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The Real Deal Ep # 97 Fukushima: The End of Mankind with Dennis Cimino

Published on Aug 29, 2015


Just in case the first link doesn't work hopefully this one will


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FUKUSHIMA & DEPOPULATION in the Age of Fission

Nuclear activist Lonnie Clark joins me to discuss the March 11, 2011 event that changed the world forever: the Japanese earthquake which led to the Fukushima disaster and ensuing nightmare. Lonnie Clark is a radio host at UCY.TV, her show is 'The Age of Fission'. Lonnie also helped create The Post Ignorance Project with Kevin Blanch, an effort to wake up the world to the Pacific Genocide. On this call Lonnie and I discuss the fact that Fukushima radiation cannot be stopped, so the Japanese and Unites States governments simply ignore it or argue that "a little radiation is good for you". Lonnie and I conclude that ultimately it's all part of the ongoing depopulation agenda, demonic in its brilliance and scope.

Lonnie's Show airs M, W, F from 8-9 am PST, show info & archives can be found HERE.

Radiation fears growing as govt’ finds strangely deformed trees around Fukushima — Nearly 100% have ‘morphological defects’ — “Trees did not have a top bud, without which its growth cannot continue” — Effects worsening over time — Researchers prevented from doing studies… “so little data” (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Published: August 31st, 2015 at 3:44 pm ET
By ENENews

Rocket News, Aug 31, 2015 (emphasis added): Radiation fears as report shows Fukushima fir trees to be growing strangely… A new report by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences now suggests that the fir trees in Fukushima may be exhibiting strange growth patterns… the fir trees in the affected area were increasingly found to be stunted and exhibiting signs of morphological change, particularly bifurcation, the splitting of a body into two parts… some of the trees in the affected areas are only branching off into two separate directions at the tip, and exhibiting lack of upward growth… Photo B shows a trunk which has entirely split into two, and photo C shows horizontal growth only, with a distinct lack of vertical growth… You can see in image C how the central, vertical branch of the tree which should be growing upward is missing entirely. The investigation was conducted in January [2015].

Asahi, Aug 29, 2015: … many fir trees near the plant, as well as other areas, had undergone “morphological defects.”… Fir tree boles normally extend upward with two or so branches arising from them horizontally each year. But this was not the case… researchers have difficulty doing surveys in the difficult-to-return zone due to high radiation readings. “There had been so little data on such areas,” [Prof. Tomoko Nakanishi, University of Tokyo] said.

NHK, Aug 28, 2015: Abnormalities found in trees near Fukushima plant… At the request of the [Environment Ministry, NIRS] analyzed fir trees… The results show that Japanese fir populations in the area showed a significantly increased number of morphological defects, including deletions of leader shoots of the main branch axis. The study shows that 98 percent of fir trees in a 3.5-kilometer area from the damaged plant have defects… The institute says the results indicate that radioactive materials emitted after the nuclear accident may have caused such morphological abnormalities.

Mainichi, Aug 29, 2015: … the top buds of many fir trees in heavily contaminated areas were missing…. In the area with the highest radiation level… 97.6 percent of the observed fir trees did not have a top budwithout which the trees’ growth cannot continue… The researchers say that these abnormalities have increased in prevalence since 2012.

Scientific Reports, Aug 2015: We investigated the morphological changes in Japanese fir… populations near the F1NPP showed a significantly increased number of morphological defects… significant increase in deletions of the leader shoots became apparent in those that elongated after the spring of 2012… defects were characterized by irregular branching… with a distinct deletion of the leader shoot that normally elongates vertically… high frequency of defects was observed in S1 [~3.5 km from FDNPP], where 125 out of 128 trees showed branching defects of the main axis… Compared to the whorls of 2010… the frequency of deleted leader shoots was significantly increased in the whorls after 2012… The frequency peaked in the whorls of 2013… Similar structures were also observed in the winter buds of 2015… there was an inexplicable 2-year time lag between 2011, the year with the highest radiation dose in the environment, and 2013, the year with the highest frequency of defects… of several potential factors, ionizing radiation is most likely to have increased frequencies of the morphological defect.

Watch NHK’s broadcast here

I tried to find your original/first Fukushima thread to post on but was unable to so posted on this one.

Hi Love of Country

I will do a search and see If I can link them all to this board so I can keep them all together..I am having trouble finding them my self. it seems as though we need a catergory for fukushima or something to kind of keep them together...thanks

Official Report: Fukushima affecting radiation levels in U.S. — Recent elevated measurements “a direct result” of 2011 nuclear disaster — “Florida is experiencing Cesium-137 deposition” — “Not unusual” to detect Fukushima fallout in citrus fruit

Published: November 16th, 2015 at 7:12 am ET
By ENENews
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Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (Crystal River Unit 3 – 2014 Annual Radio..., May 5, 2015 (emphasis added):

  • In 2011 there were positively measured results of iodine and cesium… These measurements are a direct result of [the] Fukushima nuclear plants… The Japanese event also affected broad leaf vegetation sample media throughout the year as long-lived radionuclides (Cs-137) were released at Fukushima multiple times.
  • The vegetation measurements in 2014 are still affected by the Fukushima event due to the long-lived radionuclides deposited. The vegetation control sample station located in Orlando, Fl. is also experiencing similar Cs-137 deposition on the broad leaf sample media…
  • In 2014, sixteen of twenty four indicator [vegetation] samples had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 159 pCi/kg… The cesium-137 values are similar in concentration as compared to samples collected in 2013 which experienced radionuclide deposition as a result of the Fukushima earthquake event…
  • In 2013, fifteen of twenty four indicator samples had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 147 pCi/kg… Orlando, Fl. also had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 258 pCi/kg. The cesium-137 values are similar in concentration as compared to samples collected in 2012 which experienced radionuclide deposition as a result of the Fukushima earthquake event…
  • In 2012, thirteen of twenty four indicator samples had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 172 pCi/kg… Orlando, Fl. also had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 201 pCi/kg. The cesium-137 values are similar in concentration as compared to samples collected in 2011 which experienced radionuclide deposition as a result of the Fukushima earthquake event…
  • In 2014Cs-137 (in grapefruit) at a concentration of 4 pCi/kg. It is not unusual to periodically see Cs-137 in citrus samples due to widespread deposition of Cs-137 from fallout due to past weapons testing and more recent from the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami event…
  • Broad Leaf Vegetation [samples taken during 2014 with] elevated Cs-137 values… are a direct result of the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami event that occurred in 2011.

See also: Fukushima radioactive material still raining down on U.S. in 2013 —...

And: US hit with worst fallout the year AFTER Fukushima began — Cesium s...

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  1. Fukushima fallout on vegetation in South Florida exceeded gov’t not... November 27, 2014
  2. Gov’t Data: US hit with worst fallout the year AFTER Fukushima bega... October 1, 2014
  3. Fukushima nuclear material reported in West Coast groundwater; It’s... September 4, 2014
  4. Gov’t Test: Cattle feed at California dairy farm had 300 pCi/kg of ... February 15, 2014
  5. “BREAKING NEWS – Scientists detect Fukushima radiation on North Ame... April 6, 2015

Hi Love of Country

I tried to find your original/first Fukushima thread to post on but was unable to so posted on this one.

This is all I could find

Some of my links to Fukushima information I brought over before

Journalist Says Israel Responsible For Fukushima Sabotage

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Records Show Radioactive Dump Site Had History of Dangerous Problems

Fukushima Thyroid Cancer?

via Goddard's Journal / October 22, 2015 / Study critiqued Tsuda et al. (2015). Thyroid Cancer Detection by Ultrasound Among Residents Ages 18 Years and Younger in Fukushima, Japan: 2011 to 2014. Epidemiology. Oct 5. http://pubmed.com/26441345 Contrary opinion of Fukushima Medical Univ ...

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By Broc West| 4 Comments | Featured, News
The Fukushima Disaster Was Preventable

via Science20.com / September 28, 2015 / The worst nuclear disaster since the 1986 Chernobyl meltdown never should have happened, according to a new study. In Philosophical Transactions A of the Royal Society, researchers Costas Synolakis of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and Utku Kâno ...

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By Broc West| 10 Comments | Editorials, Featured
Fukushima: The World’s Never Seen Anything Like This

via CounterPunch.org / September 30, 2015 / The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2 nuclear reactor fuel is missing from the core containment vessel. (Source: Up to 100% of No. 2 Reactor Fuel May Have Melted, NHK World News, Sept. 25, 2015.) Where did it go? Nobody knows. Not only t ...

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By Broc West| 14 Comments | Featured
Japanese Govt and IAEA Ignore Radiation Risks to Coastal Population

via theecologist.org / September 28, 2015 / Radiation can be carried long distances by marine currents, concentrated in sediments, and carried in sea spray 16km or more inland, writes Tim Deere-Jones. So Fukushima poses a hazard to coastal populations and any who eat produce from their farms. So ...

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By Broc West| 1 Comment | Featured, News
Video: Radioactive Floods Recontaminate Japan

via Fairewinds.org / September 18, 2015 / Last week a serious typhoon hit eastern Japan creating flooding that has not occurred for at least 50 years. Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator and owner of the triple meltdown site Fukushima Daiichi, admitted that drainage pumps at Fukushi ...

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By Broc West| 16 Comments | Featured, Video
‘85% of Japanese don’t trust nuclear energy after Fukushima

via EyeWitness News / September 23, 2015 / A Japanese nuclear expert says close to 85 percent of the Japanese population do not trust the use of nuclear energy after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Dr Tatsujiro Suzuki says the public's mistrust largely stems from the widely held belief that th ...

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By Broc West| No Comment | Featured, News
Evacuees, Students Help Empty Fukushima Town Preserve Its History

By Makoto Takada / Asahi Shimbun / September 24, 2015 / Local government officials, evacuees and students are saving personal documents and other historical materials from destruction in a municipality rendered a virtual “ghost town” by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The Tomioka town ...

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Friday March 11, & March 12  2011


Video is amazing

The Fukushima Nuclear Accident documentary

Published on Apr 5, 2014

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (福島第一原子力発電所事故 Fukushima Daiichi (About this sound pronunciation) genshiryoku hatsudensho jiko?) was a catastrophic failure at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on 11 March 2011, resulting in a meltdown of three of the plant's six nuclear reactors.[6] The failure occurred when the plant was hit by the tsunami triggered by the Tōhoku earthquake;[7] the plant began releasing substantial amounts of radioactive materials beginning on 12 March,[8] becoming the largest nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the second (with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale,[9] initially releasing an estimated 10-30% of the earlier incident's radiation.[10] In August 2013, it was stated that the massive amount of radioactive water is among the most pressing problems that are affecting the cleanup process, which is expected to take decades. There have been continued spills of contaminated water at the plant, and some into the sea. Plant workers are trying to lower the leaks using measures such as building chemical underground walls, but they have not improved substantially.[11]

Although no short term radiation exposure fatalities were reported,[12] some 300,000 people evacuated the area, approximately 18,500 people died due to the earthquake and tsunami, and as of August 2013 approximately 1,600 deaths were related to the evacuation conditions, such as living in temporary housing and hospital closures.[13] The exact cause of the majority of these evacuation-related deaths were unspecified because that would hinder the deceased relatives' application for financial compensation.[14][15]

The World Health Organization indicated that evacuees were exposed to so little radiation that radiation-induced health impacts are likely to be below detectable levels,[16] and that any additional cancer risk from radiation was small—extremely small, for the most part—and chiefly limited to those living closest to the Nuclear power plant.[17] A 2013 WHO report predicts that for populations living in the most affected areas there is a 70% higher risk of developing thyroid cancer for girls exposed as infants (but experts said the overall risk was small: the radiation exposure means about 1.25 out of every 100 girls in the area could develop thyroid cancer over their lifetime, instead of the natural rate of about 0.75 percent), a 7% higher risk of leukemia in males exposed as infants, a 6% higher risk of breast cancer in females exposed as infants and a 4% higher risk, overall, of developing solid cancers for females.[12]

The World Health Organization stated that a 2013 thyroid ultrasound screening programme was, due to the screening effect, likely to lead to an increase in recorded thyroid cases due to early detection of non-symptomatic disease cases.[18] This screening program found that more than a third (36%) of children in the Prefecture have abnormal growths in their thyroid glands, however whether these growths can be attributed to exposure to nuclear radiation has not yet been proven.[19]

The Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission found the nuclear disaster was "manmade" and that its direct causes were all foreseeable. The report also found that the plant was incapable of withstanding the earthquake and tsunami. TEPCO, regulators Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) and NSC and the government body promoting the nuclear power industry (METI), all failed to meet the most basic safety requirements, such as assessing the probability of damage, preparing for containing collateral damage from such a disaster, and developing evacuation plans.[20][21] A separate study by Stanford researchers found that Japanese plants operated by the largest utility companies were particularly unprotected against potential tsunamis.[7]




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