We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

In case any one is wondering why I have not posted anything lately, it is because I have been spending most of my time finishing an efficient battle plan. Before I post my battle plan, I need everyone to take a moment and look back at EVERYTHING that has been done on all of the Save America sites over the past twelve months. Examine them carefully. What many think are accomplishments are nothing more than false hopes. I wish I could say they were more, but examine everything because we have lost the elections in 2010, unless............unless we take steps now. Peloski has told the Demorats that they have nothing to fear in 2010, and my research indicates she's right. The New Black Panther Party(as they are called), ACORN, MoveOn.org and other elements have met recently with members of the Obama administration to insure they win the 2010 elections.

We will be facing an army, and we simply do not have the members and dedication to fight them. “Forget Flip This House 2010”, “The Continental Congress 2009”Online Petitions, Letters, Calls, and E-Mail to Representatives. None of these have yet obtained the required legal binding authority to change anything. Why? Once more look back at EVERYTHING that has been done on all of the Save America sites over the past twelve months. With everything that we think we have accomplished, we’ve had division, censorship, a dozen sites split off from other sites, and an over whelming political correctness. We either stand together, or loose it all.

At this writing, the Demorat Army number more than 10,000 nation wide and will be on the street, and at voting locations nation wide. There are a number of steps we must take now, or be prepared to forever live under a Socialist Amerika. Here are just a few of the steps we must take with more to come when I release the complete battle plan.

1. YOU MUST ACKNOWLEDGE WE ARE AT A STATE OF WAR! It is important that you accept this mentally and physically, and take every possible precaution. STOP THE INSANE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

2. Study the history of voter fraud of the Democrat party which includes Chicago, the Daily family, the Mafia, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Obama. The complete study guide is included in a pdf format available for download. It extremely important that you download this and study it. The first part is provided here, with the complete text included in the pdf file download.

3. Organize your troops and fulfill require positions;

Deputize voting location officers
Obtain legal permits to become private security agents
Have volunteers to act as election officers, committee officers, and other required positions.

4. Obtain micro cassette recorders, and digital still and video cameras. Practice removing microchips from your camera quickly and stealthily so that if someone attempts to destroy, or confiscate it, you will have the video and photos.

5. Never travel alone, always use the buddy system, and always notify someone of your travel plans with times, dates, and routes.

6. Monitor Demorats web sites, local offices, and campaign commercials, signs, and posters. THEY WILL DESTROY SIGNS, POSTERS, AND FLIERS! Be prepared to notify the State Police and FBI. Capture video and/or still photo evidence.

The following is in pdf file format entitled VoterFraud.pdf for you to download, and study. It contains a large amount of information that you must understand forwards and backwards. I fully understand that it is a lot of information to handle, but at the same time everyone must understand what will happen if we ignore this information, and fail to take the appropriate steps in protecting our Constitutional form of Government. Take time to read it completely. Ask questions, do the research, and let’s save our beloved nation.

The who, what, when and where of Democrat Voter Fraud


How long have Chicago, and Democrat Voter Fraud affected American Government?

Approximately 85 years

How long has the Daily Crime family controlled voter fraud?

Approximately 55 years

Is it true that John F Kennedy did not win the 1960 election?

Yes, the Grand Jury investigation did not publish its results until long after John F Kennedy was certified as the winner of the 1960 election. Historians have now acknowledged that John F Kennedy won as a direct result of the Daily Family corruption.

“The modern era of politics is still dominated by machine politics in many ways, and the Chicago Democratic Machine became a style honed and perfected by Richard J. Daley after his election in 1955. Further evidence of this is the fact that his son, Richard M. Daley, is the current mayor.”

“Citizens of Chicago have not elected a Republican mayor since 1927”

“Mayor Richard J. Daley son William was Al Gore’s campaign chairman and the man in charge of the vote "recount" taking place in Florida.”

“Mayor Richard M. Daley is brother to William M. Daley, former United States Secretary of Commerce under President Bill Clinton, and John P. Daley, a commissioner on the Cook County Board of Commissioners who also serves as its finance chairman.”

“That fraud became nationally famous in 1960, when the late Mayor Richard J. Daley's extraordinary efforts swung Illinois into John F. Kennedy's column. In 1982, inspectors estimated as many as one in 10 ballots cast in Chicago during that year's race for governor to be fraudulent for various reasons, including votes by the dead.”


ACORN Propaganda

Facts taken from an official ACORN Publication:

1. If ACORN is Non-Partisan, then why do they claim the attacks are partisan?


Page 1, fifth paragraph

“The numerous partisan attacks on ACORN..”

Page 4 following the first paragraph

“Partisan attacks and bogus investigations: a Bush Administration tradition”

2. ACORN states that the attacks are not only partisan, but are a result of THE media. The fact is all the main stream media supports, and lies for ACORN. It is only FOX News and independent reporters that have published true statements that ACORN considers attacks and myths.


Page 1, fifth paragraph

“and the inflammatory media reports were all based on the same false and discredited premise”

Page 5 fourth paragraph

“Eventually, numerous reports and editorials from major media outlets, including the Washington Post, the New York Times, McClatchy newspapers, and USA Today, deconstructed the myth of voter registration fraud, and correctly contextualized the attacks against ACORN as a smokescreen for partisan voter challenges.” Note: All media corporations supporting ACORN listed are pro-Obama, and extremely Liberal.”

3. ACORN wants the American people to think there has never been any major voter fraud. The problem with this statement is the fact that there is a history of voter fraud related to the Daily family of Chicago, and the fact that the Democrat party attempted to stop American Service men and women’s votes from being counted in the Florida Presidential Election in 2000. “Nationally, there is growing anger and resentment towards the Gore campaign, Democratic operatives in Florida and some canvassing boards in the Sunshine State for rejecting the military ballots.”

Page 1, sixth paragraph

“Fraudulent voting itself is close to non-existent in the United States, and there has never been a single documented instance of a problematic voter registration form resulting in an improper vote.”

4. All through out the official ACORN publication it states they are non-partisan, but the fact remains that they continually attack President George Bush, the Republican Party, and Conservatives, and only list as supporters Democrat and Liberal organizations.


Page 5 third paragraph

“Bob Edgar (National Council of Churches), Miles Rapoport (Demos), Julian Bond (NAACP), Andy Stern (SEIU), Randi Weingarten (AFT), Katherine Kolbert (PFAW) elected officials including Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., Rep.John Conyers, and organizations including MoveOn.org, and many others.”


Prior to Rev. Jeremiah Wright being exposed, he was an associate of National Council of Churches.

MoveOn.org is an official Democrat organization.

5. No where does this publication state the fact that Obama worked for and taught ACORN and its members.

6. No were does this publication state the fact that ACORN and it’s partner SEIU contributed large amounts of funds and time for Obama election campaign.

Hell busting loose over ballot denial
Senator seeks defense secretary's help on absentee disqualifications
By Jon E. Dougherty
Posted: November 21, 2000 1:00 am Eastern

The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee has asked Secretary of Defense William Cohen to help ensure that all military absentee ballots be counted in the state of Florida, even as Americans, military members, veterans and other lawmakers express outrage over the disqualification of those ballots in some Florida counties.

Following the disqualification of 1,400 military ballots from overseas military members by a few county canvassing boards in Florida, Sen. John Warner, R-Va., in a letter sent Friday to Cohen, called the dismissal of these ballots a "matter of grave concern."

"Our service men and women around the world are protecting the very freedom that allowed our nation to proceed with the election on Nov. 7," Warner wrote. "Yet it now appears that some of those service personnel may be denied the right to have their votes count in that election."

Of particular concern to Warner, the letter said, are county-level decisions by election officials in some Florida counties to throw out absentee ballots "which do not bear postmarks, although these ballots were received in the voter's state by the deadline set by state law."

Though Warner admitted that some overseas ballots "regrettably" did not include postmarks -- and that such postmarks are "explicitly required by Department of Defense directives and should have been affixed" -- the Senate armed services chief said the failure to include postmarks on those ballots was the fault "not of the voter but of the military postal clerk" who received and then shipped the ballots.

As chairman of the Senate committee, Warner said, "I am deeply distressed that our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines may lose their votes through no fault of their own."

Specifically, Warner has called on Cohen to observe the provisions of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42 USC, 1973ff (et al) under Subchapter I-G,

Under those provisions, Warner said -- which express "a strong federal policy to facilitate absentee voting by military personnel" deployed overseas during an election -- "states are required to permit such personnel to use absentee registration procedures and to vote by absentee ballot in federal elections."

Warner said the provisions point out that absentee registration and voting procedures include, "if necessary, the use of a uniform federal ballot," and that "such ballots are to be carried in the mail 'expeditiously and free of postage.'"

He added that those ballots "may be mailed at post offices established outside the United States, including ... the military postal system (39 USC -- 3406).

"In the Act," Warner continued, "Congress recommends that the states assure that absentee ballots are mailed 'to absent uniformed services voters ... at the earliest opportunity' and 'expedite processing of balloting material with respect to absent uniformed services voters.'"

Since before the Nov. 7 election, many U.S. military personnel have complained that they did not receive their ballots, even though they had requested them in plenty of time and through the proper channels.

After WorldNetDaily's initial stories, Florida Rep. Joe Scarborough called for a congressional probe into whether "something was done to inhibit [the military's] ability to vote." Also, a San Antonio, Texas-based law firm is preparing to file suit in federal court in the western district of Texas on behalf of military personnel who claim they requested absentee ballots for local and national elections but did not receive them.

"As Secretary of Defense," Warner said, "you have the principal responsibility for implementing the provisions of the Act.

"Clearly the intent of both Congress and the Department of Defense is that every effort shall be made to handle absentee ballots as rapidly as possible and in accordance with the applicable law and regulations," Warner wrote.

Though "not all military mail clerks" ensured that ballots were postmarked, the Virginia Republican said, "Capt. E.M. DuCom, USN, the deputy director of the Military Postal Agency, clearly confirms that human error -- as well as time and operational constraints -- results in some mail not being postmarked."

Warner said he believed Cohen would agree that "the unique constraints faced by the military, and the failure of some military postal clerks to follow regulations, should not be allowed to disenfranchise members" and their families.

"These voters have put themselves in harm's way in the defense of the nation and the rights of its citizens, including the right to vote," Warner wrote. "It would be unfair, unjust if the failure to imprint a postmark, through no fault of their own, deprived our service members and their families of the right to join in choosing the leaders of our nation."

Warner implored Cohen to be "consistent with applicable ... law" and "join me in urging all of those entrusted with doing the final counting of those ballots to resolve such technical questions
equitably in favor of" military members.

After the Florida absentee ballot count was completed, unofficially, Texas Gov. George W. Bush's lead over Vice President Al Gore grew to 930 -- a figure that could well deteriorate in the face of multiple recounts in just a few Florida counties, some of which have disqualified hundreds of military ballots already.

Nationally, there is growing anger and resentment towards the Gore campaign, Democratic operatives in Florida and some canvassing boards in the Sunshine State for rejecting the military ballots.

"All hell is busting loose among the citizenry of my town as to the treatment of our sons and daughters in uniform," one writer from Bulverde, Texas, e-mailed to WorldNetDaily. "They had better right this wrong for the sake of all of us and our country."

"Gore knows the military hates the Clinton-Gore record," said another e-mail. "Gore is teaching us right off the bat how his administration would work. The way he is acting, nothing short of a revolution in this country will stop him."

"What is this country coming to when they don't recognize all of our military?" wrote another. "Their vote is important no matter what election is coming up."

One activist, former Naval Reserve Commander Chip Beck, has even called on veterans who are Bush supporters to fly the U.S. flag upside down "until further notice ... even if it means four years."

Other Republican legislators have been less inclined to believe, as Warner does, that military postal clerks simply forgot to postmark ballots in particular.

On Saturday, Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., issued a statement calling for "serious and detailed consideration" of the military ballot issue.

"I personally plan to pursue every avenue possible to highlight this unjust situation and see that culprits responsible for this scandal are dealt with at the highest level," he said. "This matter cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged."

Bachus added, "Given the concerted Democrat Party effort to throw out as many military absentee ballots as possible in the current Florida vote count ... certainly no decent American would challenge the inalienable right of our soldiers, sailors and airmen to have their voices heard in the choice of their next commander in chief."

Rubbing salt into the military's voting wounds was the release of a 5-page letter by Tallahassee lawyer Mark Herron, circulated by the Gore team throughout Florida, with detailed instructions on how to disqualify an absentee ballot -- including a section on postmarks.

In response to this firestorm (one-time Clinton adviser David Gergen, interviewed on Larry King, reportedly called it a possibly fatal error by Gore), vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman called for a review of the policy in favor of the military absentee voters.

And Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth, a supporter of Vice President Al Gore and Democratic elector, has now advised counties that they "should count" overseas ballots, even if they bear no postmarks.

"No man or woman in military service to this nation should have his or her vote rejected solely due to the absence of a postmark,'' Butterworth said in a letter to the state's 67 counties, according to the Associated Press.

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago
By Hans A. von Spakovsky
Legal Memorandum #23
April 16, 2008
Continued within the pdf file download

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