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The Race for the Presidency relies on money gathering instead of Competency.

This supports my belief that every Candidate for public office should be restricted to a fixed dollar amount they can totally spend on their campaigns, and do away with the PACS and Super PACS. It also showcases the fact that you can fool the people most of the time if you have a good Lies and a spin on the truth.

Source; http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/264128-clinton-casting-wider-n...

By Amie Parnes and Jonathan Swan - 12/25/15 01:00 PM EST

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is building the most expansive fundraising network in recent memory, taking its prospecting far beyond the usual Democratic strongholds on the East and West coasts.

Those familiar with Clinton's fundraising operation say she's tapping smaller cities to avoid running dry in California and New York, which have only so many Hollywood producers and trial lawyers.

One source familiar with her schedule noted that many of the places Clinton is mining for cash are in Super Tuesday states, allowing her to double up with campaign events and fundraisers.

"Killing two birds," summarized one Clinton fundraiser. "It's a smart strategy on a couple of levels. It helps fundraising and the organizational structure." 

The strategy avoids "wear and tear" in the bigger cities, the fundraiser added.

A second fundraiser said that second-tier cities "become first tier cities very quickly."

"To her credit, she's got the stamina to do this," the second fundraiser added.

Clinton — who is known to do time-consuming photo lines with donors at most of the events — has received at least $80 million into her campaign account so far, more than any other candidate running for the White House.

But she is also spending massive amounts on her nationwide organization, which has forced her finance team to think creatively.

Clinton’s team has already held fundraisers in cities and towns across at least 38 states, collecting contributions in Tulsa, Okla., Albuquerque, N.M., St. Louis, Mo., Omaha, Neb., and Birmingham, Ala. — all places not commonly thought of as political gold mines for Democrats.

The Clinton campaign's fundraising reach is significantly wider than that of any Republican candidate, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (31 states, including for his super-PAC), retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (21 states) and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (16). 

Clinton’s top Democratic rival Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has had campaign fundraisers in 10 states, but his fundraising strategy relies less on intimate gatherings in the living rooms of multimillionaires and more on drumming up small donations online.

Sanders raised a similar total amount to Clinton last quarter though his donors are contributing less on average. He is also the only candidate in the race, besides Republican billionaire Donald Trump, who refuses the support of super-PACs.

Clinton’s campaign has already held fundraisers in more states than the entire 2012 general election campaigns of President Obama and Mitt Romney, who fundraised in 36 and 37 states, respectively.  

To compare the state figures, The Hill used data collated on the “Political Party Time” website by the non-partisan group the Sunlight Foundation, which crowd-sources invitations to political fundraising events. These data are incomplete but are the most comprehensive available.

Until recently, some Democratic fundraisers were worried that Clinton was relying too heavily on traditional markets such as New York and California. A recent investigation by The Hill showed that the former secretary of state was milking donors on the West Coast especially aggressively.

A fundraising strategy that depends too heavily on a small number of states can cause problems later in campaigns. 

Given that donors who attend Clinton events often contribute the maximum $2,700 allowed under election law, the more time Clinton’s team spends in a single state, the more first-time donors they need to unearth. 

"It's really easy to be lazy," said a third Democratic fundraiser who has raised money for both Obama and Clinton.  "You need to do the development work in the second and third tiers.”  

Clinton's finance team has "more work to do in the second tier and they need to do development work in the third tier."  

"By development work I mean, you have to get to know these donors because you want them to be fundraisers and kill themselves for you." 

"And they suck at development," added the fundraiser of the Clintons.

"They have to spend more time in markets like Boston, Miami, and third tier markets like Minneapolis, Cleveland and Atlanta." 

The donor used Denver as an example of how Obama maximized his fundraising in 2008. He said Obama had half a dozen donors in the area that were "killing themselves" and constantly finding new people to write checks.

Clinton will need to extract everything she can from the smaller markets to keep up her campaign’s aggressive spending. Her team has a bigger salary bill than any other candidate and spent 86 percent of the $29 million it raised last quarter.

"It can be a death spiral if you're not careful,” the third fundraiser said.

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Jeb had to most to spend of all and FNC  giving him tons of free exposure to force him down our throats and because the American People are awake to what is going on in DC now...money was not even a factor ...I truly believe that money is a form of free speech ...once we linit it ...the lame stream media will just manufacture ways to promote their candidates thru TV shows and Movies and on their networks..the propaganda media can  if they wish ..make mother Thresa look like a Nazi ...We are gaining greatly in Conservative media outlets and are able to reach the people better... but the moron factor continues to hover apprx @ 30% and we have to still consider that they  will turn out for the goody bags from hell..so I must stand against this ...The Hill is a liberal news source..has always supported democrats....No disrespect Mac..You know I adore you ...You are the best of the best...

BTW..This belief of mine is why I have chosen to continue to educate the people to read more conservative media to ge the REAL truth out about DC politics...and how the dems are the ruination of Almerica...Conservatives are the real hope of America...


You may be right,but my idea is to have a special fund all the candidates can draw from if they first get 2000 signatures on a petition to run and manage to put together $1500.00 out of pocket. From there they can only use the special fund, and the limits of what they can spend. This includes free equal time to be donated by the media and the media can only run campaign ads paid for by the candidates and not run op-ed pieces on them. sure it's a restriction but a good restriction top keep the political game from being the Billionaires club and open it to the little guys.

The DNC is broke, Hillary is burning cash at unsustainable rates and as always when they cant raise money they scream for federal funding. When Obama was running and all the cash was going to democrats we did not hear it. If the democrats have so lost touch with american voters that they can only raise money from a handful of rich democrats then let them burn. We should not give them a dime of the peoples money, they need to change if they want our support. 

The Progressive movement of the Bilderberg will come through for her. Money will be the least of her problems...Finance reform is needed. Changing Washington`s campaign rules is important.


The whole point is to prevent political candidates from using any other source of money even their own to finance campaigns. Just the same amount that every other candidate has to use and that kept to an absolute minimum. For example, if there was $100,000 in the campaign fund and there were 10 candidates then each candidate would only get $10,000 to spend on their campaigns and they would have to return all that was not used back to the fund. Even news coverage would need to be regulated for equal time, including Op-ed articles from the public. The only thing they could do is to have open public meetings where they make their speeches, and take questions from the public.

Donald Trump has proved you don't need money to be a front runner. He has spent less money on his campaign than the average county commissioner would spend. For every million most republicans spend Donald may spend a dollar. Hillary has the resources to spend whatever she needs to win, but she has the national media on her side to foot most of her costs to get her message out. That is why the PAC's and other campaign finance groups are needed. To give the average nobody a halfway chance to get their message out. 

If you want to take the money out of campaigning, have the government give each candidate the same exact small lump sum  (maybe 1 $million) that each candidate can use how they think best improves their campaign. Adding staff or buying commercials. No media outlet, TV, radio, internet or print can run any spots on any candidate unless they can show that the fee came from the amount given to them by the government. No personal money can be used to fund your campaign. No citizen can contribute to any campaign or party or can any business entity.

This would help some, but candidates like Hillary, Obama, Romney, Trump could negotiate very 

lucrative deals with anyone that would be honored after they are elected to office. Since they are all big name people and are considered favorites it's a smart hedge bet for those backers.

You can't beat the popular.


Exactly.each gets the same amount out of a predetermined fund. the more candidates the less each one gets. Years ago there was a movement to put $1.00 of everyones collected taxes into a campaign fund. Not from Refunds but actual tax that was owed instead of putting it all in the general fund. the Politicians made it look like everyone would have to give a dollar of their rebates instead of shifting one dollar of the taxes paid and the public went ballistic against it.

It would be very hard to stop or regulate groups of citizens. If a certain group or union decided to make signs and display them..Billboards etc...This is part of the reason they have a hard time doing it. And then you have the dishonest factor. ..Career politicians do not want to solve these problems.  Career politicians want to keep us confused and divided in a spin. None of them want us to get along in unity...They will only regulate We The People. To keep us identified and defined.

I can not wait till the primary is over so I can un-register. I do not like labels, Except for the name my parents gave me.

Kevin, We are not talking about people using signs just about the amount of money each candidate could spend, and equal air/news etc. time being regulated as equal too. If they had to pay for a hall or setting where they spoke then that too would have to come out of their campaign money as would donated spaces count too at the going rate.

I got ya on that M. I was just pointing out that it is hard to control every detail, and unions would still get a big advantage. What could you do about a union making tv advertisements...Bilderberg money would just go through the unions instead of super pacs.

Now that the people are in on what is happening in DC...it is a whole new ballgame.look what happened to Jeb ..the one world gov't guy...Trump worked the media and made them unable to do nothing  but give him time...Just let all give whatever they wish with full disclosure..Police the foreign money coming in on disposable credit cards..LOL..but good luck with that  Remove from the race any caught with illegal funds.....Trump Cruz were the right men for this time in history and the people are grabbing onto them and running like hell to vote for them...Therein is the secret...The right men for the right time...Somebody up there  is about to use these 2 polar opposites to save and protect America Lord willing ...His word says that He can set up whomever he wants in HIGH PLACES...Can use whomever he pleases to work through...I will let you folks figure  out just who I am referring to...





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