Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
I am wondering how long in years , will it take to have a new party win. I can see the division in both parties.I believe that if a new party adopts principals that will draw from both parties would bring success very soon.The Libertarian party fits that bill. The Libertarian party has principals based on individual liberty, small government, fiscal responsibility, and strong value in the constitution.With the establishment showing themselves in both parties is probably the time to do it...It will take conservatives and liberals to realize that these principals mean more than our selfish stances on social issues. We must realize that we all need to stand up for each others rights to liberty...That is how our country made it this far....I for one am ready for the revolution that will take place after the establishment steal the election from We The People.....What say you
HERE IS A THOUGHT, What if....The establishment steal the election from We The People..Give it to whoever....Then loose the General..How bad would that look for Romney and the schmucks then.
No worse then it will look if we lose with your selection or mine.
The latest mantra from the terminally befuddled is "we gotta win cuz otherwise we're gonna um........prolly be in big trouble".
There it is it folks. Obviously, it's all about winning so the befuddled can feel good about themselves w/bragging rights.
Principles, assuming they could identify and articulate a single one, are apparently irrelevant and no one should be surprised.
Question for the befuddled? Since the 'cause' that established the GOP evaporated 150 years ago, what is the purpose, aim, goal and reason for its existence; and winning ain't a reason?????????????????
A note from history. One critical factor in the ascension of Lenin's Bolsheviks, a tiny minority, was the existence of the much larger Mensheviks; a hapless gaggle of feckless incompetents and losers; which the former continually drew contrasts with. So the latest gambit from the befuddled is the anti-Socialist argument, namely "we can't have Hilary or Bernie cuz they're socialists!" Hm...........and precisely what are the Republicans??????????????
From Fremont in 1856 to the present, some 8 generations, during which it was the ascendant political party, the GOP has always been secular progressive soft left in tone and temperament; stone cold reality given its POTUS candidates.
We have had a Janus headed duopoly in DC for more than 100 years but obviously the befuddled never noticed. But hey no one's perfect so vote GOP. You''ll be so glad you did!!!
For once I am compelled to agree with you. There seems to be little to no difference between the candidates this time. ,Could that be because the people did not get active and choose their own candidates then do the work to force them onto the ballots despite what the Establishment leadership wanted? Probably.
Moving on from there, I see no good candidates running in any party, and that bodes no good for the republic.
However, I do have a simple solution to that problem. We need people to do their due diligence in vetting every candidate they can vote for in their own States and Precincts. The criterion should be how they traditionally vote on Constitutional Issues first and foremost, secondly how well they have listened to their constituents, and third what bills they have supported over the years. after finding out that background information the people should then vote for the ones that come the closest to the traditional conservative values we believe in.
Remember there will never be a perfect candidate, but at this juncture we need to elect the best possible from the field, for Congress, State Legislatures, and Local Office. It does not matter which party they hail from, all that matters in their proven track record on the issues. If we do that, we will have the beginnings of a buffer between our values and whichever candidate manages to get the Presidency.
I don't think we will find many that are not objectionable for one reason or another, but we must start somewhere to block the worst ones from regaining office. If we do this enough times we will eventually get through to the candidates we will not tolerate their crap any more, and they are in fact responsible to us.
M, I yield to Thomas. He seems to think he is the one with all the answers. I will sit back and wait for his instructions.
When you adhere to ageless convictions, principles and values; instructions are redundant. Conversely, when you have none of these virtues, instructions are your life preserver.
Tell you what Ludwig; articulate a single core Conservative Principle for us; each of which are the soul of brevity, in the mode of the Ten Commandments.
"Could that be because the people did not get active and choose their own candidates then do the work to force them onto the ballots despite what the Establishment leadership wanted?"
More than rationally it has to do with there being no consensus among the electorate on whom that monumental effort and expense be bestowed since ever. The moment political parties were allowed into the fabric of government resulting in laws written to keep them in power the die was cast and that was a very long time ago.
The entire system even beginning with the constitution itself is just fundamentally flawed IF the purpose was to do more than an illusion of holding reigns on government power. The results speak for themselves blame whom you wish.
Prudent restraints of power Thomas, now you give me your instructions to follow to achieve the conservative goals.
As worthy as that is, it's not a principle; rather it's a hopes and wishes objective.
The Greeks, the Scholastics, Locke, Burke; among many others; asserted that the Family Unit has always been the eternal bedrock of society and civilization.
Had that that ageless core conservative principle; derivative of the Natural Law, been honored in our time; abortion, homosexual 'rights, transgender equality and the rest of that corrosive agenda, would never have arisen. Yet sadly, that agenda is front and center in public consciousness even during this watershed election.
Indeed we have not only wandered far afield from the wisdom of Jefferson and Madison; more critically, we have truly lost our way. And the GOP is emphatically not the answer.
You want instructions/advice??? Then reflect on and absorb First Principles. While you're so engaged, put political considerations out w/the morning trash.
Some conservative principles as I see them are codified within the original intent of the Constitution.
Equal Justice under the Law.
Equal representation of the States in Congress regardless of their respective sizes.
Equally apportioned taxation among the various States.
That just names three of what I consider Conservative Principles.
However they have been obliterated by;
1. The manipulation of the clause in the 14th amendment that stated "No State Shall" and mis-applying it to mean the Federal Government had powers beyong those granted by the Constitution, allowing the Federal Government oversight into the laws enacted by the States, and ignoring the intent of the amendment by allowing things like the Constitutionally invalid concept of Anchor Babies born to illegal parents being granted citizenship. See; to see what the Contemporary views were of the Senators and Congress of that time period. They refuted that ideology quite concisely back then.
2. The 17th amendment that cancelled the Constitutional requirement that believe it or not the Senators were to be selected by the Legislatures of the States they represented
( As agreed upon among the original States in the Great Compromise/ Connecticut Compromise)
3.The recent and absurdly biased ideology of Social Justice that has been promulgated by a plethora of rulings of SCOTUS legislating from the bench and Congress being derelict in their duties to correct those bench legislation's by fixing the portions of the law the SCOTUS deemed as Unconstitutional.
The 16th amendment that was pushed through when the then SCOTUS declared an income tax was Unconstitutional because it went against the apportionment clause in the Constitution.
Those are compelling reasons we must push all the State Legislatures to petition for an Article V amendment proposal Convention or Form a COS to repeal the 14th,16th,& 17th amendments to restore the original checks and balances included by the Founders in the Constitution.
Concerning your response to Jack, Why then would you even consider voting for the same Democratic Socialist Party that originated those aberrations you have listed? We don't have much of a choice but we still have time for every voter to vett the Congressional, State, & Local candidates and judging them by their track record of votes on Constitutional issues and other supported issues that we face today. then selecting the most in line with the voters Conservative values and elect them to office.
Here are links to aid the individual in vetting their candidates for those positions.
Something for vetting purposes, See how your Representatives voted on Constitutional issues;
We can afford to vote or not vote for President, but WE CAN NOT afford to NOT VOTE for the other positions and still retain our Freedoms and Individual Liberty.
Completely agree that Amendments 14,15,16 and 17, which many correctly rail against, were the instruments of destruction of the States Rights vision of Jefferson, Madison, Randolph, among others; and the catalysts shifting centralized power to DC. Unfortunately many have never reflected on the how and why of this.
From Lincoln till Hoover, almost 4 generations, the GOP was politically ascendant in both the Executive and Legislative Branches; nominating and confirming the Justices who gave their imprimatur to these Amendments and all their related and supporting legislation. Recall that the next time some republicrat type insists that the the GOP is a party of strict constitutional interpretation.Repeating, the GOP, from day one has always been a secular progressive soft left party having nothing to do w/principled conservatism. Absolutely nothing; not even for a day!!!
As for Conservative Principles, Burke asserted that they derive from ageless custom and tradition, abhor ideology and keep the impulse of religion at a healthy distance.
* Man is constrained by an enduring moral order derivative of the Natural Law.
* The Family Unit is the foundation and linchpin of culture and civil society.
* An adherence to custom and continuity is a prerequisite for society.
* We are mere dwarfs, who see as far as we do; only because we stand on the shoulders of the massive giants of antiquity.
* Prudence in leadership is critical in order to assess the impact on the future of action taken in the now.
* Variety and difference are the catalysts for creativity and innovation.
* Man is not a perfectible creature.
* Freedom and the right to property are interdependent.
* Voluntary communitarianism is always preferable to involuntary collectivism.
* Eternal vigilance is necessary to constrain political power and public passion.
The next time anyone hears some politician or media schmuck utter any of these principles, it will be the first time. When we as citizens internalize the wisdom of Burke and apply it to our decision as to who deserves our vote, we will have come a long way along the road transforming our nation back to the vision of our Founders.
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