We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Facts Of Political Life Critical To The Continuation Of Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of the author on the http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/ Editorial page.

Remember This Fact Of Political Life; You may not like any of the Candidates for President, and you may feel that you don't want to hold your nose and vote against someone Like Hillary or Bernie by choosing a GOP sponsored Candidate. I fully understand your thought processes on that subject. The one thing that terrifies both parties is the fact that you can vote a split ticket and not vote for any Presidential Candidate or you can write in a Candidate of your choice. Personally, I am going to vote for any candidate that is running against Hillary and Bernie. Both actions come with consequences so you will have to vote your conscience to either not vote for a Presidential Candidate, Write in your choice for a candidate, or Hold your nose and vote. That decision is yours alone!

The consequences are;

1. If you don't vote the party that has the most sycophants at the polls will put that Party's candidate in.

2. If you write in your choice the probability is that they won't win and all you would have done is to make a protest vote that neither party will care about.

3. Holding your nose will most likely help elect the less than desirable candidate, and since there has been so much controversy that Candidate will not be able to please the voters, and will be beset with criticism throughout his Presidency.

Those are the cold hard facts as I see them.

However, The most critical and important thing to insure the Republic won't go out with a whimper is to GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE IN NOVEMBER!!!

It is Imperative that everyone starts Vetting the Candidates they can vote for in their States and Precincts. The reason for this will become evident. 

We need to get the most conservative Candidates who are running into office, even if they are marginal ones and even if they are from a different party than the one you are usually voting for. In this respect Party affiliation has no place, it's how the candidate has consistently voted on Constitutional Issues throughout their career, and what Issues they have associated themselves with during their careers. Using these factors, I feel it would be prudent to pick the candidate that was closest to what our basic conservative beliefs are. 

However, do not get discouraged if you only have a choice between two Progressive Rino's or two Progressive Democrats in some instances, or even if a Democrat or other party is more conservative consistently than the RINO running. Don't forget the Common Sense aspect of the candidates too. Conservatism is also manifest as what was called Common Sense in times past before the Progressive onslaught of Political Correctness de-mented most of the liberal population. Same goes for the Democrats. Simply vote for the one most consistently in line with our conservative beliefs. One will always come out better than the other. The reason for doing this is to load the Congress with the most Common Sense and Conservative leaning representatives as are available, and remember none of them will be a perfect fit for what we want.

The same rules goes for the State Legislatures and Local races as well. So, you can see by doing this we will be ever so slightly be shifting the status quo toward more Conservative values and issues. 

Consider what will happen if the most Progressive Socialist Liberal candidates get elected.


The only way to stop that is to get higher numbers of the average American Conservative voters to the polls to vote than the opposition does!

The Tradesman


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Same old story will get same old results. The establishment does not mind if you vote. As long as it is for one of the choices they give you.

To just keep going along with this light Communist system of electing is not for me. When you except their way, then it will become THEWAY. Morphing and nudging is a strategy the establishment progressives have perfected.M,This is the trap of fools and I advise all to rethink their position on this. It is a time in history to be bold. Pussy footing around in fear of losing everything is the fear that tyranny prevails under. Like Trump says, We must be able to walk away to effectively bring on change....I advise you watch this video.

Sorry Kevin,

I have to agree with the Tradesman not only because we think alike, but even if it is a stop gap measure until we can get our picks placed on the ballot, not doing it will increase the damage the Liberals can do over the next four to eight years if we don't.

I believe it is just a necessary stop gap measure that will have to be bolstered by the public choosing candidates for the next election, doing all the work necessary to get them forced on the ballots against the establishment leadership's wishes and then get them elected.  The voting that the tradesman cited is not a cure all, it is only a stop gap.

The basic problem is that most people do not think past the election to the future to do what is necessary and ongoing to correct the problems we have let build up by doing nothing of consequence to stop them.

That has been a losing strategy for some time now. Not knowing is ignorant. Doing the same thing and exspecting a different outcome is stupidity.You can not use the I did not know card anymore......Anyway M. When there is 3 choices for the POTUS position it will be up to you to vote for what you want. Take the same old cowardly path to nowhere, or blaze a new path to something great. Our founding fathers did not take the cowards path. They were bold and brash like Trump.I know a leader when I see one.

Our founding fathers would be very disappointed reading your post. That is for sure.I would say to you to stand over the grave of someone who has gave their life in defending our rights and read what you write. I am sure you could not speak in good conscience.


you don't seem to get what I am actually saying. Voting for people who are on the ballot, which we can not change now, and picking the least damaging of them rather than letting our opposition have a free reign, is an insurance policy against getting the wrong person for POTUS, and I fully believe that Hillary or Bernie are the wrong persons. If it's between Trump and Cruz, I will vote for the one who gets the required delegates because whom ever that is will be running against either Bernie or Hillary.

Again, everyone has the three choices of Not Voting for a President, and you can see where that got us in 2012 with Obama and Romney. You can extrapolate the consequences if people don't go to the polls and vote for the most conservative candidates running for Congress. State Legislatures, and Local offices. If that happens that people stay home we most probably will have another Democratic Socialist Progressive Majority that will destroy the country this time.  Writing in a candidate will not win the office, and many people won't hold their noses and vote, because if they decide not to vote because of the available POTUS candidates, they won't be there to vote for the other positions in Congress, State Legislatures, and local offices unless they know they have the choice of not voting for a POTUS candidate and still be able to vote for all the others. When that happens the Progressives have won in fee simple. BTW, I do not recommend and am not advocating not voting for a POTUS candidate, I am just explaining what can be done should someone want to do something positive and not have to choose between POTUS candidates.

On the other positions I will Vett every candidate and choose the ones that I feel will best represent the Conservative viewpoint, no matter which party they hail from. That will have to serve as my insurance policy if for some idiotic reason Hillary or Bernie wins

Trump is the one who can beat Hillary. Besides if you want to  not split the R party up then Trump must win at this point. To have it decided in Cleveland by the establishments convention rules, will only ensure a Third party run. Which many including myself think Trump would win. So I would suggest to make sure Trump gets to 1237. The establishment crony`s who have their whole lives work on the line would be happy having Hillary rather than Trump...I will not give in to tyranny..NEVER. If you think that our government has not become tyrannical then you have been living under a rock.You keep on with your attempt to have an article 5 convention...That will never be allowed to happen with a tyrannical government. There is a lot of work to do before we can even think of that being a possibility.Those in power would need to want that. That is a joke in itself. You need to see the reality of what the hell is going on...Things are bad M. Much worse than you think .Bilderberg is real my man. It is not just a little thing. They network that these slim balls have created is very much in control.of  way to many......HERE IT IS IN AN EXAMPLE... If you do not have men who are brave enough to use guns in defense of our republic then you just might as well surrender the 2nd. Meaning when guys like me ,walk away and leave the fight, and there is nothing left but cowards. Then maybe you will see the damage your stance does.Everything has consequences.This is the time in history that the silent majority has woke up to make America great again. If all you, who have only helped destroy it. Want to stay in control of the path,and keep doing what is proven failure. If you all insist of having it your way again, and do not  admit that it takes real men with real convictions. to get it done. I would dare say the silent majority will go into a deep sleep. Donald Trumps do not grow on Trees.

I don't give a Damn who beats Hillary and Bernie as long as they are beaten.

That still does not negate the necessary voting for the most conservative candidates in ALL the other elections to act as an insurance policy for the Conservative movement!!!! 

What I got from the tradesman's post was that the critical issue is to get the most conservative candidates put in office and the most liberal taken out of office. Along with that, It seems to say that there is too much focus on the dog and pony show that is the presidential race instead of on what will help in restoring the Republic.

 As I see what the author of this post is saying is 'It does not matter which party a candidate comes from, it matters what their track record (voting record) is, and what issues they have backed as a representative, should be the basis for your determining who gets your vote.

Here are different scorecards to Vett your candidates, the last listed also gives information on State representatives

Source; http://www.thenewamerican.com/files/Freedom_Index_   Parts 1 and 2.

Something for vetting purposes, See how your Representatives voted on Constitutional issues;







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