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He's not running for president!
How can one tell? Well its this simple, he's not building a ground game in the early states, he is doing so few campaign appearances that in Iowa and New Hampshire people who would support him are angry at him because of very limited events. The funny thing is he cant even suggest it's his senate seat stopping him because he's not showing up there either.
Ok he's putting on a show to raise money and running for president but doing a good job of running for donations but not for the position of president. He is also retiring from the senate and this suggests all the motive in the world. You see he's running for Rubio! Many don't know it based on a strict reading of the law but those unused funds when the campaign ends that they say cant be used for personal us actually can with a little knowledge. you see the senate in the past opened up loopholes in the law that prohibits the personal use of leftover campaign cash.
“Between these two sources of money, authorized campaign committee funds and leadership PACS, and considering that there are very minor restrictions, I would say that any retiring lawmaker with even an ounce of common sense can do just about anything they want with the unspent money,” Meredith McGehee, policy director at the Campaign Legal Center in Washington, D.C., told ABC.
By announcing his retirement from the senate at the same time he runs for president he actually extended the senatorial loophole to cover his left over campaign cash from his presidential run. Talk about a smart man, so I thought lets look at his spending and see if he is trying to save money in the campaign.
Well in his last report he showed he had raised 6 million but also showed he had 11 million cash on hand, his staff stated he was flying coach and staying at very inexpensive hotels as a reason for a very low burn rate.
OK that sounds good but where is the campaign going, I assume he's so frugal that he is trying to spent the absolute minimum time needed to well not get elected that's for sure. Considering Rubio's lavish lifestyle and his propensity to spend large while he was in the state senate this is all out of charter for him. 
So he wants to lose and money for him self is the game, because he's a siting senator he uses those rules to slight of hand his presidential money into his pocket. He then goes on the speaking circuit getting paid by the speech some very handsome fees and Rubio is set for life all because he retired from the Senate while running for president. 
When you view all that he is doing wrong in his bid for the US presidency and look at it under the what's in it for Rubio lens its clear. Rubio is running for Rubio and he is the only guarantied winner in this election cycle.

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There's something odd about Marco Rubio's presidential campaign: He hasn't been doing all that much, er, campaigning in the early states.

Unlike most recent presidential nomination winners, who have invested serious time and effort into campaigning and building organizations in at least one of either Iowa or New Hampshire, Rubio has taken a positively relaxed approach to both. He doesn't show up very often, doesn't do much campaigning when he is around, and doesn't seem to be building very impressive field operations.

And it's raising eyebrows. James Pindell of the Boston Globe wrote last week that Rubio's New Hampshire surge was "riddled with doubts," and that GOP insiders are bemoaning his "lack of staff" and "activity." National Review's Tim Alberta and Eliana Johnson reported Wednesday that Rubio's "weak ground game" was angering Iowa Republicans. And the New Hampshire Union Leader wrote an editorial headlined, "Marco? Marco? Where's Rubio?"

For a candidate who's so often deemed "The Republican Barack Obama," it sure seems like Rubio has missed some key lessons from the president's historic 2008 campaign. And this isn't good optics for a candidate who's already been criticized (somewhat unfairly) for missing lots of Senate votes, either.

Rubio seems uninterested in campaigning hard or building a ground operation in Iowa and New Hampshire

The conventional wisdom is that a candidate needs to win either Iowa or New Hampshire to win the nomination. In fact, every nominee for decades has done that, except for Bill Clinton in 1992 (an odd year in which the Iowa caucuses effectively "didn't count" because Iowan Tom Harkin was running). Candidates who've tried to "skip" both early states in hopes that a later win will propel then to prominence have failed miserably.

Furthermore, said conventional wisdom continues, the way to win in both Iowa and New Hampshire is to work hard on the ground. The candidate should spend a lot of time there. The campaign should build up a network of local relationships, winning over supporters one by one. And the campaign should focus on organizing, to identify committed voters and make sure they actually turn out to the polls. (Organizing like this helped power Barack Obama to victory in Iowa in 2008.)

Yet Rubio doesn't appear to be focusing on any of this:

  • Though a win in New Hampshire could ensure that Rubio's the only mainstream Republican left standing, he's spent fewer days there this year than any other GOP candidate except Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum, according to WMUR.
  • In Iowa, Rubio has "rarely left the Des Moines area for campaign events," according to Alberta and Johnson.
  • Rubio has just seven paid New Hampshire staffers, according to Pindell — far fewer than Jeb Bush's 20, Donald Trump's 15, and even Carson's 10.
  • And Iowa and New Hampshire politicos have both complained that Rubio's campaign seems uninterested in winning their endorsements. (Unsurprisingly, Rubio hasn't gotten many.)

Now, it's not that Rubio is ignoring Iowa and New Hampshire. Indeed, his operation has spent millions on ads in each state. His team just doesn't appear to be spending time on this nuts-and-bolts campaign activity that so many political professionals think is crucial to actually winning.

Rubio's team has been arguing that campaigning is overrated

If we believe what Rubio's advisers are saying, they aren't using these tactics too much because they genuinely believe their effectiveness is overrated. They're saying that they think ads and media coverage, not field or campaign events, are the keys to victory.

"More people in Iowa see Marco on ‘Fox and Friends’ than see Marco when he is in Iowa," Rubio's campaign manager, Terry Sullivan, told the New York Times. And Alberta and Johnson report that Rubio's team believes "a sprawling operation weighs down a campaign and wastes precious resources that could be spent on TV ads that reach more voters." (Presumably, Rubio isn't making more campaign trips to the early states so he can spend more time raising money that can fund these crucial ads.)

Perhaps Rubio's team is right, and most other campaigns are just wasting their resources by spending big on organizing. But it's a questionable hypothesis. So far this year, ad spending appears to have had little relation to candidates' poll standing. (It has definitely enriched many political consultants, though.)


Does Marco Rubio Actually Want to Win?

It may seem strange to wonder if the man who’s been consistently polling at third-place in the race for the Republican presidential nomination actually wants the job but when you look at how Marco Rubio has been running his campaign, it’s a perfectly reasonable question.

As noted by the Boston Globe, Rubio’s strategy in the state of New Hampshire appears to be completely different from using scores of small-scale events with locals, the way that successful candidates in both parties have done for decades with a large staff spread across the state:

As Senator Marco Rubio has climbed the polls, the Floridian lacks one element that has proved to be pivotal for previous winners of New Hampshire’s presidential primary: a robust ground game that can generate enthusiasm and support when voters go to the polls. […]

GOP activists in New Hampshire are grumbling that Rubio has fewer staff members and endorsements than most of his main rivals and has made fewer campaign appearances in the state, where voters are accustomed to face-to-face contact with presidential contenders.

“For much of this year, Rubio just hasn’t been here,” said Belknap County Republican County chairman Alan Glassman, who is not backing a candidate.

Besides not hiring up in New Hampshire, Rubio is physically not showing up in the state much. According to the tracking site P2016, the Florida senator has been in the state for just 18 days since 2013. By way of comparison, New Jersey governor Chris Christie has stayed over for 57 days. The only currently running candidate who has spent less time in the Granite State is former surgeon Ben Carson, not exactly a role model in working hard to win the White House.

Rubio’s strategy for Iowa appears to be little different. According to P2016, Rubio has visited the Hawkeye State for just 28 days since 2013. Only two other candidates have stayed over less and neither Ohio governor John Kasich nor former Florida governor Jeb Bush is even pretending to win the GOP caucuses there. By contrast, Texas senator Ted Cruz has visited for 41 days.

The first-term senator’s seeming lack of interest in traveling to Iowa or New Hampshire is almost certainly due to a lack of funds as Daniel Larison notes:

Because Rubio hasn’t been able to raise much money, he hasn’t been able to build the sort of campaign organization that winning candidates typically have, but he also isn’t barnstorming the early states as long-shot candidates with few resources have to do in order to compete. He is taking his support for granted, and he doesn’t seem to be working very hard at winning over new supporters. If he were busily stumping all the time to make up for the lack of resources, he wouldn’t be accused of neglecting the early contests, but for whatever reason he isn’t doing that, either.

Instead of trying to grind out a victory by criss-crossing Iowa or New Hampshire the way that underfunded candidates like Rick Santorum managed to do in 2012, the Rubio campaign has explicitly said that it’s relying upon the media to carry the candidate’s message. That may seem ludicrous for a Republican to say, however, that actually appears to be the case as National Review reported as long ago as April.

Besides trying to get the senator booked on as many shows as possible (a desire he shares in common with Donald Trump and any other breathing politician), Rubio’s team appears to think that a $3 million television advertising buy in New Hampshire will be the ticket to victory, never mind that the political action committee supporting Jeb Bush just spent $18.5 million in the state and went from double digits to around 7 percent.

According to multiple reports, the Rubio campaign appears to believe that the state-by-state primaries and caucuses are merely proxies for national poll ratings. It’s a theory that’s completely inconsistent with the facts. There is something this theory is consistent with, however, and that is the campaign strategy of Rudy Giuliani in 2008.

As you may recall, the former New York mayor’s master plan didn’t quite work out as his hometown paper discussed in detail after the fact:

Mr. Giuliani finished third in the Florida primary on Tuesday night; only a few months earlier, he had talked about the state as his leaping-off point to winning the nomination.

As Mr. Giuliani ponders his political mortality, many advisers and political observers point to the hubris and strategic miscalculations that plagued his campaign. He allowed a tight coterie of New York aides, none with national political experience, to run much of his campaign.

He accumulated a fat war chest — he had $16.6 million on hand at the end of September, more than Mitt Romney ($9.5 million) or Senator John McCain ($3.2 million) — but spent vast sums on direct mail instead of building strong organizations on the ground in South Carolina and New Hampshire.

Giuliani’s idea of ignoring Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina didn’t pan out but at least he was  ahead in the polls in the state of Florida for some portion of the campaign. Literally at no point has Rubio led any other candidate in any state, even Florida. It’s almost like Rubio is trying a front-runner strategy while polling in third or fourth place.





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