Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Dear Roger,
Living in Texas, I am constantly hearing of my State Attorney General suing the federal government for one issue or another. In fact, it seems the only time I hear of Attorney General Paxton, he is suing the federal government! This makes me wonder if that’s what he’s supposed to do. In fact, what are his responsibilities as State Attorney General? Does every state even have an attorney general? While I find the answers to these questions for myself, I thought I might bring you along.
Would it be a surprise if I told you that in 43 states, the state attorney general is directly elected by the people? In the remaining states, the attorney general is appointed by the legislature, Supreme Court, or governor. Even if your state does not directly elect the attorney general, you do vote for those who will make the appointment somewhere down the line. If your state does directly vote for the attorney general, you are voting for the candidate who will hold the federal government responsible for their actions!
Today, I wanted to take the time to explain why the attorney general’s office is of the utmost importance. And hopefully, in doing so, reiterate how crucial it is for you to vote.
U.S. Attorney General vs. State attorneys general
It can be easy to confuse the United States Attorney General and the attorneys general that serve each individual state. The United States Attorney General serves as the legal counsel to the president as well as occasionally heading up executive departments. This individual is also appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
While this office is obviously very important, you can only vote directly (in most states) for your state attorney general, so it is more applicable to understand their responsibilities.
The Job of the Attorney General
If you were to mix law and public policy, your result would be the state attorneys general. The attorney general is essentially the state’s lawyer and serves as the legal counsel for their state. But they do not just sit in their office arguing policy—they relate to the people and are active within their state’s legal system. For example, the attorney general may show up in court one day to argue a case where state law has been broken.
The stance and actions that a state takes concerning law enforcement is largely dependent on the attorney general! With so many people turning their backs on our law enforcement, it is vital that we vote for a candidate who will protect our officers and support them.
The state attorneys general can also sue the federal government for unconstitutional policy. Recently, Attorney General Paxton filed suit against the Biden Administration for unlawfully using Title IX in order to advance unbiblical gender ideology. In 2021, 24 state attorney generals banned together in order to challenge the federal government on their vaccine mandates! In an excellent demonstration of their powers, South Carolina’s state attorney general stated, “If your administration does not alter its course, the undersigned state Attorneys General will seek every available legal option to hold you accountable and uphold the rule of law”.
This ability serves as a safeguard for the citizens, as the attorneys general can keep the federal government accountable! (If you would like to read more about the separation of powers, click here!)
Why Does it Matter?
Your state attorney general is your representative. This individual will choose what to federally fight for and against on your behalf. With the power to challenge the federal government and policy as well as lead your state law enforcement, it is crucial that you vote for a candidate who will lead biblically and wisely!
Biblical Voting/ How to Pick the Best Candidate
Exodus 18:21 tells us to,
“… select capable men from all the people- men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain- and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.”
It is our job as both Christ-followers and American citizens to elect those who are trustworthy, those who will not lie and seek their own agenda, but who will first serve God and then the people. The problems in our country today stem from politicians who do not know or seek God and who use their office for selfish gain.
Listen to the commandment from God’s Word. Select men who fear God. Those men are more likely to go on to select others who hold the same values. Imagine a country run by politicians who truly seek God and want what is best for the people. I know it sounds almost unfathomable, but we can get there if we keep praying, voting, and educating ourselves on the politics of America.
For our future,
Debbie Wuthnow
President, iVoterGuide
iVoterGuide is a division of AFA Action, a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization.
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