We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The National Straight Beer Boycott


In an article on the "gothamist" (Brewers Pull Out of St. Patrick's Day Parade), it is reported that Guinness, Heineken, and Sam Adams, have decided to boycott both the New York and Boston St. Patrick's Day Parades. The reason is the banning of participation by "gay groups marching openly" in those parades.

Now, there have been many efforts to impose an economic impact on certain products, in the past. Most notably, they gasoline industry with the "don't buy gas on Saturday" type campaigns. However, these had little, if any, impact, because you would buy gas on Friday or Sunday, have no impact, at all, on the industry. After all, there was no alternative. Gas is gas, and wherever you buy it, the cooperation between the various suppliers, doesn't allow an appreciable impact on any single producer.

Beer, however, is different. There are many different brewers, some of whom will not attempt to social engineer you, or a Parade, into political correctness.

It is up to you, the beer drinkers, to turn the tables on the insidious practice of 6% of the population imposing their morality upon us, by such threats from their community to intimidate other industries to support their cause in this manner.

Let's hit these people where it hurts -- in their bottom line. Patriots should never put another dime in the pockets of these transgressors, and they should encourage their friends to do the same. Boycott the boycotters and drink beer only from those brewers who don't attempt to impose their will on us -- only to provide good beer.

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Three reasons, why I have, literally consumed, many cases, of Samuel Adams Boston Lager, and (One) reason, for me to completely stop! (#One): The owner (Jim Koch): I laughed out loud, when I saw him in one of his commercials, literally “Baptizing” himself, in a vat of his Own Beer. I never forgot that, and still laugh @ it, to this day! Say what you will (that I have a bizarre sense of humor) I'd be guilty as charged! (#Two): I'm one of those people, that hates to spend anymore than nessary on beer, Samuel Adams Boston Lager, has always, not got my attention, or my money, because of that. (#Three): However, being a Costco Member, changed all that. I've purchased Sam Adams (many times there) for less than $25.00, for a 28 bottle case. So after buying some there, I've come to really love Koch's Beer, and have, always looked foward to buying more, of it! (one): I started (reason #3) with the word “However”, and thats how I'm starting what follows: When Koch, did what, he just did for His Fag Friends, that was the straw, for me, that broke the camels back! Those LBGT Aholes, are ruining the USA! After that, Koch gets nothing, but scorne from me! Zero Dollars for Samuel Adams Boston Lager. I'll be making anyone & everyone, that feels the way that I do, aware of this Prick & what he's upto! So, do me a favor, & send this around to your “like-minded” friends, etc., Screw Koch and the fags.




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