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From: TeaPartyTown.us ConservativeNews - February 5,2016

  'gotnews' - February 3, 2016 -  BY CHARLES JOHNSON (See Link)


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Here's something to consider also;

Bill, is wrong.
Trump borrowed $ 160 million from Geo Soros, Trump borrowed billions from Citi, Goldman, and every hedge fund on Wall Street. So, he has mortgages on his properties that is owing someone is it not?
Trump is a loose cannon on trade - he is talking tariffs, duties, tax credits for exports. Well sounds good to the uneducated . . can you say TRADE WARS? I see no way America can win in trade wars, IMHO his policy will lead to a global depression that might exceed 1929 which led to WWII.
No Trump he is a disaster worse than Obama.
Thanks to Mangus for the above insight.
And Another;
 Self-destruction...omg...we are seriously needing to worry about
finding a viable candidate that can beat a career liar and yet to be
imdicted felon for the highest office of this land!!....it is
incomprehensible...I have neck and eye exhaustion from shaking my head and
rolling my eyes, I simply continue to pray for the silver lining...it
better happen soon.
Thanks to Lady Boots for the second insight.
My final observations in light of these comments by two politically astute and active persons are;
The above should serve to bolster my idea that we must clearly Focus on the other Elections of 2016 to put up a firewall against any of the three leading potential picks to run for the office of President. It is much more important to get people in positions of power that can and will stop the madness of a rogue president that wants to bring about another Obama style change. If we don't we will lose.

if any of this was true what Bennet is claiming, Trump would get elected president no matter how much the media, lobbyist or politicians screamed. Ninety percent of the voters hate all politicians and would love to see them all behind bars. I don't care if you are a democrat or republican or independent, they all hate politicians and think they are all crooks and they would not hesitate for one second to elect Trump if that is what he could do, even if he got nothing else accomplished. No Trump would do no such thing, he has been part of the problem for 40 years he would end up hanging himself. The RNC know trump will ruin the GOP and the DNC know a Trump nomination gives them an easy way to the WH.


I still and will always contend that we need to have a back up plan no matter which idiot is elected President. That means starting right NOW we must work towards getting every Conservative and quasi conservative into position in Congress, State Legislatures, and even Local positions. Doing that will help offset the agendas of any not so good president and give the people some measure of control over the Progressive juggernaut. It will also give us breathing room until we can convince our State Legislatures to petition for an Article V Amendment Proposal Convention where we can again institute legal procedures that will resurrect the proper checks and balances and put the Federal Government back under the control of the people and the States.

Just sayin!

The SHOE fits I'll wear it !
Trump may be a tool, but not whose you think
Trump himself is the tool that has fallen into the hands of those long-ignored constituents, a tool to be used by the citizens to remake their party into an organization that truly represents their beliefs and values, led by leaders who truly share those beliefs and values and lead accordingly.

I would recast that premise somewhat and suggest that Trump is more a weapon that has been taken up by those Republican voters as well as independents and Reagan Democrats, a stout, unyielding club with which to fight back against the elitist Republican leadership in Washington, D.C. and the elitist coastal mainstream media.  Being from the South, I would prefer an axe handle to a club – an axe handle made of durable, resilient hickory, which brings to mind Old Hickory, a comparison that can be drawn with Trump.


Why We Lose: Where Was Dirty Trickster Mitt Romney When America Needed Him In 2012?
So let’s stop for a moment and applaud Romney’s skills at pulling an effective “Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
,” at being an effective McCarthyite dirty trickster 30 hours before Thursday night’s Republican debate, at giving Hillary’s DC Media Super PAC the anti-Trump talking points they are so desperate for.

he was running for president and offered solutions. The better question is where were the 15 million voters that stayed home?

Charles, like father like son.

Some 50 years ago George, along w/the rest of the progressive R establishment, ran TV advertising against Barry Goldwater following his nomination; in order to guarantee his defeat; an act of contemptible disloyalty for which they were never held accountable. On Thursday, Willard, another Romney jackass, did likewise.

The likes of Obama, Candace Crowley and Podesta, saw clearly what a spineless schmuck he was, which is why they crapped all over him during the campaign, knowing he would never respond.

Since losers love losers, deafening silence is the predictable response from his water boys. 

Charles, have you ever heard the phrase a weapon placed in the wrong person's hand is dangerous?

No , only that a weapon never went out all by I's self and killed someone!

You know I havent thought of it like that but the comparison to Jackson is fair. 

Heavily flawed the both of them but in the end Jackson did what he set out to do, end the national bank vs ending the tide of illegal immigration. Yeah I can see that now.

Home truth is direct and simple. Willard was and will always be a sissy which is why the likes of Candace Crowley and Obama, both street smart, urinated all over him and laughed in 2012; knowing that he wouldn't defend himself. Now this girlie boy wants to sneak in the backdoor at the convention How bold. manly and obviously in character.

He is your quintessential gutless and spineless lefty and the face of the GOP Establishment; obsessed w/breeding, etiquette, manners, proper schooling and the rest of the effete values he mirrors.

His water boys won't hear a discouraging word and continue to shill for him w/their dopey and lame excuses. No matter. The voters want nothing to do w/the likes of doofus Romney which is all that counts.

Willard is a metaphor for this election w/the effete left, desperate to hold onto their position and power versus the rank and file voter in the persona of Trump, clamoring for transformational change.

For the terminally clueless, a tip. Ladbrookes of London, the premier betting forum in the world now has Trump  at 8 to 5 to be the next POTUS, down from 125 to 1 six months ago; and they do this for their living. By the convention he will be even money or less. Deal w/it.




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