo.org.

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I’ve Changed. This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

A hardline shift from an immigration reformer. I know this is not my usual position. But this is a war. Therefore I have come to believe there should be no immigration or visa waivers until the U.S. adopts a completely new system to stop radical Islamic terrorists from entering the country. A wartime lockdown. And a big change in my thinking. ISIS and related Islamic terrorists are already here. More are coming. We must stop them. Until FBI director James Comey gives us the green light, I say seal the borders. Here’s what we must do: Completely reform the vetting process for immigrants and foreign visitors. Change the screening process. Come up with a new visa-application review process. Stop this nonsense of marriage-visa fraud. And in the meantime, seal the borders. I agree with Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, who argued many of these points in excellent detail on the National Review website on Friday. Again, why am I taking this hardline position? In the past I have been an immigration reformer, not a restrictionist. But we are at war. That changes everything. Let me emphasize that my support for wartime immigration restrictions is not based on religion. I think Donald Trump made a big mistake here. Instead, I agree with this Rupert Murdoch tweet: “Complete refugee pause to fix vetting makes sense.” Fortunately, the Republican House voted to tighten restrictions on travel to the U.S. by citizens of 38 nations who presently enter our country without a visa. This covers 20 million visitors a year who are allowed to stay 90 days. And of course this system is abused, big time. But I say seal the borders. People hoping to relocate to the U.S. from Syria, Iraq, and anywhere in the Middle East, and people coming here from France, England, Sweden, and wherever will be upset, at least for a while. There may be some unfairness to this. But I don’t care. Wars breed unfairness, just as they breed collateral damage. We may set back tourism. We may anger Saudi princes whose kids are in American schools. But so be it. We need a wartime footing if we are going to protect the American homeland. Of course, President Obama doesn’t get it. He never will. Already we should have led NATO into a declaration of war against ISIS. Already we should have pushed a resolution of war against ISIS through the UN Security Council. Already we should have convened meetings with our Mideast allies to formally declare war against ISIS. Already the U.S. Congress should have issued a formal declaration of war against ISIS.

The president had his last chance last Sunday night. And he didn’t do it. He is not a wartime commander in chief. In fact, he is not a commander in chief. As I have written before, if the U.S. wants to destroy ISIS, it can destroy ISIS. We won’t end terrorism around the world. But we can destroy ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Prominent generals are telling us that. Prominent national-security strategists are telling us that. So let’s do it. If there is to be a true wartime effort to destroy ISIS, our leaders must communicate a sense of urgency and energy. Define the clear goal: the destruction of ISIS. Speak to that goal constantly. Take steps at home and abroad to back up that goal. Lead the country. Rally the country. Republican and Democratic commanders in chief have done this in the past. We must do it again. I don’t believe a visa or immigration lockdown here in the U.S. will solve the Islamic terrorist threat. Many other steps must be taken. And I am not suggesting this in the name of religious profiling. Instead, I am hardening my position on immigration because we are at war and I fear we may be losing this war. My shift in thinking comes from a deep desire to strengthen homeland security. Hopefully an immigration freeze will not be in place for very long. But for now I believe we must do it. (By the way, keeping America safe is a prerequisite for growth.) And let me add, as I have in the past, if the U.S. has the will, the urgency, and the energy to destroy ISIS, then we will destroy ISIS.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428411/larry-kudlow-seal-bord...

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428411/larry-kudlow-seal-bord...




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