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By soopermexican

After a few jokes about who he might pick for a Vice President on his election ticket if he won the nomination, el Trumpo finally intimated who he would pick.

From the Hill:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”
Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

Still, Trump suggested late Monday that he will turn on Cruz if he becomes a threat to his front-runner status.

“If he catches on, I guess we’ll have to go to war,” he told host Joe Kernen on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Of course it’s Cruz! He has said already that he believes he is the anti-Establishment candidate, and it’s clear that Ted Cruz has been trying to situate himself as the fallback for Trump’s followers if he begins to lose in the polling.

Would Ted take the position if that’s how the election broke? We have many months of speculation left!!

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/trump-reveals-who-hed-pick-as-vice-preside...

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Catholics vote for Dems, LOL.. DE your kidding right.

Sorry Kev..if you are Catholic....Most in NE corridor are and most as Liberal Jews do ..vote  for democrats..just as the high Catholic population of Louisiand did  until Katrina came along and they paid a terrible price  with the dem gov and the dem Mayor who sat blindly not knowing what to do and Bobby Jindal  the republican... did... when he took control of the state.... when he saw these dems frozen in fear ...After the people there saw he was the go to guy in  times of need..they twice electe him governor...He never played the game of bi-partisanship with the dems and simply did was needed for this CORRUPT state and brought about many needed changes..stepping on repub toes along with dem toes....He did HUGE conservative  changes for that state..and schools for  the first time began to take care of students instead of bureaucracy....JOB WELL DONE....

DE , You need to stop with your labeling of people. Catholics are some of the most conservative people you will ever meet. That even can not be argued.High population is where you find Dems. regardless of religion. Now Louisiana is a totally different State than the generic southern states.To try and explain what they stand for is anybody`s guess.The Catholics in the NE are mostly Republican. Especially once you get north of NYC. Why do you think the gays can not be part of the Saint Patty`s day parade ? 

Kev..I am not above learning...bring stats to the discussion such as sources for your opinion...You are a friend and I did not set out to attack you..just saying what stats that I have read over the years....I have not got the time to do this for you..just asking you to give stats of disagreeing with me..I did not ask you to challenge me but you did...now show me why with the stats why you asked me to stop labeling folks...It is not me labelilng..it is actually the stats that prove they deserve the labeling that they have brought to the table by their voting for dems...not all do but the most of them do vote for dems...please do not let us stop being friends over something like this...:)

The Issues


In June 2004, Catholics for a Free Choice commissioned a survey of Catholic voters from Belden Russonello & Stewart. The survey included 2,239 Catholics who are likely voters, including an oversample of Hispanic Catholics (366 total Hispanics). Detailed below are findings on where Democratic Catholics stand on social issues and the 2004 Election.

Who are Democratic Catholics?

Democratic Catholics are more likely to be female (56%), and either between the ages of 40-49 (24%) or over 60 (26%). Ninety-two percent report being born in the United States; 72% are white, 20% are Hispanic/Latino, and 5% are Black/African American. Sixty percent are married. Democratic Catholics are equally distributed geographically in the Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. Fifty-one percent of Democratic Catholics earn less than $50,000 annually, with 22% making less than $30,000. Forty-nine percent of Catholics in general earn less than $50,000. About a third (36%) of Democratic Catholics has a 4-year college or advanced degree, which is about the same as all Catholics (37%), while 39% have a high school education or less, compared to 28% of all Catholics.

A third of Democratic Catholics are politically active; 36% have volunteered for, donated to, or contacted a political official or candidate. More than half (52%) favor giving economic assistance to other countries.

Thirty-six percent of Democratic Catholics attend Mass at least once a week, compared to 39% of all Catholics; 52% report going to church a few times a year and 12% never go to church. Among all Catholics, 36% attend Mass a few times a year and 11% never go to church.

Democratic Catholics and Abortion
The majority of Democratic Catholics call themselves “prochoice” rather than “prolife,” and a majority believes that abortion should be legal.

Do you generally think of yourself as prolife or prochoice on abortion?

  Prolife Prochoice
All Catholics 45% 53%
Democrats 32% 67%
Republicans 61% 37%
Independents 43% 54%


Do you agree or disagree that it should be legal for a woman to have an abortion?

  Agree Disagree
All Catholics 61% 38%
Democrats 73% 26%
Republicans 47% 53%
Independents 66% 33%


Democratic Catholics and Stem Cell Research
Catholics of all political affiliations support stem cell research.

Do you support or oppose allowing scientists to use stem cells obtained from very early human embryos to find cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and Parkinson’s?

  Support Oppose
All Catholics 72% 26%
Democrats 79% 20%
Republicans 66% 23%
Independents 73% 26%

Democratic Catholics and Tax Cuts
Catholics of all political affiliations support canceling some of the federal tax cuts and using the money to shore up social services.

Do you support or oppose canceling some of the federal tax cuts and using the money to protect Social Security and improve Medicare? To improve public education?

  To protect Social Security and improve Medicare? To improve public education?
  Support Oppose Support Oppose
All Catholics 74% 26% 68% 31%
Democrats 89% 11% 70% 29%
Republicans 55% 45% 51% 49%
Independents 80% 20% 85% 15%


Democratic Catholics and Presidential Choice
In June 2004, the total Catholic vote was divided evenly between President George Bush and Senator John Kerry. Both candidates enjoyed a large margin of partisan support. Independent voters were split between the two candidates, and 30% remained undecided.

If the presidential election were held today, would you vote for the Republican President George W. Bush, the Democrat John Kerry, or are you undecided?

  Bush Kerry Undecided
All Catholics 40% 40% 18%
Democrats 8% 76% 15%
Republicans 80% 10% 10%
Independents 31% 35% 30%

Democratic Catholics, Bishops and Communion
Four percent of Democratic Catholics report that the bishops’ views are “very important” in determining who to vote for, while 73% say they are “not very” or “not at all important.” Catholics of all political affiliations do not believe that there is a religious obligation for either Catholic voters or politicians to vote a certain way, nor do the majority of all subgroups think bishops should deny communion to prochoice Catholics or prochoice Catholic politicians.

Do you believe voters who are Catholic have a religious obligation to vote against candidates who support legal abortion? Do you believe politicians who are Catholic have a religious obligation to vote on issues the way Catholic bishops recommend?

  Religious obligation for voters? Religious obligation for politicians?
  Yes No Yes No
All Catholics 24% 74% 16% 83%
Democrats 20% 78% 9% 90%
Republicans 39% 58% 24% 74%
Independents 12% 87% 13% 86%


Do you approve or disapprove of Catholic bishops denying communion to Catholics who support abortion? To politicians who are Catholic and support legal abortion?

  Catholics Catholic Politicians
  Approve Disapprove Approve Disapprove
All Catholics 22% 76% 20% 78%
Democrats 10% 89% 9% 90%
Republicans 37% 60% 34% 63%
Independents 18% 79% 15% 83%


For more information, visit www.catholicvote.net; or contact the Public Policy department at Catholics for a Free Choice, (202) 986 6093; or email publicpolicy@catholicsforchoice.org.

Catholics for a Free Choice is a non-partisan organization. We do not support or oppose candidates for public office. The poll is an educational tool whose sole purpose is to educate opinion leaders about Catholic attitudes toward social and policy issues.


Many more examples are out there...I took  one from this search page.....

Kev my Mom was Jewish...but was a Christian..I answer questions  about why  so manu Jews vote Democrat...Well it is because the Jews that vote democrat  LIBERAL JEWS... My Mom was Conservative to the bone as I am...we were always Republicans...republican platform values life in all forms...God is honored in this way...BTW the the Jesuits are the most far left Catholics that exist...the Catholics that vote republican are CONSERVATIVES...

wait a min. ..how can you be jewish and a christian????

that's like being a dog and a cat...can't happen

Blades ...I wouldn't know where to begin with you on that...figure it out..it shouldn't take long..just think about it...Whew!

understandable why you cant ...but could you try...let me help...she use to be jewish and then converted to Christianity...maybe thats it or did you have a dream about it and woke up to mass confusion...no that couldnt be it...

I think maybe your having an adult moment...yeah thats got to be it...cause logic dictates you cant be both...or is that reality???

DE. The pie graph shows an even split. So I rest my case. Thank you for bringing proof for me.I grew up in an Irish Catholic family. You can not be in a more conservative culture. Irish Catholic and Roman Catholic are probably the most conservative religions on earth. You really can not argue that and you should know it. Now I am sure that the Spanish culture votes heavily for the Dems.Spanish population in the NE is not that high.

Abortion is infanticide and as such it violates the Sixth Commandment as well as the fundamental teaching of the Church of Rome on morality. The 61% of 'Catholics" who agree that abortion should be legal, are not Catholics no matter what they claim or think. A Catholic, a Jew, a Hindu and so on, accepts and lives by the precepts of his faith and most emphatically does not get to choose which commandments and rules he will be bound by. Otherwise he is not a member of that faith. At their core, the great religions are other worldly in focus and temperament. As for tax cuts and presidential politics, they are this worldly trivialities, having nothing to do w/the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church. Most likely this poll is complete and utter bullshit. 




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