We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic




President Trump stated in an October 16 interview that the Fed rapidly raising interest rates is the biggest threat to his administration but I believe that is only partly correct. An issue just as serious is the out of control spending being done by deep state politicians in both parties. The best way to get our financial house under control is to reduce the size of the federal government and to drastically cut spending. The vote buying political ruling class like buying votes with big spending. They not only get votes but also get personal financial rewards from those benefitting from the waste, including their financial supporters.

Several times every evening I see ads on television touting how many people can have cell phones paid for with Medicare funds. They say 40 million more people can get "free" cell phones with unlimited talk and text. I am not dumb enough as democrat voters are, nor as naive as republican voters are, to believe that those phones and services are provided "free of charge" by the huge telecommunications conglomerates. I am also not dumb enough or naive enough to believe that all those ads are done free of charge by the huge media conglomerates. What I DO know is that the physical therapy I need to aid my recovery from a massive stroke "costs too much" for Medicare, that the government "can't afford me" now that I need the services I paid into for 50 years. Medicare and Social Security are ponzi schemes devised by crooked politicians to buy votes, never intending to use the money they "put in a lock box" for We the People to access when we got old and our health began to fail. Both of these plans are scams to keep middle and low income people from gaining ground in the financial and health areas. Illegal aliens receive 2 or 3 times the amount of money I receive, money was confiscated from me and my employers all my working life.

Our nation is just as corrupt as any third world dictatorship because the Constitution is "just an outdated document" that doesn't serve the interests of the political ruling class. Unfortunately, too many American citizens, and even more so those here illegally, expect a free ride because they don't care where the money comes from as long as it doesn't come out of their pockets. Just as unfortunately for all of us, sooner or later the socialists run out of other peoples' money and the whole house of cards collapses. Politicians put Bernie Madoff in prison for stealing less than they have stolen but they are protected because they are the "ruling class elitists" so have nothing to fear legally. One day We the People will come after them so they seek diligently to disarm us so we are nothing but slaves.

Our nation also suffers from a lack of God in society, another product of socialism. Godless people elect their kind because that is watt gets them what they want but the long term consequences will bite them on the butt, it always has. Common people supported Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, and countless other despots who promised utopia only to eventually enslave and murder even their most loyal supporters. The same thing can, and will, happen here if We the People continue to reject God and embrace satan. The answer to all of our problems isn't in Donald Trump or any other mortal man. We MUST turn fervently to Jesus Christ and beg for His forgiveness and mercy. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is one of my favorite verses in the Holy Bible. It says, "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land." That verse tells us what we need to do to turn things around. I believe the election of Donald Trump was the beginning of an answer to the prayers and repentance of myself and many others but we need more to do the same. I have seen our nation fall far in the last 50 years and I know how to reverse the decline. This nation became great because our founders based it on God's Word and looked to Him in every aspect of its foundation. If We the People of today will get back to the mindset and practices of our founders we will see a peaceful revolution that will reestablish the nation to what God intended it to be. We will see peace, prosperity, happiness, and civility return. Jesus tells us in the Gospels how to live a happy and prosperous life. If we will start with 2 Chronicles 7:14, and embrace the teachings of Jesus we will see our nation turn around dramatically and will see the entire world become a better place as a result.   Our nation has military people scattered throughout the world policing things that are none of our business while our nation is being invaded daily by drug cartels, violent street gangs like MS-13, and moslems intent on turning America into the satanic toilet they left. I want to see this stopped and our nation returned to "a shining city on a hill" status but I can't do it alone and it can't be done with money, especially money I don't have. I am living below the poverty level now so I certainly can't buy politicians or "protestors" like the billionaire Nazi war criminal george soros can. All I can do is appeal to Americans to join me in prayer and a repentant lifestyle. All of us can pray and repent of our sins, that doesn't cost anything and will reap a harvest that will benefit generations to come. Who will join me in bringing Almighty God back into prominence in our nation? I am not asking anyone to take up arms nor riot in the streets as I believe the answers to our dilemma come in prayer, repentance, and honoring God, the Creator of ALL things, including the establishment of this nation!

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

October 20, 2018

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