Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Reprinted with permission of author;
Any questions where this Ideology came from? This subterfuge is the guiding force behind the Progressive Elitists who created the Obama and Hillary Agendas! The Obama Administration is the Penultimate vehicle of change, and if it happens, the Hillary Administration will be the Ultimate vehicle of the Elitists push to create a world wide Oligarchy modeled after the "God Given Rights of Kings" crap that held the world in thrall for Millennia, until America threw off the lies and enslavement of a Dictatorial Monarch.
Why do the Elites want to resurrect this Heinous method of controlling the Population?;
They do it because there is something twisted in their Evil Brains that compels them to use and abuse their fellow human for their self aggrandizement and Egotism. The perks of immediately having everything they want instantly helps too!
They are vile miscreants that have totally chosen the Devil's side. How long will their "Helping the Downtrodden Poor" last when they take total control? Ask yourself ' Exactly Who Pays for taking care of the "Downtrodden Poor"? NOT THEM, THAT'S FOR SURE!
The Tradesman
Can you see how your politicians have betrayed you ? and will continue to betray you into the future. When you vote in a Democrat or a Republican, you are voting in a communist, with the exception of Donald Trump and perhaps a few other Americans who can rightfully call themselves defenders of the Constitution
Incremental socialism equals what ? The obvious conclusion is Godless slavish communism. This socialism/communism won't last, as history has shown on numerous occasions, but they're trying hard ... and doing a lot of damage in the process. In the end, they'll only damage themselves. Already it's started, Orlando was a "backfire" on the Liberal Progressive Globalists' agenda, everything about Orlando amplified the absence of common sense in progressive globalist politics. As Mangus said in another topic, "It's an immigration problem". But it's much more than that, the whole agenda is a problem, a huge problem !
It's worldwide and should be resisted as much as possible by everybody in a non-violent way. When the money runs out and when there's more homeless people in the streets, we might have a chance of winning this fight. The globalists' will have only themselves to blame
Ozzie you are so right. ..But the globalists will not blame themselves. They will just dig up some excuse that will make sense too only themselves..Trump is certainly seeing this problem as it is. It is very telling to many of us that saw the RINO`s for what they were ..But yet many are still blindly dumb to the corruptness of the establishment / bilderberg / shadow government.
They're playing to our weaknesses Kevin, to pacify us while they do their immoral stuff. But there's cracks appearing in their armor, being opened up more by each "progressive" policy that backfires in their face. Peoples' lives seem to mean very little to them so I guess we are now within our rights to call them Stalinists
Typically Democrat,
Happy days!
The world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion
So where did it go ?
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