We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



Epic Fail: Establishment Plan to Stop Trump ‘Anemic, Underfunded, U...

Matea Gold and Robert Costa at the Washington Post update the Republican Establishment’s struggle against 2016 frontrunner Donald Trump–and its failure to attract big-money donors such as the Koch brothers or legacy operatives such as Karl Rove.


Ted Cruz’s Surge in Polls Angers Rubio Supporters

Haters from the Rubio camp and those Democratic Party talking points-spewing armchair quarterbacks, who think they can accurately foretell the future when it comes to the 2016 Republican presidential primary race, have better come to terms with the fact that Senator Ted Cruz is very much “electable.”

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The Inhuman Reign of the Lie': Why Donald Trump’s Words Haven’t Hurt Him

One of the most insightful things I have ever read about human nature comes in the epilogue of Boris Pasternak’s “Doctor Zhivago”:  And when the war broke out, its real horrors, its real dangers, its menace of real death were

AP Photo/Jim Cole

Pataki Demands That AG Lynch Arrest Him For Urging War Against Islam

Former Gov. George Pataki made a dramatic lunge for publicity in the GOP’s 2016 primary race with a Twitter–broadcast demand that he be arrested by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

GettyImages-497429264 downcast

Report: Marco Rubio Was Democrat Ally and Dupe in Amnesty Deal, Say...

Sen. Marco Rubio posed as a public champion for Americans during the secret 2013 talks over amnesty and cheap imported workers, but behind closed doors, he was was an ally and a patsy for Democratic leaders, according to a new article from the left-wing Mother Jones magazine.


Huckabee: Don’t Bar People On No-Fly List From Buying Guns, Gun Con...

Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee argued that gun control is “the false argument that this White House has made in an attempt to dodge the real issue” and expressed opposition to keeping people on the No-Fly


Watch: Trump Slams Hillary’s Energy Level and ‘Pantsuits’

Friday night at a rally in Raleigh, NC, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump slammed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s energy level, intelligence and pantsuits. After saying Clinton would be “just as bad” as President Barack Obama, Trump said, “Do you ever

Presidential hopeful Ben Carson speaks during the 2016 Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates Forum in Washington, DC, December 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB / AFP / SAUL LOEB (Photo credit should read

Carson: If CA Attacker Passed Vetting, It ‘Should End the Conversat...

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson argued that if one of the perpetrators of the San Bernardino attack passed background checks, that should end the conversation” about Syrian refugees and President Obama’s agenda “is not to protect the American people”

Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 15.05.59

San Bernardino Terror Mosque Attendee: ‘We Don’t Like Donald Trump’

SAN BERNARDINO, California – A regular attendee of the mosque attended by San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook has told Breitbart News that the congregation “don’t like Donald Trump”. Mr. Shehata, who was speaking at a press conference inside the mosque today

Rising ocean AP (L) ISIS beheading Reuters

In Response to Trump, Obama Defends Saying Climate Change Bigger Th...

President Obama defended his assertion that climate change was the biggest threat to humanity, connecting global warming to growing radicalism around the world.

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Mike Huckabee: ‘Better Late Than Never’ on Senate Defunding Planned...

WOODBRIDGE, Virginia — GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee commented on the Senate’s vote Thursday night defunding Planned Parenthood and gutting key parts of Obamacare, saying, “It’s kinda better late than never.”


Why Donald Trump's poll numbers may actually be understated - 12/5/15 December 5, 2015Between 27% and 36% may be just the low estimate for The Donald! More

Found this pro Trump Video;

Thanks you...you sweet man...glad to get it !!!...........

Mac..No misunderstanding that....I think that religious Blacks,,Hispanics and the Reagan dems  will turn out for him...God bless one and all that are ready to help rebuild the American dream....:)

ance to Win Presidency Screenshot

Rand: Media Omitting Strictness of CA Gun Control Laws, POTUS Wants...

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2016 Presidential Race


Paul: ‘If Rubio Were Doing His Job’ He’d Know NSA Program Was Activ...

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” while discussing his condemnation of the controversial NSA data collection program, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) attacked his opponent Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for his statements about the NSA’s data collection program. Host


Trump on Islamic Jihadist: ‘These People are Animals’

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said terrorists “are animals” and criticized the media for then “glamorizing” by calling them “masterminds.” Trump said, “You fight it with intelligence. Beating them at their own game. You


Kasich Gives Half-Hearted Defense of His ‘Trump as Hitler’ Ad

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said his ad attacking his rival Donald Trump is not likening him to Hitler, as it has widely been criticized for, but instead just a POW

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Donald Trump: Make Terrorists Deal With Fact That Armed Citizens Sh...

During the December 6 airing of Face the Nation, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pointing to the slaughter of unarmed people in California, Paris, and Oregon, and said we need a situation where terrorists have to deal with the knowledge that armed citizens will shoot back.


Trump: We Have to Profile, Track Terror Suspects, ‘Go After the Wives’

Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said while fighting radical Islam he would allow law enforcement to profile, track some Muslims suspected of terrorism and go after family members of actual terrorists. Referencing a neighbor


SNL’s ‘Trump': Santa Claus Gives Handouts, ‘Worse Than Obama’

During this week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC, the cold open featured GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, played by Taran Killam, and his wife Melania, played by Cecily Strong delivering a Christmas message. “Trump” put Santa Claus on his naughty

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at 'Politics And Eggs' at the Radisson Hotel, on November 11, 2015 in Manchester, New Hampshire. Coming off the fourth debate Trump continues to run strong in the polls.

Trump in Iowa: ‘People Want Strength’

This article first appeared in Politico: DAVENPORT, IA. — Donald Trump has a theory: The worse things get, the better he does. Devoting much of his speech to dangers lurking in the world, the businessman suggested at a rally here

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Ben Carson Calls for ‘Moratorium’ on ‘Suspicious’ Foreign Nationals

During a fundraiser in Orange County, California 2016 Presidential hopeful Ben Carson weighed in on the San Bernardino terror attack suggesting a “moratorium” on bringing “suspicious” foreign nationals to the United States.


Hiram College Prof Jason Johnson: Trump’s Numbers Increasing After ...

Political analyst and Hiram College professor Dr. Jason Johnson reacted Saturday to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s poll numbers, which, according to CNN polls, continue to rise after terrorist attacks. Johnson called this fact “disturbing” because Trump is “speaking to fears”


Trump: People Who Report Suspicious Activity Should Not Be Accused ...

Saturday at a campaign event in Spencer, IA, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump sounded off on the suggestion that the fear of accusations of racial profiling may have been what was behind one of the San Bernardino, CA shooters’ neighbors


Trump: Mother and Sister of CA Attacker ‘Knew What Was Going On’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that the mother and sister of San Bernardino attacker Syed Farook “knew what was going on” while speaking to reporters in Iowa on Saturday.

AP Photo

EXCLUSIVE – Hamas to Ben Carson: Stop Calling Us ‘Hummus’!

TEL AVIV – Hamas was not amused with reports presidential candidate Ben Carson pronounced their name like the Mediterranean chickpea dish “hummus” during a forum Thursday hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition.


Huckabee: People Are Afraid To Report Suspicious Activity Because O...

Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee argued gun control advocates wouldn’t accept restrictions on the First Amendment “imposed on them by people like me” and that people are afraid if they report suspicious activity “they’re going to


Cruz: CA Attacker Passed ‘Exact Same Vetting’ Being Proposed for Re...

Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said that the vetting for San Bernardino attacker Tashfeen Malik “is the exact same vetting they are proposing to do for these Syrian Muslim refugees” and President Obama “acts as an apologist

Ever seen Obam be this upfront about how and where he stands?


DV..You find the best of the best stuff.....What a Potus he would make..I destest men who get their panties in a wad...that is what Obama does....Cruz and Trump are MEN!!!

Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist
 By Matt Barber  Sunday, December 6, 2015

“I’m sick of these white male NRA Republicans and their mass shootings beca … um, Sayed Farook? Hey, let’s not vilify an entire group.”
Jon Gabriel, editor-in-chief, Ricochet.com

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

Obama’s Speech Tonight
 By Jim ONeill  Sunday, December 6, 2015

Like many of you I am waiting on tenterhooks to hear what Obama has to say to the nation tonight.  I imagine it will be something along the lines of: “Reports of workplace violence in California have come to my attention (like you, I read about it in the papers), so I am asking all patriotic citizens to watch your carbon footprint and turn in your guns.  God bless America”—oooh I can’t wait.

Obama wins Turkey of the Year Award
 By Jeff Crouere  Saturday, December 5, 2015

For the past ten years, we have enjoyed a holiday tradition on the Ringside Politics program, bestowing the “Turkey of the Year” award on the most deserving politician or celebrity. While all of the former winners have been worthy recipients, this year’s honoree is the most deserving of all time. No one fits the bill of “Turkey of the Year” more than President Barack Obama.

A few days ago, the President was pardoning official White House turkeys for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, we cannot pardon Barack Obama for his actions as President. He has presided over the dismantling of our country’s economy and our standing in the world.

Obama And His Minions Have Lost Their Politically Correct Minds!
 By Leigh Bravo  Saturday, December 5, 2015

In a White House press conference after the shooting in San Bernardino, California, a conversation occurred between a reporter, Peter Doocy and Josh Earnest, the president’s spokesman. A conversation that everyone needs to hear.

Peter Doocy: “President Obama jumped to say that this mass shooting means it is time for common sense gun laws. Does the president really think that common sense gun laws will deter terrorists now that he has admitted these two might be terrorists?”

Josh: “Yes”

Peter Doocy: “The president thinks that when the terrorists are sitting around planning a mass murder they may call it off because President Obama has put in place common sense gun laws?”

Liberals Party Like It’s 1984
 By Tim Dunkin  Saturday, December 5, 2015

I don’t think I’ll surprise anyone when I say that liberals lie. In fact, they lie a lot. They lie all the time. And nobody on their side lies more, or at least more successfully, than the left-wing national media outlets. This is a large part of what makes the left wing, and especially the “mainstream” media, so dangerous to the health and safety of this country.

Now, there is lying, and then there is lying. People lie for all sorts of reasons. They want to make themselves look better, or they want to try to keep from getting into some kind of trouble, or maybe they want to get something from somebody else. But the reasons for why the left-wing media and their enablers in the liberal la-la land portion of our population lie are far more sinister. For them, it’s about power and control, and lying to We the People is their way of establishing control over our politics and society.

Why It’s Cheaper to Ask Dr. Seuss Why Babies Won’t Eat
 By Michael R. Shannon  Friday, December 4, 2015

I do not like food with a sneeze.
I do not like licks on my cheese.
I do not like already chewed.
I do not like tests on my food.
I would not eat them for a guest.
I would not eat them in a test.
I would not eat them by the gram.
I would not eat them Uncle Sam!

(With apologies and thanks to Dr. Seuss)

Two Florida Republicans want to shut YOU out of election integrity efforts in their state
 By News on the Net  Friday, December 4, 2015

Do you think statewide voter rolls should only be accessible by politicians? Neither do we. Do you think exorbitant fees should be charged to access voter roll records that have historically been publicly available for review? Neither do we. But that’s exactly what is being promoted in Florida.

FBI now officially treating San Bernardino shootings as terror attack
 By Robert Laurie  Friday, December 4, 2015

If you’ve been wondering when the FBI would come out and say what everyone on Earth already knew, congratulations, your wait is over.  According to the New York Times, the San Bernardino shootings are now officially being treated as an act of terrorism and the agency has taken control of the investigation from local law enforcement.

Socialism is the Problem, Capitalism is the Solution
 By Dr. Robert R. Owens  Friday, December 4, 2015

In the long and dismal History of human bondage an unbroken chain of command economies and tyrants has kept their boot on the neck of humanity.

Then came the American experiment, the spirit of ‘76, the miracle at Philadelphia, and for brief moment in the hours of human bondage the flame of freedom flickered and then blazed, lighting the way to a new age: the Age of Liberty.  Unfettered by central planning and tyranny, the ingenuity and enterprise of man brought forth in two short centuries more innovation and accomplishment than the previous eons of slavery.

Protecting Ourselves From the Next Peaceful Massacre
 By Daniel Greenfield  Friday, December 4, 2015

A few weeks before Syed Farook went on his ritual killing spree in San Bernardino, he got into an argument about Islam with one of the co-workers he later murdered.

The co-worker said that Islam wasn’t peaceful. Farook said it was.

Like most Islamic theological arguments, this was one was settled with bombs and bullets.

Hillary: When I said we should believe rape victims, I didn’t mean the ones who accused Bill
 By Dan Calabrese  Friday, December 4, 2015

There are those who would not want to see Hillary Clinton as president who nevertheless find it necessary to affirm the conventional wisdom that she is very smart. As far as I can see, this notion came about solely because she had a job as a lawyer before becoming First Lady, and people thought that was pretty impressive compared to the housewife/cookie-bakers they perceived her predecessors to be.

Sorry, NY Daily News: Republicans are prepared to do something
 By Dan Calabrese  Friday, December 4, 2015

For the record, I remain highly skeptical of the notion that the federal government has to “do something” in response the recent shootings that have captured the media’s - and thus the nation’s - attention. Not every problem is the result of too little legislation or regulation, and when there’s no clear and obvious action that would solve the problem, politicians are not serving anyone well by doing whatever they can think of simply because there’s a clamor for


DOJ launches investigation
into Chicago police
CBS News, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2015 10:33:52 AM     Post Reply
CHICAGO - Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Monday the launching of an investigation into the Chicago Police Department for possible civil rights and other violations. The investigation comes as the police force is under intense scrutiny since the recent release of a video showing white police officer Jason Van Dyke shooting black teenager Laquan McDonald 16 times. Lynch said the investigation will focus on the department´s "use of force, including its use of deadly force," as well as its "accountability mechanisms" within the department itself. Numerous state and community leaders have been clamoring for an investigation since the city was rocked

Farook family values
American Thinker, by Carol Brown    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 12/7/2015 9:49:19 AM     Post Reply
San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook was born in the United States to a father admitted as a Muslim immigrant, bringing into this country the execrable seed of Jew hatred, a foundational part of Islam. (snip)My son said that he shared [IS leader Abu Bakr] Al Baghdadi’s ideology and supported the creation of the Islamic State. He was also obsessed with Israel. I told him he had to stay calm and be patient because in two years Israel will not exist anymore. Geopolitics is changing: Russia, China and America don’t want Jews there any more. [sic] They are going to bring the

Obama Versus the
Separation of Powers
American Thinker, by J.R. Dunn    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 12/7/2015 9:42:29 AM     Post Reply
One virtue possessed by all bad presidents, whether they’re evil, venal, lazy, or incompetent, is that they always reveal the weakness of the political system at the time of their tenure. In this, Obama is no different than any other bozo that has inhabited the White House. (snip) No president has more abused the power of the executive. Obama was raised in Indonesia during key formative years, a nation that in the 1960s was run as a strict military autocracy. At the time that Obama was attending school there, the state’s founder Achmed Sukarno had just been overthrown by Gen.

Pearl Harbor Day
ceremonies to mark attack
CNN, by Katia Hetter, Marnie Hunter, Brad Lendon    Original Article
Posted By: patriot in texas- 12/7/2015 9:39:54 AM     Post Reply
On the day the nation pays tribute to those who perished in the December 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the USS Arizona memorial will honor the man who was the ship´s oldest surviving officer. As part of the 74th anniversary of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day on Monday, the ashes of retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Joe Langdell, who died at age 100 in February, will be interred in the ship with full military burial honors.



Everything Bad, It Seems,
Is My Fault
American Thinker, by Taylor Lewis    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 12/7/2015 9:35:31 AM     Post Reply
I’ve been feeling down lately. You see, I’m a white heterosexual American Christian. That means I’m the worst thing to ever draw breath on the planet. By virtue of existing, my kind if responsible for all the injustice in the world. Wars splintering apart Mesopotamia? Famine raging in Africa? Poverty in Latin America? All my fault. White colonialism has ransacked the entire globe, leaving it razed and destitute. All the world’s problems, from hunger to strife to impoverishment, fall squarely on the back on the white man. And those are just the issues that affect people beyond America’s borders. On the homefront, white heteronormative Christ-believers

After Legal Fight, 21 Syrian
Refugees to Arrive in Texas
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2015 9:31:30 AM     Post Reply
Syrian refugees are scheduled to arrive in Texas on Monday after the state eased up in its legal fight against resettlement agencies and the federal government. Twelve Syrians, including six children, are expected to arrive in Dallas and Houston on Monday, joining relatives already settled in Texas. Another nine refugees are scheduled to arrive in Houston Thursday. State officials fought for weeks to stop them, saying Syrian refugees posed an unacceptable security risk after the deadly Nov. 13 Paris attacks. But two days after suing one resettlement agency, the International Rescue Committee, and federal officials, the state on Friday withdrew

Mosque near ‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed’s
Texas Home Connected to Terrorism
Breitbart Texas, by Lana Shadwick    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2015 9:24:55 AM     Post Reply
A north Texas mosque, near the home of “Clock Boy” Ahmed, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in United States history. The judge found there was ample evidence that the mosque, the Islamic Association of North Texas, assisted the Holy Land Foundation in funding millions of dollars to a Palestinian military terrorist organization that has killed Israeli children. The Richardson, Texas, mosque, also known as the Dallas Central Mosque, was set up largely for the purpose of funding Hamas and terrorist activities by funding the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). The foundation

Lufthansa passenger ´shouting
he wants to join Allah tries to
force his way into cockpit´
Independent (UK), by Will Grice    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 12/7/2015 9:22:21 AM     Post Reply
Passengers had to overpower a man on board a flight after he allegedly threatened to enter the cockpit of a plane. The man, believed to be Jordanian, reportedly shouted that he wished to join Allah before trying to open the door on the Lufthansa plane flying from Frankfurt to Belgrade. He was retained in the business class section of the plane by passengers including the Serbian national handball team and held under “guard”. The president of the Vojvodina handball team, Milan Djukic told the Evening Standard: “About half way through the flight he tried to open a plane door, but the

Democrats´ problem: Americans
have little faith in government
Washington Examiner [DC], by Michael Barone    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 12/7/2015 8:35:29 AM     Post Reply
The Republican party certainly has its problems: a chaotic presidential race, a despised congressional party, unpopularity among the rapidly growing number of non-whites. But the Democratic party has its problems as well. One of them is the fact that the two signature policies of Barack Obama—the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, the nuclear agreement with Iran—are unpopular with most voters. You heard little about Obamacare or the president´s approach to Iran from the president during his 2012 re-election campaign. You heard little about them from Democratic candidates for Congress in 2010, 2012 and 2014 or from Democrats running for Congress next year.


Why did Obama give that terrorism speech?
Washington Examiner, by Byron York    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 12/7/2015 8:07:41 AM     Post Reply
President Obama reportedly gave his Oval Office address Sunday night in an effort to make up for a seeming lack of sensitivity to the public´s concerns about terrorism in the wake of Paris and San Bernardino. But in the end, Obama´s brief speech — immediately after, he donned a tuxedo and dashed to a Kennedy Center gala — contained no new measures against ISIS, and he spent as much time repeating old warnings not to offend Muslim sensibilities as he spent discussing any particular effort to combat terrorism. Obama began by describing the San Bernardino killings, stressing that the government has

Trump Holds Firm; Cruz, Rubio,
Carson Vie For 2nd: Poll
Investor´s Business Daily, by John Merline    Original Article
Posted By: RockyTCB- 12/7/2015 8:07:04 AM     Post Reply
With less than two months to go before the primary season officially begins, Donald Trump´s lead is holding steady, while support for Ben Carson has tumbled, creating a virtual three-way tie for second, according to the latest IBD/TIPP Poll. Among Republican and Republican leaners, 27% back Trump, down a point from last month. Just 15% now back Carson, a substantial drop from last month´s 23%. Carson´s support has been driven down by attacks on his claims about his actions as a youth and his fumbling of foreign policy questions. Carson is now statistically tied with rising contenders Marco Rubio (14%, up from

Terrorism isn´t scaring
Americans; Obama is
Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm    Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 12/7/2015 8:04:40 AM     Post Reply
News Flash for Barack Obama: Americans are not afraid of terrorism. We´re afraid of you. Your chronic diffidence, dismissal and downplaying terrorism -- especially from radical jihadi extremists, in both word and deed -- is scaring the hell out of your countrymen. Get over it! It´s not cool. Nor is it presidentially-composed to disregard the palpable fear that permeates America today. Even if we´re all so ignorant, naive and unworldly as to elect you twice. Leading from behind does not work as United States commander-in-chief.

Critics: Even sky high Obamacare
fines won´t get people to sign up
Washington Examiner, by Page Winfield Cunningham    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 12/7/2015 7:26:09 AM     Post Reply
The piece of Obamacare designed to make the entire law work is scheduled to reach full strength starting next year, when the penalty for remaining uninsured will increase for a third and final time.But even when the fine reaches its steepest point, it´s not clear how effective it will be in prodding roughly 30 million Americans lacking health coverage to actually buy plans. "People are smart about this stuff," said Joel White, president of the Council for Affordable Health Coverage. "If I´m going to pay $300 a month in premiums and then a $10,000 deductible to avoid a $695 penalty,

Rubio: Obama is ´completely overwhelmed´
Washington Examiner, by Curt Mills    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 12/7/2015 7:23:28 AM     Post Reply
Sen. Marco Rubio said President Obama´s Sunday night speech did nothing to assure people he´s handling the Islamic State aggressively, and said instead that it showed Obama has lost control of the situation. "People are really scared," the Florida Republican and presidential candidate told Fox News´ Bret Baier. "People are scared not just because of these attacks, but because of a growing sense that we have a president that´s completely overwhelmed by them." "We heard tonight that the same strategy that has brought us to this point is the strategy that is going to continue," Rubio said.

Trump Ad Features Hillary’s Laughing Head
Superimposed Over Ruins of Benghazi
Mediaite, by Alex Griswold    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 12/7/2015 7:11:53 AM     Post Reply

Donald Trump has come out with another characteristically over-the-top campaign ad, this times featuring Hillary Clinton‘s laughing head superimposed over a series of unflattering headlines and the ruins of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. The ad was posted to Trump’s Instagram page, with the caption, “Hillary, there is nothing to laugh about.” As Clinton laughs uncontrollably, headlines such as “The Truth About Whitewater,” “Hard Times For Hillary,” and “FBI expands probe of Clinton emails” flash across the screen. At the very end, footage of Clinton laughing during her testimony before the Congressional Benghazi Committee is played superimposed over footage of


Hillary Clinton in Poll Free Fall
Breitbart Big Government, by Mike Flynn    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 12/7/2015 11:42:17 AM     Post Reply
A new CNN poll shows Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton struggling against her potential Republican rivals. (Snip) This latest CNN poll, obviously, is a snapshot of the current standings in the Presidential race. More interesting is the dramatic drop in Clinton’s support over the fall. In some cases, she has lost more than 20 points relative to her Republican challengers. With the economy showing new signs of weakness, increased uncertainty in world affairs and a new terrorist attack on America’s shores, the campaign isn’t likely to get better for Clinton. In the latest poll, Clinton leads Donald Trump by 3 points 49-46, within the poll’s

Scientists enlist the big gun
to get climate action: Faith
Associated Press, by Seth Borenstein    Original Article
Posted By: Harlowe- 12/7/2015 11:35:56 AM     Post Reply
PARIS -- The cold hard numbers of science haven´t spurred the world to curb runaway global warming. So as climate negotiators struggle in Paris, some scientists who appealed to the rational brain are enlisting what many would consider a higher power: the majesty of faith. It´s not God versus science, but followers of God and science together trying to save humanity and the planet, they say. (Snip) But this time, with the power of Pope Francis´ encyclical earlier this year calling global warming a moral issue and an even more energized interfaith community, Schellnhuber feels the world´s faithful are watching

How The Democrats Flubbed San Bernardino
Daily Beast, by Matt Lewis    Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55- 12/7/2015 11:24:53 AM     Post Reply
Has there ever been a better example of liberal overreach than the coverage that followed the shooting in San Bernardino? It started in the immediate aftermath of the attack with Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas, who said: “Yo GOP, kinda hard to talk about ‘keeping people safe’ when your peeps are shooting up America,” and the numerous attempts at “prayer shaming” anyone who offered there “thoughts and prayers” in the wake of the horrific event. Without waiting to learn the actual facts (which turned out to be that the assailants were radicalized Muslims), Moulitsas didn’t just assume the shooters were Republicans;



How Obama Thinks About Terrorism
The Atlantic, by Peter Beinart    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 12/7/2015 11:23:28 AM     Post Reply
At the core of Barack Obama’s terrorism speech on Sunday night lay a contradiction. He gave the address to convince an increasingly fearful nation that he takes the terrorist threat seriously. But he doesn’t, at least not in the way his political opponents do. For George W. Bush, the fight against jihadist terrorism was World War III. In his speech to Congress nine days after 9/11, Bush called al-Qaeda “the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of the 20th century … they follow in the path of fascism, Nazism, and totalitarianism.” Many Republicans still see the “war on terror” in these

Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent:
We’ve Received ‘Nearly Zero Help’ from
U.S. Muslim Community Since 9/11
Breitbart Big Government, by Tony Lee    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2015 11:21:38 AM     Post Reply
Though President Barack Obama claimed that America must “enlist Muslim communities” to combat terrorism in his Sunday evening Oval Office address, former FBI Counterterrorism Agent John Guandolo said on Monday’s Breitbart News Daily (6AM-9AM EST on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125) that since 9/11, “we collectively have received nearly zero help from the Muslim Community.” Guandolo, who pointed out on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily that a “vast majority” of U.S. mosques and Islamic centers are a part of a much larger “jihadi network,” told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that though Muslim community leaders “certainly give

How Three Americans Prevented
the Paris Train Attack
GQ Magazine, by Sean Flynn    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 12/7/2015 11:13:02 AM     Post Reply
You remember their story from this summer—but here, in the words of Spencer Stone, is what really happened when he and two American friends decided to put their lives on the line to prevent an armed assailant from shooting up their train:- It was my first time in Europe. Anthony [Sadler] was about to go back to college, and mI was stationed min the Azores, so we figured it was the best time to get the trip done. Anthony and I met up in Rome, and then we went up to Venice, Munich, Berlin. Alek [Skarlatos] was traveling around Germany

Let Washington Lead the Way
on Gun Rights
National Review, by Kevin D. Williamson    Original Article
Posted By: zoidberg- 12/7/2015 11:04:14 AM     Post Reply
Because of his circumspect views on foreign policy, Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) isn’t every conservative’s cup of Tea Party tea as a presidential candidate. Whether this assumes a not entirely fair or accurate take on Senator Paul’s foreign-policy views is a debate for another time; with his introduction of the Defend Our Capital Act of 2015, the gentleman from Kentucky reminds us of why he is an invaluable senator, whatever becomes of his presidential aspirations. The Defend Our Capital Act seeks to put into law the radical notion that Americans’ federal civil rights, as understood by the Supreme Court



Pictured: San Bernardino terrorists
seen in newly released airport photo as
grim-faced newlyweds entering the US
from Saudi Arabia last year
Daily Mail [UK], by Snejana Farberov    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 12/7/2015 11:03:17 AM     Post Reply
A new image has emerged showing the San Bernardino husband-and-wife terrorist duo as dour newlyweds entering the US upon their arrival from Saudi Arabia last year. The image, first obtained by ABC News Monday morning, was apparently taken as Syed Farook and his bride, Tashfeen Malik, were going through customs in Chicago´s O´Hare International Airport on the evening of July 27, 2014. It marks the first time that the couple responsible for killing 14 people and injuring 21 others during a holiday party held at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, on December 2 are seen posing together.

US Muslims struggle with the
duty to issue condemnations after
every Islamic extremist attack
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2015 10:57:45 AM     Post Reply
NEW YORK – By now, the tableau has become tragically familiar: American Muslims standing before a bank of cameras, condemning an attack linked to Islamic extremism. After the San Bernardino, California, rampage, the local chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations didn´t even wait for law enforcement to announce a motive. Just hours after the husband-and-wife shooters were identified as Muslim on Wednesday, the civil rights group held a news conference with the perpetrators´ brother-in-law, Farhan Khan. And so we had a stunned, slightly disheveled Muslim man, surrounded by Muslim leaders, saying his family had no hint of the plot.

Anonymous Declares 11
December ‘ISIS Trolling Day’
Breitbart Tech, by Allum Bakhari    Original Article
Posted By: happywarrior- 12/7/2015 10:43:36 AM     Post Reply
Anonymous has declared December 11th “ISIS Trolling Day.” The hackers call on web users to spend the day antagonizing, mocking, and disrupting the online propaganda of the Islamic State. In a widely-shared document, Anonymous instructs supporters to post mocking photos, videos, jokes, and memes about ISIS on social media. On Twitter, they recommend “posting photos of goats while [messaging] ISIS members with captions talking about their wives.” They also suggest posting photos of dead ISIS members on hashtags commonly used by the Islamic militant group’s members and supporters.

Harris-Perry: By Showing Malik
in Hijab, NYT Suggesting ´This
Is What Terrorism Looks Like´
NewsBusters, by Mark Finkelstein    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2015 10:35:20 AM     Post Reply

They would have used a photo of her in an NRA cap, but none was available . . . Man, it´s getting hard to navigate the nuanced shoals of political correctness. Now, even the ineffably sensitive New York Times has run afoul of the rules, as propounded by Melissa Harris-Perry. On her MSNBC show today, Harris-Perry griped that the Gray Lady had run a photo of Islamic terrorist killer Tafsheen Malik wearing a hijab. As per H-P, the Times was sending a message that "this is what terrorism looks like." Damn those anti-Muslim bigots of the New York Times! But





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