We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Can anyone else see the train wreck coming. The debates hosted by CNBC proved how blind and out of touch the general public are. I felt good about the ass chewing the media got., and felt proud of the group of candidates as a whole. The thing is. That these politicians that were planing and waiting for a Newt Gingrich moment, because they felt that`s what it will take to move the poll numbers. I am not all that upset with them for doing it. But I am very upset with that it actually worked. I am so put off by how many of the asshole voters buy this type of crazy campaigning. Yes it is ok to feel good about the groups actions. But for the only ones who improved in the polls were the ones with the best gotcha lines,, AND THAT IS SICK. Are we really going to be this type of group here. I would like to hear some other thoughts on this. We have been smothered the Trump crap that for months now, good politicians are not getting heard because to many bought into the whole reality tv bull. I think it`s time to stop wasting time with such foolishness. This is too important. I do not see what is playing out, It feels like nothing has been learned from mistakes of the past.THE POPULARITY CONTEST NEEDS TO STOP. .....WHAT SAY YOU!

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Yet another reason why we must address the "Broken System".

Donald Trump's 'Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again

Excerpted from "Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again," by Donald J Trump Copyright 2015 Threshold Editions.


Our airports, bridges, water tunnels, power grids, rail systems— our nation’s entire infrastructure is crumbling, and we aren’t doing anything about it. According to engineers, one out of every nine bridges in this country is structurally deficient, approximately a quarter of them are already functionally obsolete, and almost a third of them have exceeded their design lives.

Some of these bridges have already collapsed. Our infrastructure is terrible, and it’s only getting worse and more expensive to fix. It’s already costing the American people an estimated $200 billion a year in reduced productivity.

Instead of being at the office or in the factory getting work done, Americans waste countless hours every day sitting in traffic jams or waiting for stalled trains. Our airports? Are you kidding me? A disgrace.

Our power grid, the infrastructure for electricity that keeps everything operating, is way out-of-date. Our highspeed Internet access is only 16th best in the world. When I travel internationally, I see magnificent places you wouldn’t believe. I see properly maintained bridges, tunnels, and airports. I see great highways and unbelievably efficient power systems. Then I come home and I get caught in traffic, and when the car moves, it bangs over potholes.

Why can’t we get these problems fixed? The answer is that the people we put in charge don’t know how to fix them.

We’re spending billions of dollars protecting countries that should be paying us to do the job yet we can’t build roads in our own cities. We can’t build schools in our own communities. I’ve been to China numerous times, and everywhere you look there are cranes reaching toward the sky. The Chinese build new cities over there in about 12 minutes, while we take years to get the permits to add a dormer window to our own homes.

Some times the Circus has to come to town , just sayin!


Yes Charles,

That showcases my point about the political system being severely broken. My belief is it is because of the combination of rampant Greed and self Aggrandizement on the part of the Elitist Politicians who have not been challenged since before the Civil War as being the root cause of the state of affairs extant in the US and the world today.

Ohioans reject legalizing marijuana
Although Issue 3 was handily defeated, the debate and conversations about the issue have convinced House Speaker Cliff Rosenberg, R-Clarksville, and other state lawmakers who were staunchly opposed to legalization to now say it may be time to move ahead with medical marijuana.
Typical republican't reply! WTF The people spoke yet postilions are second guessing?
“After going through this process, myself and many of my colleagues realize there’s tremendous support for medical marijuana and something we should have a bigger discussion about,” said Rep. Ryan Smith, R-Bidwell, a leader in the House.

Hi Charles and thanks for this info.........

Charles, politicians don't spend money on major infrastructure improvements because it is not what the people want. The voters want money spent on them. Small infrastructure projects are left for local politicians to help them get elected. Big projects like rebuilding the power electrical grid, highways and bridges and the internet will take consensus by the national public and since we are short on federal funds those projects take a back seat. Trump couldn't change that reality if he were elected or can any other candidate by either party. It will take a change in thinking by the majority of the public for any action to take place. The last big project America undertook was the space program and that happened by keeping the amount of money spent under close lock and key.

Jack ! How do you know what "Trump" can't do? The big driver ill spent money and progressive ideas is government agencies.

CIP http://www.nlc.org/

Charles, I know that Trump can't do it because the federal government has no money. If you could identify all the waste in government it wouldn't fund one of the three projects I mentioned above. Also, it would take some time to identify the waste, then stop the funding and then you could begin allocating those funds to the project of your choice. In the end, the projects would be very slow moving and highly unpredictable on completion or quality of the project.

jack ludwig

Why would you say Trump can't do that????

Trump knows they need to cut the government waste,and fraud he as already said that it needs to be done.. For him to let all the fraud and waste continue would be a disservice to the American tax payers..Lets see how he handles the Senate and Congress because they are the ones letting all this go on...Of course he needs to be elected first of course....

kinda like how Trump treated the people that lost money when he filed BANKRUPTCY 4 times...that was a disservice...dont trust Donald to do for anyone but himself....no matter what he says

Yes, kathyet you are correct,  congress is responsible for spending our money. There isn't a person in congress who will not tell you there is wasteful spending in the budget. The problem is getting the majority to agree on what programs are wasteful. The easy part is finding waste the hard part is getting an agreement on what is the waste, remember the president doesn't get a vote, only the option to sign or veto the proposal. If it were so easy to cut the budget it would be done all the time. Trump or any other person who happens to be president has no control over the congress actions except to agree or disagree.

I also agree with Blades comment, Trump has never shown any interest in anything outside his own personal interest. He has left a widespread wake of financial disaster for many of the projects he has taken on. One only has to look at each and everyone he has been involved in that included outside investments. They are the ones that failed. Any project that he put all the money up did okay, but they were small projects and usually didn't have the Trump flare connected with the project.

Scary...So who or what is the answer to our dilemma, I guess it goes back to our local elections those being more important than the national as usual..




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