We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

we have an election in 2010.we should be lokin for people to fill 435 seats in the house of representives. hopely republicans or good consevervatives will win most of thosee seats back!i like see senDodd and re3pFrank lose thier jobs.i like se speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi lose here job as speaker even bet6tet she lose her rep job! Obama,sec of hls, either.sseaker Pelosi is anti america!' iagainsyt any plan that make illigal aliens ligal
!i will fight any plan from the white house. i dont likke ag Holder since we have to pay for illigal aliens lawyers.. Obama is weak when he sent that whipy message to iiran. you know the mula's like that for know they push Obama around for they will ditate polocy not usa..
this what you get when you elect a comunity activist and not a true learner. our congress is telling Obama what he can and cant do. where the transparency he said we have?he causes the AIG mess since we didnt read the bill and he sign a bill he didnt read tells me he isnt to smart!

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tthis what we get when we elect a cominity activist/socialist/marxist




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